
Rebirth Villain's Journey To Become King

Kingdom Building Isekai-Fantasy Novel With A Reborn Protagonist! - In a tale of redemption and rebirth, Sam Yong, the son of the richest man on Earth and a known playboy and gambler soon finds himself cast out of his family due to a cunning scheme devised by his half-brother who was recently found and his fiancée. The Other World, a fantasy world. Every human from Earth who arrives on this planet is given a system, that would allow them to create 'MMO'-style characters and statuses. For the first year after the United Earth discovered the portal, only the richest families with ties to the government could go in. 4 years later, every human was allowed access, and another 5 years after that, Earth is destroyed, causing everyone to teleport to the Other World making it their new home. Banished and homeless, Sam discovers a portal to the other world, much earlier than the rest of Earth, and he begins a 15-year journey as an adventurer. Gaining experience and earning himself a reputation for his reliability, he was entrusted with a high-stakes mission that promises him a life of wealth and honor. However, he is then betrayed by his closest friend, who takes the reward in order to pay for his family's future. Filled with regret about his life, Sam is granted a miraculous second chance, awakening just days after his exile from his family home. Determined to make his life better, he sets his sights on becoming a Lord in this other world! - Daily Uploads! - Webnovel Spirity Award 2023! discord: ryder#1830 twitter: ryder_novels art isn't mine

rydertheking · Game
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Lord's Scenario Quest (2)

'If I kill this goblin, it'll alert all the goblins nearby…'

Sam begins to wonder if this is the right option, but then he remembered something.

'Oh wait! Is this where I can get easy experience early?'

Sam had read on the forums about how during the Lord's Scenario Quest, Lords can gain an insane amount of XP for combat just by killing goblins, only if they know what they are doing.

Sam wasn't shy of combat, and threw the torch on the ground to light up the room.

'Spacious enough, I'll fight here and if it gets crazy, ill run out!'

Sam then threw his torch to the ground, letting it light his surroundings.

It was completely empty, except for the goblin in the corner. Sam doesn't know what it is doing, but he doesn't care. He begins equipping his shield and rushing towards the goblin with a clean shield slam!


"SCREEEEEEEEECH!" The goblin who is now alert of Sam's presence then begins to screech, telling his brethren to come save him.

Sam who sees this quickly shuts up the goblin with a clean sword slash to the neck, beheading it.

'Back to the entrance of this room, and wait for the goblins to arrive!'

Behind him, there was no sign of goblins to surprise him, but he didn't forget to be alert of whats behind him too.

"SCREECH GURRURURUR!" 3 goblins then appear near the dead goblin and turn their head towards Sam.

They begin charging, but Sam defends by parrying them off with his shield and kills them with relative ease.

[[SYSTEM NOTIFICATION: You have leveled up!]]

'I don't know how much I can last, this character and body of mine isn't the same as when I was a older man!'

Experience and muscle build up is all you need to be a good warrior, but Sam has only his experience, not the muscle build up and memory. He knows his limit, but thats good since he can plan ahead.

More and more goblins begin to appear, and Sam begins attacking them while defending their attack.

Parry, slash, parry, slash, parry, slash!

Sam doesn't have any specific skills, but this is the best he can do until he finds a skill scroll.

[[SYSTEM NOTIFICATION: You have leveled up!]]

[[SYSTEM NOTIFICATION: You have leveled up!]]

[[SYSTEM NOTIFICATION: You have leveled up!]]

[[SYSTEM NOTIFICATION: You have leveled up!]]

He had slain 30 goblins here, and he was getting tired.

'Time to retreat and rely on the army, hopefully they listened to me!'

Sam who saw more goblins appearing turned around and ran towards the cave entrance, while the other goblins begin giving chase.

More and more goblins started to form behind him, but Sam felt confident in retreating.

At the cave entrance, the army still stood their ground in a defensive position as per Sam's instruction and continued to wait for their Commander.

"You think he's dead?" Said one of the soldiers, but the other soldiers looked at him with a angry expression.

"Trust our leader, as he trusted us!"



"What was that!"

"Defensive positions!"

As they stare at the cave entrance, time begins to slow down, and their body intense ready for battle.

Soon, they see a figure coming out of the cave entrance.

"GET READY TO CHARGE BOYS!" Sam then stood in front of his men, who were now ready to charge.


Hundreds of goblins then begin to flood the area, and Sam's soldiers charge towards them eliminating them with ease.

Sam was also hard at work, making sure none of his men has an accidental death, but he did not need to worry as the goblins fell with ease after 10 minutes of combat.

"Sir, have you found the villagers!" Drew who was huffing and puffing from the combat then stood in front of Sam with a hope in his eyes.

"I'm going back in to see, stay with the men, there is only one room left to check!"

Sam then rushed into the cave, while the rest of the men drop to the ground due to exhaustion.

Running through the cave once more, this time Sam picked up the pace. He returned to the room where he killed goblins and picked up his torch which was still burning bright.

He walked forward, and in front of him was a wooden gate with a handle on it.

'Boss room!'

Boss rooms can be found in any cave and dungeon, and most likely has a powerful foe to go against one on one.

This must be the room where the villagers are kept, and the mission states that he must eliminate all the enemies so Sam opened the door with both of his hands holding the handle.


Stood in the middle of the boss room was a greenish giant, with tusks coming out of his mouth and reaching his cheek and muscles bulging all over his body.


Hobgoblins were an evolved version of goblins, and were most commonly mistaken for higher level Orcs by many newbie adventurer.

Behind the Hobgoblin, villagers were kept on the floor tied up and muffed, they are screaming for help but its all muffled.

"You wish to save these puny humans? We need them for a sacrifice! A sacrifice that will happen right after you die!"

"Sacrifice to who?"

"Why would I tell you? You think I am stupid?"

'Yes, I think you are stupid.' But Sam couldn't say this out loud or else the Hobgoblin might do something stupid and actually kill the villagers.

"Have you killed any villagers?"

"HARHARHAR! Again, I won't answer your stupid questions! Prepare to die, I'll let you die with honor since you defeated my men!"

The Hobgoblin walked towards the other side of the cave and grabbed a large wooden club that was the height of Sam.

Sam clicked his tongue, and quickly checked what his level is now before fighting the Hobgoblin boss.



Name: SAM

Level: 6

Title: N/A (Haven't founded settlement)

Rank: N/A (Haven't founded settlement)


Strength - 20/25

Dexterity - 14/25

Constitution - 15/26

Wisdom - 11/25

Intelligence - 11/25

Charisma - 25/25

Skills: Basic proficiency with Sword and Shield (Shield Slam, Parry)

'Good enough' Sam thought, asking the system to check what the Hobgoblin level was.

[[The Hobgoblin is Level 7]]


Sam then equipped his shield and sword and stared at the Hobgoblin back, with no fear in his eyes.

"I like your eyes human! NOW DIE!"