
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Komik
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52 Chs

Instant dungeon!

"Miyuki are you really okay? Those disgusting men didn't touched you right? Please tell me if you are hurt somewhere ." Nino asked the third time only to get the same answer from Miyuki.

"I am fine Nino . Izumi was there with me."Miyuki sighed while getting re examined by Nino .

How they met?

Actually half an hour ago , I got fed up with Nino's continuous pestering about Miyuki well being and her condition . Since Miyuki wasn't answering her phone, Nino was relying on me to ask about her. I thought bringing Miyuki to the dojo was best , so I did.

I sneaked out of the house and entered Miyuki room without getting noticed thanks to my recently upgraded skill . It took time to explain her about the dojo . And in the end I got a sulky look from Miyuki as she wasn't the first person to know about this.

"There , there. I know it was hard for you but don't cry like this." And Nino interpreted it in the wrong way.

I was lifting weights when the two girls were started their chat about the shopping and stuff, after some minutes . It was really admirable that how Nino diverted her mind so casually.

'It was best that I brought her here'. I smiled at the thought as I was really hesitating to bring Miyuki here ,with her current mood but now I don't regret a bit.

"Ah we spent almost 3 hours, my mom will find out ." Miyuki panicked when she realised that she totally forgot about time in the swing of her gossips.

"Miyuki relax. Only one hour has gotten past in our world . See here". I shown her my watch and it was 1 in the noon , just an hour after I brought her here.

"This place is really strange huh. I guess I really don't know anything about you Izumi." She said with a disappointed tone .

"Well this was the only thing I also knew so I am in the same boat Miyuki". Nino supported with her fake tears , only to add fuel to fire.

"Ahaha it's not anything more than this". I laughed it off , but it was futile.

"He is lying"

"Definitely he is" That's what they both said like they are able to read my mind.

'Hey Darbi , does they also have some kind of abilities like me?' I asked and it wasn't in a joking way at all, I was genuinely curious.

[Yeah they have. It's called women's intution]

'Figured much ' I sighed.

They left the dojo without even giving me a hug because I lied to them.

'Hah, life is unfair'.

[+10 exp as condolences]

"Anyway Darbi, show me the latest weapons". I said with excitement as I was really curious to buy new things with the massive amount of coins I had in my vault.

[Viran Staff]

[Grade : B ]

[Cost : 50000]

[Effect: Thunder clap]

[Nature: Active]

(Note: The effect creates a high frequency electric and vibration field around the staff which can damage the area inside the perimeter. The area and damage can be raised with the grade . This weapon is upgradable upto class SS )

"Ah, now this is what I was searching for." I thought before buying the staff . I looked for the available weapons and the most recent one which was unlocked on previous level up was this and since others didn't had much of a decent damage effect , I thought this will be great for opponents in plural quantity.


[One item added to Inventory]

[Viran Staff]

[Grade : B]

"Yosh , now let's see my new comrade ". I said in excitement before pulling out my new weapon.

[You really doesn't act according to your age sometimes]

I ignored her words as the matter in my hand was so amazing that I got lost in it. The staff was shining silver in colour with two big red rubies attached to either ends. The height of the staff was about 8 ft , which was perfect to handle and the weight was light as feather. I swung and rolled it in my hands as the basic techniques of handling a staff was already installed inside my brain.

I tried all the technique I could figure out and trained restlessly for another hour.

[Host , mom]

"Got it thanks".

I returned back immediately with my staff packed back in the inventory . I was still bathed in sweat when I returned and as expected mom knocked on my door ,just a second after I came back.

"Izumi, lunch ". She prepared the lunch even it was working day, because she has already hired an assistant for the shop after we came back from the family reunion , so she had the freedom to take day off without stress .

"Coming , mom . 10 minutes". I dashed toward the bathroom after I shouted in response.



I came to the dojo or to be precise for blacksmithing. I really didn't had anything else to do , as Nino was about to board flight and Miyuki was spending time with her parents. Nevertheless I also wanted to check all the features of ameliorate.

"Hmm, so I can enquire the required material to upgrade my weapons with the help of this screen?"I asked Darbi on what I have read just now .

[Yes host. The system installed here will give you the list of materials required and the blacksmithing will be done by you. And you already know, how you will get those materials right?]

"It will create an instant dungeon . Darbi on last thing, if I don't know , what is needed for my weapon then how I will manage to upgrade it?" I asked with the conflicted mind messing me up from quite sometime since I heard about this place for the first time .

[You will know , when you will pour your mana inside your weapons and you will know. Any equipment inside the ameliorate is not normal . So pour mana inside your body when you will venture inside the dungeon. And one last thing your stats will be locked inside the instant dungeon.]

"When I will be able to see stats freely". I asked with a little bit of frustration.

