
Reaper of the Nine Worlds

A Lonely Cultivator a being forsaken by the Creator, a Broken Soul Without a Soul, a mortal without a Destiny, not bound by Fate or Karma. A perfect anomaly who cultivates body, soul, and mind to imperfection. With the power to transcend Samsara, distinguish the illusions of Reality, shatter space with a palm and reverse time with a glance. Yet, what's the point of wielding such power if you can’t protect your loved ones from a dictator, who hides within the darkness controlling the lives of trillions across the Omniverse? Or the inevitable fate that awaits you the moment you try to break free of the shackles placed upon you by Fate and Destiny? Forged to stop anyone and everyone from uncovering the truth and halting the gradually collapse of the Cosmos. So join us as we unravel the secrets of Rin’s enigmatic past and the truth behind his persist pursuit of freedom from Elizabeth. While traveling through the Cosmos like a Wanderer without a path.

CJE_Reaper · Fantasi
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152 Chs

New Student - Part 1

"Sigh, well you all heard the lunatic, so good luck packing! Oh, and I'd get a good night's rest if I were you as we will probably be leaving first thing in the morning." Ethan exclaimed after walking to the center of the classroom just as the class began to leave.

"The least he could've done was point out what we needed to work on before just calling us trash. Sigh, but then again who am I to complain when I got second place," muttered Kyrie as he glanced at Rin briefly before leaving to go meet up with Christina at the library.

"So, what now?" Rin asked as he stood outside the classroom with Maze and Ethan.

"Hmm, not sure but I think it'd be a good choice to re-up on supplies," Maze said.

"True, but first let's get something to eat, hopefully, they are still serving breakfast." Rin and Ethan said simultaneously before bursting into laughter.


Outside the front office of Forbidden Blood…

"So, this is Forbidden Blood, huh? The High School of Demons and Heroes, where the blood of Wakanda once resided," Angel muttered as he stepped out of the car and took a good glance at the most prestigious school in Asia which has weathered the passage of time and survived what most would consider the impossible. 

Yet here it stands occupying the last spot among the most prestigious and eminent high schools in the world. However, now that is all about to change as it becomes the hunting ground of an old fox in sheep's clothing who seeks a power that does not belong to him, amongst the youth of Japan's finest.


"Yo! What was that for?" Angel shouted as he turned around and stared at Alex, wishing his eyes could erase her from existence this very instant.

"Nothing, I just felt like hitting you but come on as you'll have plenty of time for sightseeing in the future, once we get you registered, Angel," Alex said with a smile as she began walking toward the office.

"Hmph! Just wait until I find the target and attain my previous cultivation! Watch and see how I..." Angel muttered with anguish.

"Did you say something, Angel?" Alex asked as she could hear the faint murmurs that left his mouth as he chuckled hysterically from time to time beside her.

"Huh? W... w-what are you talking about, Alex? I... I-I was just thinking about how cute of a couple you and Kelvin would make." Angel replied swiftly as he tried to mask his nervousness.

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Just how stupid could you be Angel?! Luckily, she did not hear a word of what I said, or else... gulp.'

"Is that so..." Alex questioned as she gazed at Angel suspiciously, "Well, to be honest, we would make a good couple, considering we're both single, fine ass fuck, and ready to mingle like two jackrabbits in heat."

Alex uttered blatantly without shame as she licked her lips in satisfaction just imagining his thick, coarse hands rubbing all over her body. While his hot breath tingled her ears as he...

{Cough! Cough! Cough! Sorry about that my alter ego took over for a second…} 



"Yo! This must stop, now you are doing too much, Alex. Tsk, why did I even agree to do this."

"Because you need the money and I need a buddy who's willing to put up with my shenanigans." giggled Alex as she continued, "So enough complaining as this time you deserved it for interrupting my daydream with my soon-to-be husband."

"Sigh... forget it let's just get this over with as the sooner you're gone, the sooner I can complete my task and return home," Angel said as they resumed their journey to the office with Alex smiling right behind him.



"What's the matter, Rin?" Maze asked as she could sense something seemed to be off with him.

"Huh? Oh, nothing I just thought I saw someone familiar," Rin replied as he glanced in the direction of the principal's office.

'What's St. Vil doing here? Wait, who's... sigh, forget it, I will deal with this later, after I get something to eat, and we finish our preparations for the field trip.' Rin thought.

"Hmm, well at least you're okay, Rin," Maze said a bit worriedly as this was not like Rin and what was with that look. 

"Rin. Rin. RIN! Are you sure everything is okay, as you were releasing a substantial amount of bloodlust?" Ethan shouted after having to grip Rin's shoulder to get his attention.

"Sigh, it seems I've got some unfinished business..." Rin muttered before glancing at his surroundings and seeing the scare he caused, "Sorry about that everyone I promise you it won't happen again."

'Kid, it is about time you accepted that other part of you wholeheartedly as it might help shed some light on why you exuded such an intense feeling of hate and anguish towards that fellow.'

'I'll try but... just why out of all times does this have to happen now,' Rin wondered as he racked his brain for an answer yet could not produce one.

"Dude, please tell me this isn't a side effect of you not eating breakfast because if it is you need some serious help brother, and a hearty meal," Ethan concluded as he chuckled before dragging him to the cafeteria as Rin could not produce anything to refute the statement.

15 minutes later...

"So, dude just what exactly happened?" Ethan asked after they got their food and found somewhere to sit.

"I do not even know… it just kind of happened," said Rin honesty with confusion as even he did fully understand what happened as right after he caught a glimpse of Angel's shadow.

It was as if time stopped as vague memories flooded his mind, before disappearing as fast as they came the minute, he left his peripheral vision.

"That's strange are you sure, there isn't more to the story?" Maze asked curiously since from her point of view, it seemed as if Rin met a long-lost enemy.

"If there is it's either buried too deep in my memories to remember or sealed away somewhere, I don't want to venture to at the moment," Rin replied with a sigh as he took a bite of his BLT sandwich and took a sip of apple juice.

"As long as this doesn't happen again, I think we should be good, but Rin please do get that checked out as we wouldn't want anything bad happening to you, pal," Ethan said sincerely as he could not afford to lose another friend, not after what happened in Chornobyl.

"Aww, that's nice, but I assure you guys I'll be fine," replied Rin with a smile as he continued to eat and finished his food shortly afterward along with his apple juice.

"Burp. Excuse me, but considering we are going to Hawaii, is there still a point in shopping for supplies? When we can just buy them once we get there." Rin asked.

"Of course, there is so sit your ass down and wait patiently for us to finish as you will not be wearing a white or black T-shirt with black shorts and Champion slides the entire trip. If we have anything to do about it, Rin." Maze stated firmly giving no room for Rin to argue.

"Sigh, but what's wrong with a white tee, black shorts, and some slides?" Rin asked.

"Rin, you can't be serious?! You know what Maze is right, so sit your ass down and wait patiently for us to finish. As you're coming with us to shop." Ethan added as he could not believe after all this time Rin's fashion sense still had not changed.

"But I..."

"No questions asked," Ethan interjected before Rin could even finish his sentence and so began Rin's horror. 

The minute Ethan and Maze finished eating they dragged him toward the nearest mall and went on a shopping spree. That lasted four hours as they hopped from one store to another, almost clearing the entire mall of everything it had from necessities for their trip to Hawaii to just things they were running low on in general.