
Chapter 227: Teammate Like a Pig, Scoring Negative Points

"But Uncle Grandfather is still at the foot of Bai Gu Mountain, packing those things."

Chiang Songhai said, "Here's what we'll do: I'll go rent an ox cart and load the stuff on it first. You all go ahead and eat dumplings. After you've finished, Little, you bring some to your Uncle Grandfather. He can follow and eat on the ox cart—this way we won't waste any time."

Chiang Xiao looked at him in surprise, "But, Grandfather, your injury... "

"I've rested for two days, it's much better, and besides, I'll move slowly. When driving the ox cart, I'll sit on it, so it won't be a bother." Chiang Songhai saw the way Chiang Xiao and Xu Linjiang looked and knew they were quite exhausted from the day's work.

His granddaughter was working so hard to earn money for the family. He felt useless for making her go through such hardship. Now that there was something he could do, he was eager to take it on. Otherwise, he would have felt quite uneasy.