

She was originally a puppet of her family. Pursued by the police for being a business spy and hitman, she was betrayed and fell into the sea. When she opened her eyes again, she had turned into an ordinary high school student. Because of a disgraceful birth, she had been crowded out by her relatives. Because of inferiority complex and antisocial behavior, she was bullied by her classmates. But now she is no longer someone who acts timid. Cheat her, and she will break your bones. She possesses formidable Jade pupils capable of seeing through walls. Other people have difficulty breaking through jade, their sight for antiques is based on gambles, but she only needs a look. An undertaking begins as she creates legends in the world of business. Once upon a time, they laughed at her poor and destitute state. Now looking at her net worth of 10 billion, it can’t be explained. To the relatives that come to hug her thighs, she must apologize: “We broke off relations long ago, so get lost!”

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32 Chs

Bab 14

Chapter 14 – Yu Mi Xi

Chu Pei Han's attitude made Qin Zheng extremely angry, but her words made him even more speechles., If he rebuked her words, wouldnt that make him exactly like what she said?

Qin Zheng knew if he continued to tangle around, it would only have bad effects, so hedidn't plan to stay any longer.

Qin Zheng snorted coldly, then he glared at Chu Pei Han a little, and looked at Gu Ning with a complex expression, then immediately left.

"Humph! I thought he would be more difficult to deal with! To think he was so easily terrified, truly dull."Seeing Qin Zheng to leave easily, Chu Pei Han immediately expressed her lack of interest.

Qin Zheng hadn't walked too far, and Chu Pei Han's words were obviously meant for Qin Zheng to hear, so naturally her voice was not small, so of course Qin Zheng heard that.

Qin Zheng's body was slightly stiff and angered, but nevertheless he still managed to hold back.

Although Chu Pei Han's reputation is not good, Gu Ning doesn't look down even the slightest amount on her gesture of goodwill, and instead thought she is quite interesting, and had a good impression about her.

At least she is genuine, and not at all fake.

"Hey! You actually fell for this kind of trash? Your vision is very bad!"Chu Pei Han raised her eyebrows at Gu Ning, not at all concealing her contemptuous look, it was an even more unrestrained way to look down upon Gu Ning.

By chance, Chu Pei Han knew about Qin Zheng and Gu Ning's matter. On Friday afternoon, she saw exactly the whole scene in which Qin Zheng and Gu Ning broke up.

Although she was disgusted and filled with contempt at Qin Zheng's conduct, in the end that was other people's affair, and she wasnt interested in meddling in other people's business.

She only stuck her head into this problem, because Gu Ning's words were very much her style.

"Who didn't encounter several scum when they were young!" Gu Ning said without care.

"En , what you said makes sense." In this regard, Chu Pei Han was actually in favor of it, so she did not scold Gu Ning.

"Time for class, quick, go to the classroom!"Gu Ning said, not caring about Chu Pei Han, taking the lead.

Chu Pei Han immediately followed and said with some interest :"Just now, you just had a few words that were quite classic, and I loved it. I wrote it down, and afterwards I now have one more sentence to scold people with."

Hearing that, Gu Ning could not help but twitch her mouth. She likes to scold people this much?

"Up to you," Gu Ning didn't mind saying.

"Do you still have words to scold people?"Chu Pei Han asked, with a serious look.

Gu Ning once again could not help but twitch her mouth. Does she have a duty to scold people?

"There is not anymore"Gu Ning answered perfunctorily, because she had a hunch that if she really gave her any more classic sentences to scold people, she might get entangled with this girl.

Chu Pei Han was disappointed and said nothing.

Chu Pei Han was in the 3rd Year class 2 and Gu Ning was in the 3rd Year class 4 and they were on the same floor: the 3rd floor.

So, without saying anything, the two went to the third floor.

When Chu Pei Han arrived first at her classroom, she said goodbye to her and they separated.

3rd year Class 4

When Gu Ning entered the classroom, she felt majority of the class look at her with dislike and disdain, but these gazes did not always follow her, only several extremely bad gazes always followed Gu Ning.

