
Net for the Fish

Penerjemah: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

(Setting chapter, summary at the end)

Sometimes, the more you know, the less happy you are.

Anvis's gaze was heavy as he quickly scanned through the new memories in his mind. He unconsciously tapped his index finger on the arm of the sofa.

Looking at history from the perspective of an observer was completely different from personally participating in history.

In his previous life, past Anvis was limited to his own situation and could not see what his family was facing.

However, Anvis who now had an objective perspective, saw a message that made it hard for him to breathe.

It was a net!

It was a huge net woven by the mastermind that covered the entire Olivendi family and even the entire Gloria Empire!

Powerful clans were mired in the swamp of conspiracy, and could not recover from their decline. Various branches were either swallowed up or uprooted.

The most terrifying thing was that only a part of this huge net was targeted at the Olivendi clan!

Combining the game background information from his previous life, Anvis already had a few vague conclusions about the true identity of the enemy behind the scenes.

First of all, a ninth-rank leader appeared in the Resistance.

One had to know that in this era where legends did not appear, the ninth rank who had grasped the power of laws was the highest level of strategic deterrence.

The rebel army of a mob was of any help to the ninth rank, but a burden.

After analyzing a lot of the storyline in his previous life, the players came to a conclusion: the so-called 'Chief of the Resistance' might not be a specific NPC, but a codename.

The leader of the Resistance always showed his identity as a black-robed mask. Behind this mask, it could be any Ninth ranked.

This could very well explain how the rebel leader defeated more than one peak Ninth Ranked expert in succession with the strength of an ordinary Ninth Ranked expert.

Although treasures that concealed the identity of a Tier 9 were rare, factions above a certain level could still obtain them.

In other words, the Resistance was most likely a substitute who was pushed onto the stage to do dirty work for a particular faction. In fact, there might be more than one faction backing them.

Anvis closed his eyes and sank back into the couch.

When the high rank combatants of the family were attracted by the rebel army and the other areas were left empty, a large number of family forces and businesses were devoured by the local forces.

The Glory Alliance's was behind this little tricks. It was likely that they were behind the rebel army.

Additionally, the rebel army was abnormally strong.

Even for the Ethel Kingdom which had the most advanced technology, such a large number of high-level technology was difficult to procur.

There was only one force capable of providing it. It was the strategic cooperative force of the kingdom's federation, the birthplace of all the magic technology in the Continent: the .

Lastly, there was that figure, the wielder of Divine Power who had surpassed the limits of the ninth rank. The Radiance Church really did think highly of the Olivendi clan…

The Glory Alliance was a faction formed by many small nobles and wealthy merchants, representing the new elite class of the Gloria Empire.

The of the continent, the holy land of magic, had a very loose structure, but its members covered 80% of the sorcerers of the continent and controlled the supreme magic creation—the floating city.

The Holy Radiance Church, the largest empire in the Yal continent, the true ruler of the Holy Messiah Empire, the only power that was rumored to have a True God behind it.

At this point, Anvis had only one thought left—

There's no hope! Just wait for death! Farewell!

Anvis could understand the Glory Alliance's goal.

The Four Great Clans had been high and mighty for thousands of years, occupying too many resources and territories. Their imperial status was almost completely solidified.

As new nobles, if they wanted to ascend the throne, they had to do everything they could to overthrow the old nobles led by the four major families and divide their territory and resources.

Anvis could understand why the Holy Radiance Church came to stir up trouble.

Among the three great empires on the continent, the Holy Messiah Empire was almost established by the Holy Brilliance Church. The Ethel Federation also did not prohibit the Holy Brilliance Church from spreading its teachings.

Only the Gloria Empire hated the Church of Holy Brilliance for splitting up the ancient Magic Empire. During the founding of the Gloria empire, Emperor Gloria explicitly declared that all activities of the Church of Holy Brilliance were prohibited.

Although in the past thousands of years, with the development of the Empire, this rule was no longer as strict.

However, allowing the Holy Brilliance Church to build small churches in some remote areas was also the limit that the Empire could tolerate.

For this reason, the two countries had always been at odds.