[When you will reach level 50 , there will be an evolution of the system and you will be able to see your stats whenever and wherever you want , so be patient host]

"Level 50 huh. Okay let's check the details about this first". I said while pulling out my first weapon 'Metal knives'.

"Oh , I really forgot about the sword. Well I will check it after my first upgrade". I thought after I noticed the symbol of slim blade hanging on the grid of inventory which I got as a reward from dungeon .


This message popped up on the screen when I place my knives on the rectangular platform made for examination purpose.

[Information acquired]

[Type: Weapon ]

[Name: Metal Knives]

[Grade : Classless ]

[Effect : None]

[Processing requirements..]


[Upgrade Available]

[Classless - Grade E]

[Effect available- None]

[Metarial required :

1. Armadillo plates

2. Wild boar leather]

[Dungeon required : 1]

[Want to prepare instant dungeon?]


"Only two materials required huh . And Darbi whats this number of dungeon. Do I have to go more than one for other weapons?" I asked while retreating my knives from the platform.

[Higher the level of weapon the more difficult it will be to get the materials so ofcourse you won't find them at one place.]

"I can't imagine the number of dungeon required for grade X weapons. Anyway yes, prepare the dungeon". I directed it toward the screen in front of me.

[Voice recognised]

[Command confirmed]

[Instant dungeon]

[Grade : E ]

A black fog emerged in front of me , engulfing the previous screen completely. I gulped my dry saliva as my dungeon experience until now is not something to brag off , so I had my fair share of nervousness.

I inhaled a lot of air and pulled out my Sabers before stepping inside the gate.

[Welcome to the dungeon]

[Collected materials

1. Armadillo plates - 0/2

2. Wild boar leather - 0/1]

[Time remaining: N/A]

"There isn't any time limit". I said while observing the forest I was surrounded by. Various kinds of animals noises were reaching my ears and some of them was kind of disturbing.

[Not in low class dungeons.And until you are in an instant dungeon , the time in your original world will be paused or to say ,not a single second will pass in your world while you are collecting materials here]

"That's fantastic, I can take my time for this show ". I said and instantly felt a presence on my left side.

The whole forest was so dense with creeper and trees that even with my enhanced peripherals , I can't see more than 50 m ahead.

The trees here are normal as my world but that doesn't goes for the animals residing in it especially the one who is glaring at me with murderous intent.

'Its the time to use it'.

'Activate Killing intent '

I activated my unused skill as this skill requires MP which is present here in abundance .

Suddenly the forest went silent and those fierce eyes disappeared without a trail behind.

I sighed but still I had my guard on.

'Did I scared all of them?'

[Killing intent works not on a particular entity and most of the animals here are weaker than you, so naturally they will run away. And the creatures you need to find are twice weaker than the red ape who was trying to intimate you earlier]

"Now I have to play hide and seek . " I dropped my shoulder in disappointment for not getting anyone strong to fight head on.

After deciding a direction from which the most noises were echoing , I dashed toward it cautiously. The jungle was tough to handle especially because of the humidity I was facing.

In just an hour of search I was completely drenched in sweat and my mind was completely tired.

"Darbi can I enter in this dungeon again?" I asked as I was loosing hope to find anything.

[No you can't]

"Mannnn..." I screamed out of lung in frustration but then suddenly I heard a squeal of a pig .

I focused on the previous sound and about 200 m ahead in south from where I came from, a slow and steady sound of a boar was leaking out who was trying to conceal it's squeals .

I smiled slyly and dashed toward it with light step so it will not run away .

After two minutes of short run, I found what I expected. A boar of about 1 m in size was chewing on a dead monkey . Its body fur was brown in colour and had a shit like smell .

'Activate Stealth'

'Activate Silent Mind'.

I didn't wanted my mind to waver even for once when I was about to kill an animal as I have a very deep fondness toward animals because of my previous life.

'But I have to do this and eventually more than this in future, so here I come'.

I didn't wasted time and after activation, I dashed toward it. The boar was completely ignorant about my presence so it didn't took much time to stab my metal knife in the centre of its forehead.

*KHEEEEEKKK* It was the last cry before it collapsed completely on the ground.

'Phew it was easier than I thought '. I wiped my sweat and started peeling off it leather as I only needed that.

It wasn't easy to dismantle the parts of an animal but i managed it somehow.


[One item added to Inventory]

[Wild boar leather x 1]

[Collected materials

1. Armadillo plates - 0/2

2. Wild boar leather - 1/1]

"Now what the heck is this armadillo?" I thought while picturing the original armadillo I have saw in wildlife channels in my previous life.

"Hey Darbi , is it the same as what I am thinking?"

[Similar features but different structure and huge gap in size]

"Huge gap in size you mean?"



I was thinking when I heard the loudest footsteps I have ever heard in my life, approaching me slowly.

"Don't tell me...."