
Feeling of hell and heaven

Leiran was immediately taken by the maid servants with physician followed like a tail. Both eldest prince and his sister were feeling exhilarated from Yusheng's punishment but still maintained their humble and respectful stance.

Shiyou felt as if had eaten a rotten dish having to write a self reflection letter was a great blow to his status and pride. But still at the end being alive was what mattered the most.

He knew that this situation was very dangerous for him but with his fathers support he was still sure to hold on. Worst situation his sister would be the sacrificial piece to hold his fort. Thankfully he had his sister to block the blunt force.

The important thing for him was to gain Yusheng's acknowledgment as a good prince and heir so upon his return he would use it as a chip to bargain. The other envoys no longer were haughty rather humbled down. The near death experience and clear warning was enough for them to know that during their time here they need to be amiable and respectful.

Not once did any of the people from Nanling uttered a word which showed their stance towards Yusheng. Only after each were back to their place did emperor ordered for the new dishes and wine to be served indicating the dinner will continue.

Freshly roasted meats and vegetables were placed infront with wine. The air once again was filled with fragrant smell of food and wine. Pei Jin had asked for two person table removing the earlier one person table. He had grabbed Yusheng's hand under the table and giving gentle massage to ease her leftover anger.

Without care for other people he serves her warm dishes and soup even asking for a cloak to wrap her up. Yusheng obediently sips and eats what was served, flipping her hand she gently pays the back of Pei Jin's hand indicating she was fine reliving his dark face and furrowed eyebrows.

While emperor was smiling to his ears not forgetting to serve dishes to his wife clearly showing he was very happy. Empress being fawned by her husband also becomes happy and adds some dishes to emperors plate.

Prime minister and duke were applauding on Yusheng's move of having the emperor of huajin getting involved. It was absolute that the emperor of huajin would have to take some harsh steps and present some benefits with smile on their face to salvage the situation. This move not only will have huajin restricted but also their court will be in great turmoil.

The rest of the crowd patted their chests for not having crooked thoughts and being implicated. Their desire to be friends with Nanling maximizing to peak.

Eldest prince who was feeling the joy of like being in heaven decided to strike the iron while hot. Pouring a new cup of wine he stands to toast to Yusheng directly "your esteem lordship.. by no means this prince is flattering.. rather just stating facts.. to have meet such an enlightened person like your esteem self this prince felt there is still lot to learn..though unsure if this prince will be able to show results but today swears to work hard on becoming a good person befitting of ones status..this prince thanks for the teaching one had gained today" drinking the cup he salutes and sit's back.

Yusheng also raises her cup "this lord had no intention on preaching to anyone..but this lords accepts eldest prince's toasts and determination.. hope eldest prince's path is enlightened and smooth."

Seeing that her mood was calmed one after other heirs followed eldest prince and gave toasts to Yusheng clearly showing their stance of wanting to befriend Nanling strongly. Finally Shiyou also stood with a raised cup to present his toast "this prince today has learned a lot as a person and an heir.. it is this prince fortune to have met your esteem self.. this prince will have today's learnings etched in mind and heart to not stray off the path of goodwill.."

Yusheng raises her cup and replies back "it is good to see and hear positivity.. this lord isn't interested in politics but welfare of the world and people is what concerns this lord..this lord wishes luck to your future journey"

Shiyou's sour mood lifts up from Yusheng's wishes and amiable response thus with good mood he sits back. His hope of befriending Yusheng rises along with solution to his future problems.

But when seeing his elder brother and sister pair smiling ear to ear his mood dampens. He knew that to salvage the situation he once again must compromise and these thorns have lodged more deeper making it difficult to pull out.

He couldn't wait for the day when he would tear each of them apart. Only by killing them and their supporters in most cruelest way would smooth his heart. For now he had to turn blind eye on their brimming faces. He sneers them inside as stupid children jumping around with such a small thing.

Eldest prince knew that he and his sister were being glared by his brother but he ignores his gaze.

He was very happy with the results and can't wait to give one more push. Even if toppling immediately couldn't be achieved he wanted to gain as much benefit as he can from this situation. He couldn't wait to have a private chat with Pei Jin and have joined hands to topple this egoistical and unfairly biased brother of his.

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