If the Resistance was willing to pay the price of supporting the Holy Brilliance Church's public preaching in their territory, then the Church would have the motive to send experts to disrupt the empire's situation.

However, Anvis could not guess the target of the Council of Magic.

Or rather, there was still some crucial information that past Anvis had not obtained in his previous life.

"Finally, what is the royal family's stance."

At the end of his analysis, Anvis sighed, feeling somewhat down.

After analyzing the situation, he came to a conclusion:

The current empire did not actually need the existence of the four major families.

When the Gloria Empire was first established, the ancestors of the four major families loyally assisted the Great Emperor Gloria, pacifying the world and defending against foreign enemies.

In order to win the hearts of the people, the emperor conferred the hereditary title of grand duke to each family head of the four families and made a solemn promise:

No matter how large the empire's final territory would get, each of the four great families would receive one-eighth of the empire's territory as their hereditary territory!

The four families had complete jurisdiction over the military, economic, judicial, and civil affairs of their provinces. They only needed to pay some taxes to the royal family every year.

One had to know that in comparison, the territory controlled by the imperial family was only about two eigths of the empire's territory. This showed how significant this promise was!

However, after thousands of years of peaceful development, the four major clans started to develop their own personal armies, and showed signs of growing too powerful.

Even the will of the royal family did not have much influence in their providences.

Even a hundred years ago, the marriage between the two duke families ago had the faint intentions of keeping the royal family in check. This made the relationship between the royal family and the nobility even more tense.

Anvis could understand why the royal family did not lend a hand when their family was besieged by the Resistance.

What he didn't understand was that even when the four great clans were on the verge of falling apart and had no choice but to form an alliance for warmth, the Imperial Family still hadn't come out to clean up the mess.

It should be known that no matter how fiercely the royal family fought with the local aristocrats, it was still an internal struggle within their kingdom.

No matter how they fought, it was still an internal fight between the upper echelons of the empire. The land was still nonetheless in the hands of the nobles.

The Resistance was different. They had always represented a different class.

In the beginning, they could still be regarded as blades in the hands of the new nobles, the Glory Alliance. But later on, there were too many forces behind them.

It was not in the interest of the royal family to watch them annihilate the four major families. It was impossible for King Gloria IV to not understand the concept of mutual destruction.

Unless the royal family was already caught up in something more important.


Anvis tugged at his short blonde hair in frustration, his brows locked together.

Perhaps past Anvis in his previous life had also sensed something was odd. However, he was still only a Tier 7 after all.

If the clan was compared to a deep-sea behemoth that was trapped, then he could at most be considered an insignificant Notting Fish.

After venting for a while, Anvis let go of his hair that had been turned messy. He forced himself to change the train of his thoughts and began to analyze the advantages he currently had.

He continued to think about the enemy's forces. He was worried that he would not be able to withstand the pressure.

"Compared to my previous life, my greatest advantage is that I have the memories of both the Players and the natives! The course of history will still follow its original trajectory as long as I dont interfere too much with the situation,."

Supreme Rainbow, the Blood of Perfection, the secret treasure of the Lost Empire, the mystery essence, Infinity Codex of the Heroes…

These were rare and precious resources that had yet to be born, buried treasures, and legendary magical items.

As well as the knowledge of the NPCs from the various factions who would become the main characters of the future era.

With the great advantage of foresight, they could all become my support!



1: Notting fish, rank zero water type magical beast, often moving together in hundreds of thousands, their size is generally not longer than a palm.


(To explain it simply, each of them had their own goals. They had the backing of the Holy Glory Church, the most powerful empire on the continent, the Congress of Magic, and other top forces on the Yal Continent to provide equipment and top experts for the Resistance.)

The Resistance was targeting all the nobles on the continent, and the most powerful old nobles were the first to bear the brunt.

The small and large aristocrats backed by the merchants targeted the old aristocrats.

The royal family's attitude was unclear.

The position of the old aristocrats represented by the four major families was very awkward. The new era did not need the old aristocrats. This was the so-called general trend for the four major families.

As for the general trend of the times, author Gugu hadn't written it yet. The development of the structure was only a small part of it.

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