
Reaper of the Nine Worlds

A Lonely Cultivator a being forsaken by the Creator, a Broken Soul Without a Soul, a mortal without a Destiny, not bound by Fate or Karma. A perfect anomaly who cultivates body, soul, and mind to imperfection. With the power to transcend Samsara, distinguish the illusions of Reality, shatter space with a palm and reverse time with a glance. Yet, what's the point of wielding such power if you can’t protect your loved ones from a dictator, who hides within the darkness controlling the lives of trillions across the Omniverse? Or the inevitable fate that awaits you the moment you try to break free of the shackles placed upon you by Fate and Destiny? Forged to stop anyone and everyone from uncovering the truth and halting the gradually collapse of the Cosmos. So join us as we unravel the secrets of Rin’s enigmatic past and the truth behind his persist pursuit of freedom from Elizabeth. While traveling through the Cosmos like a Wanderer without a path.

CJE_Reaper · Fantasi
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152 Chs

Birthday - Part 2

25 minutes later...

"Now, just what shall I do until my birthday celebration?" Rin pondered after stepping out of the bathroom with a bathrobe on and his hair wrapped in a towel.

[Just relax and reflect on how far you have come, Rin as not many get to see their 15th birthday in a dog-eat-dog world.]

'While that sounds therapeutic and affirming; I am more interested in the steps I need to take to become an Emperor, so would you be so kind as to shed some light on the significance of this realm, Rose?'

[Sigh… I guess it would not hurt to tell you, but an Emperor, or more specifically God Emperor is an entity that can create and develop an inner world, after using their Domain as the base to establish their own world. Which is the manifestation of a cultivator's intent or mastery of laws, based upon the path they choose to embark on. Considering once you become a Godking everything changes from developing and transforming your body, soul, and mind to comprehending and eventually creating your own laws to reshape your body, soul, and mind later down the road.]

'So, what you are saying is that after I reach Peak True God and breakthrough to Godking, my focus should shift from refinement to comprehension?' Rin asked after allowing his body to air dry before moisturizing and changing into a white kimono. That was adorned with black petals and koi fishes scattered across its surface like stars in the midnight sky.

[In simple terms, yes, however, due to this change from refinement to comprehension, it becomes increasingly hard for newly ascended Godkings to progress further in their cultivation. Due to the majority of organizations and clans having control of resources that could speed up the comprehension of Concepts and Laws within the higher realms.]

'Damn… welp, it seems I'll have to resort to a little bit of banditry and manipulation then if I want to crave a place amongst the giants, huh?' Rin smiled as he thought of how fun it would be to steal from the rich and piss off a couple pampered arrogant genius while at it.

[Sigh… please do tell me, Rin you do not plan to live as a vagabond/outlaw during your time in Multiverse Y, Rin?]

'Why yes! Surely if you were in my position, you would do the same right or does the elusive princess have a better plan?' Rin asked as he sprayed some cologne and waited for Rose to tell him what she would have done differently.

[Well, for starters I would find out whether your family has a branch in the higher realms, before trying to join one of the top-tier sects in Multiverse Y.]

'Hmm, while feasible… it is not as fun as living life on the edge and escaping death at each intersection. But I guess, for a while, I could play the good guy before transitioning after becoming an Emperor and setting the world on fire!'

[Forget it, so how do you feel about your 15th birthday as it's technically, a celebration of your life and the achievements you made since the time of your birth.?] 

'… to be honest, I feel nothing like yes, I know it is a monumental moment for me. But in the end, it is just another day that I will eventually forget,' Rin responded as with time nothing truly matters, so just how important could my 15th birthday be in the grand scheme of things? 

[Rin… this is your birthday for God's Sake! So, enjoy it while it lasts as one day you will look back on this time and regret not cherishing this instance. With the people who love and support you, so on these days when your family is throwing you a big party enjoy yourself as you do not know when this will ever happen again.]

"Wow… it seems I honestly did take this rare occasion for granted," Rin muttered as he closed his eyes and began reflecting on his life after sitting on the ground and leaning his head on the footboard of his bed.

Which was like reviewing a collage of shredded photos as everything was in chaos, yet amid this disorder there existed order and fragments of happiness mixed with sorrow and pain. Considering that life is not just an assembly of the highs but also the lows in our life… and while we may deem them irrelevant, it is through these highs that a person begins to discover themselves.

10 minutes later…

"Thank you, Rose," Rin whispered with a smile as he stood up and dusted himself off, before proceeding to head downstairs for breakfast as he had a feeling his mom was about to call his name.

[You're welcome, Rin, and do please take this day to relax as while it is great you want to excel and push the boundaries of your body. Even a warrior needs time away from the battlefield to recuperate and just breathe.]

"I'll try, but I can't promise you that I won't try to at least do some weapon training," Rin replied following his exit from his room just before he heard his mom shout his name from downstairs.

"RIN OKUMRA JASPER! I know your awake young man so bring your ass downstairs and come say good morning to your lovely parents and cousin." Crystal shouted before walking outside to help Cherry finish setting up the table.

"I'll be down momentarily, Mom!" Rin replied as he swiftly came downstairs and walked outside. 

"Hmm, you better as Cherry didn't make this wonderful breakfast for nothing now, Rin!"

A couple of minutes later…

Click. Thud.

"So, the birthday boy, finally built the courage to leave his room at last?" Maze uttered as she glanced at her cousin with scrutiny, 'Hmm, now this is strange why can't I sense his cultivation?'

Maze wondered as she looked Rin up and down with curiosity and vigilance as no matter how strong someone was, they could not hide their energy from the eyes of a Banshee.

'Stop judging people by their energy signature and take a glance at his aura, my disciple.' Maze's Master said as she glanced at Rin briefly with amazement and lingering fear as she did not think she would stumble upon an anomaly in the lower realms. 

'But master you told me, no one in the lower realms should have the capability to hide their cultivation from the eyes of a Banshee?'

'While that may be true, there still exist some exceptions like anomalies and people discarded by Destiny and Fate like your cousin.'

'But master wouldn't that mean Rin is a~'

'Don't jump to conclusions, now Maze but to be safe do keep a close eye on him for me as I must return to my slumber.' Maze's Master said as she signed and returned to her slumber.

'I will do, Master,' Maze replied as she retracted her gaze and resumed watching a movie on her phone.

"Sigh, still the same, huh? So have you been, Maze?" Rin asked with a smile after nodding toward Cherry and sitting across from Maze.

"Excellent as life could not have been better without you, but now, it seems I will have another headache to take care of," Maze replied with a sigh after having to pause her movie at such a good moment.

"Oh, is that so? Woah, I would have never realized it if you didn't bring it to my attention, so does that mean you're going to finally grow up and stop being a brat from now?" 

"Enough you too! So, Rin I know it's your birthday and all but are ready to enter the limelight and fight for our family name, until the end of your time?" Crystal asked causing Adam and even Maze to focus on Rin as they wanted to hear his response.