Gu Ning looked forward to see the pair of vicious eyes on Shao Feifei, a girl who was sitting at the same table with Shao Fei Fei, and the female student sitting at the desk in front of Shao Feifei. They all showed vicious gazes.

At the same table with Shao Fei Fei was Yang Yulu, and the front table from Shao Fei Fei is Wu Qingya. The relationship between the two and Shao Feifei is the best in the class, no, it should be said that Yang Yulu and Wu Qingya are more appropriate to be Shao Feifei's attendants, because very often they will listen to Shao Feifei.

Shao Feifei only had to say Gu Ning was not pleasing to the eye, and they would bully Gu Ning with her.

Of course, Yang Yulu and Wu Qingya are willing to be Shao Feifei's followers. There are reasons for that.

Since Shao Feifei is a daughter from a rich family, and Yang Yulu and Wu Qingya's family's home conditions are just normal, if they follow Shao Feifei, they will have good food and drink.

Moreover, they can also get to know some wealthy sons and daughters. If by chance rich people take a fancy to them, they can fly to the upper echelons, and turn from a chicken to a pheonix!

Although Shao Feifei's family has tens of millions in assets and is very wealthy, it is still not a real rich and powerful family.

The real rich and powerful familys all have more than 100 million in assets.

Therefore, in general, if there are no more than 100 million in assets, they will not dare to call them a big shot.

However, in the eyes of ordinary people, Shao Feifei's family is already a giant.

The three schools are just ordinary high schools. There aren't really many rich second generations and official second generations. Therefore, these people who are normally not on the top will be the top ones.

Seeing that Gu Ning is looking, Shao Feifei and others avert their eyes, but their gazes became more vicious.

Shao Feifei still remembered what happened yesterday. Although she knew Gu Ning was different from the past, it did not mean she was afraid of her.

Also, she is just a poor girl who has no personal background, why should she be afraid of her!

And Yang Yulu and Wu Qingya are completely with Shao Fei Fei, even if Gu Ning has done nothing wrong.

Regarding Shao Fei Fei's malicious gaze, Gu Ning didn't pay it any mind.

Gu Ning found her place in her memory and sat down in the second group's third table from the back.

"Gu Ning, you finally came. You didn't come to study yesterday. I thought something happen to you." After Gu Ning took a seat, her deskmate immediately joined her and was full of worry.

Gu Ning has no friends in school because of her low self-esteem and loneliness, and was only relatively close with her deskmate Yu Mi Xi.

Yu Mi Xi's family conditions are not much better than Gu Ning's; Her mother is bed-ridden all year round,and her family is dependant on her father's breakfast shop.

Although each month's income is in tens of thousands, but to pay the rent and water and electricity utilities fee, and still need medicine for her mother, the remains of the money is barely enough for living and for Yu Mi Xi'sschool.

Yu Mi Xi's family was also detested by their relatives and ridiculed. Therefore, Yu Mi Xi also had an inferior temperament. In addition to Gu Ning, she didn't have any friends either.

Regarding Yu Mi Xi's concern, there was warmth in Gu Ning's heart, and she explained: "Yesterday my body was a little uncomfortable, so I didn't come."

"Ah! Is it allright now?" Yumi asked with surprise and concern.

"It's okay," Gu Ning said.

"Its good if you are okay." Yu Mi Xi was relieved.

Gu Ning saw that her desk was very clean today, and she knew that it was Yu Mi Xi's help to clean it up. There was a sense of warmth in her heart.


At 6:50 a.m., the sound of class starting rang, and Gu Ning did not let out a sound. Shee just looked tranquil.

After a while, the head teacher came.

Zhang Qiuhua, the class teacher of class 4, is a woman about forty years old. Because she is strict and old-fashioned, she has never seen using colored glasses. Even if you are rich second generation and official second generation, as long as you make a mistake, the punishment will be the same.

Gu Ning's impression of this teacher was still good.

Zhang Qiuhua stood on the podium and looked around at the students, checking whether they were properly studying or not.

When she saw Gu Ning, Zhang Qiuhua immediately said, "Gu Ning, come with me."

Then Zhang Qiuhua took the lead and left the classroom.