
Rebirth: A new world

Sophia was sold at a very tender age to an ex-knight who had started training her as soon as she clocked 5. She was trained to fight and was also taught the mastery of different weapons... When she was 10, her master had sent her on her first mission which she had done smoothly. Her accomplishments had made her master promise her extra 8 years of servitude before her freedom. 18 years later, she was killed by her master and was given the second chance at life. *Rebirth* Yes/No NOTE: The picture on the book cover isn't mine but was on Google, I only added the book title.

Oriere_Favour · Masa Muda
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23 Chs

Chapter Three: Pale skin

There was commotion in the hospital, as Doctors, nurses and mages rushed into a ward.

It was going to be an arrival of a new born baby .

Inside the ward, laid a pale skinned woman. Her legs spread wide as she was in labour, her face expressing the amount of pain she was in.

Around the room stood nurses, doctors and mages. They were preparing things for the arrival of the baby, the expressions on their face showed something was wrong.

Some of them were fiddling with their tools, it was more like they were waiting for someone and less like they were preparing.

The door yanked open and a tall man walked in, the other doctors, nurses and mages stopped what they were doing on seeing him.

The atmosphere in the room changed and everywhere suddenly became quiet, only the cries of the pregnant woman could be heard.

The man walked towards where the woman laid in pains, examining her.

" What did you say is wrong lance?" he asked

An average man with black curly hair and round glasses walked towards him.

" We've tried everything we can to bring the baby to this world but all to no avail, doctor Liam"

" And y'all just stayed here pretending to be busy, What if the woman had died with the baby?"

They all lowered their head in embarrassment.

Liam placed his hands on the woman's shoulder saying something under his breath, soon the woman who had been on edge had seem calm.

" Here you go, lay down your head and rest all will be fine....you've done enough for today " Doctor Liam said patting her gently.

She laid on the bed as her eyes began to close even tho she was trying to stay awake.

Liam noticing she was trying to be awake placed his hands on her face.

" Sleep now" he whispered

She gave in and soon her chest began to rise and fall slowly with her eyes closed

" Gloves" Liam ordered.

The nurses rushed to where he stood, helping him to wear his gloves.

Liam walked towards the woman legs which had been spread wide.

Placing his two hands on her knees, he closed his eyes muttering something.

The atmosphere had changed, it seemed cooler.

Liam whose eyes had been closed for awhile now fluttered opened.

He faced the ceiling.

'Do help me as this is something beyond me' he prayed within.

He nodded at Lance and then inserted his hands into her middle, his expression had slightly changed and had gone back to normal.

He withdrew his hands and in it was something small, roughly the size of a puppy.

Soft Cries could be heard in the ward and everyone exclaimed with joy

Lance who was standing by, hurried to where Liam stood carrying a towel and handing it over to Liam who gently tied the towel around the baby.

" He did it"

" isn't he gifted?, he had done what we couldn't do within few minutes"

" It's a girl, have you seen her?"

" I wish I was like him, he's good"

The other doctors and nurses whispered to themselves as they watch Liam in awe, some of them wishing they were lucky as him.

He was like a god to some of them, as their eyes gleamed with joy. They were so glad to have someone like Liam amongst them.

Liam held the baby in his hands, humming gently when one of the nurses had ran to him. Her face filled with terror.

She whispered something to him.

Quickly she handed the baby over to the nurse.

" Go wash her up" he said his face had flickered with fear.

Liam quickly rushed to where the woman lay, this time her chest wasn't rising neither was it falling. Beneath her legs blood gushed out vigorously, the bed's white sheet was now coloured red.

Her skin colour had turned blue due to lack of blood, her eyes tightly shut as her black eye bag was now even more visible as she was lifeless.

" What happened here?" He asked

" After detaching the placenta, she was okay but not quite long blood gushed out" A Female doctor replied.

" I thought I could leave the rest for you to handle" He said crestfallen.

He placed his hands on the woman's forehead gently, he could feel a cold shiver run down his spine as he felt the coldness of the dead woman skin.

' She can't be dead' he thought placing his second hand on her chest.

He closed his eyes shutting out the noise in the ward and connecting to the woman's body, there was a purple line signifying what was what as he focussed, he could see her anatomy structures through the lines.

He shifted to her heart and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was still beating , all he had to do was figure where the blood was coming from. If he could figure it out then he could save her.

' what's wrong?'

Focussing more on her structure, the purple line had become clearer and he could see everything at a time now instead of focussing on just one part of her body, that was when he noticed it.

The blood vessel had been tampered it.

' Shit... Can't i rely on anyone here? '

He realized that the doctor had been lying she had made a horrible mistake and had lied like it was nothing when a life was at the brink of leaving this world.

' Humanity and its wickedness '

' Now that I have figure out what went wrong, I can start the healing process '

Controlling his powers a white hue was spread around the part where the problem was located, and soon he could hear her heart beat rise.

Seeing all was okay now, he opened his eyes in satisfaction.

Opening his eyes , he saw that the room was now empty and Lance was standing beside him smiling as he adjusted his glasses.

The bleeding had stopped and Liam sighed relieved.

" Get someone to clean her up before inviting anyone in " he said removing the bloodstained gloves from his hand.

Lance nodded and left the room.

Liam stood for awhile watching the woman, who was sleeping softly. Something was drawing him to the new born child but he had no idea what.

' Whatever it is I hope it's for the best ' he said then turned to leave.

As he got to the door, two nurses rushed into the ward with new clothes and new sheets.

Liam looked at the sleeping woman again and then left.


A doctor saving a patient's life.

Is that all he does to save the woman's life, will they ever meet again?.