
Emilia 4

Inside a somewhat luxurious female clothing shop, a crowd of people squealing at the sight of an extremely cute white-haired quarter elf as she tries on a panda costume, none of them suspect that she's a real elf. They thought it's just some cosplay, and they didn't care much.

All of them are taking pictures of this adorable creature in front of them, they couldn't stop their excitement as they took a picture of Chocorina and Naoko didn't even stop them, her reason? She just wanted everyone to see how cute her granddaughter is! It was something she's proud of even though she just met her granddaughter today, it doesn't stop her from being prideful. Not everyone could have a granddaughter this adorable!

She is proud of her son for landing a beauty as her daughter-in-law and making her such an adorable granddaughter! Everything is almost perfect.

Keyword: Almost

If her son was her everything would be perfect, but aside from everything being good, colors were coming back to her world, now with her daughter-in-law and daughter here with her, life was no longer dull, it was amazing.

She was happy to have them here, because of them she got to know that her son was still alive with an additional family along with it, she was happy now that all it matters.

Then Emilia got out of the changing room, and the world froze at the sight. Naoko knew that her daughter-in-law is beautiful but to think a mere piece of clothes could change her this much?! She's almost like a goddess from heaven!

Goodness, her son was really lucky to have Emilia as his wife! (Meh, It's the opposite.)

A few seconds of being mesmerized by her looks, after that everyone was taking a picture of her with a lot of people taking pictures of her, she's like a superstar or something, even the others who don't know she's here couldn't help but notice because of the crowd that was taking a picture of her and daughter.

"Eh? Who are they taking a picture with?"

"Is there an idol there?"

"Who knows! Let's check it out!"

After that the clothing is now filled with people because of two people, Emilia and Chocorina the people around treat them like they are famous idols or something, and this something wasn't something Naoko had expected while she guessed that people would naturally look at her daughter-in-law and granddaughter because of their beautiful looks, she never expects that it would cause disturbance as this!

This won't do, she has to do something to make these people leave, and as soon as she thought of that the guards arrived and the people that we're taking pictures of Emilia and Chocorina slowly dispersed.

Naoko sigh in relief, it was a good thing that this was put to a stop, she didn't forget to thank the guards for helping them, but a really strange thing happened, the captain of the guards told them that the CEO of the mall wanted to meet them.

It was quite alarming but they couldn't refuse because it would be quite rude to reject it, after that they met the CEO, she was a woman in her fifties and she thanked them for coming, and then the CEO stated her purpose of bringing them here.

Turns out, she wanted Emilia and Chocorina to be the models of her mall. She offered her a job because of her looks, she thought that more people would come to her mall if she made them her model, however, she mentioned that they are free to refuse since she doesn't like forcing anyone.

Naoko didn't have the right to interfere, she could only give Emilia a piece of advice if she wanted to; she would fully support her and her granddaughter. Emilia has no idea what being a model is but she knows the lady in front of her was giving her a job, she wasn't sure what to do she just arrived in this world she is pretty ignorant of how the world works, but if she had a job then she wouldn't be a burden to her mother-in-law, still, she couldn't decided yet so she asked if she's given time to think about the job offer for her and her daughter.

To which the CEO accepted with a smile.

After that, they continued their shopping in peace, though there are still people that would stare at Emilia and Chocorina, not that they blame them because the two are truly beautiful.

A month later,

Emilia and Chocorina got used to living in this world, though there are some things that they don't know, but they are slowly learning, during the month a lot of things happened. Kenichi got them an Identity card even though it's illegally forged, it was already enough. Emilia and Chocorina have to hide their ears because of obvious reasons, they hid using illusions it was a simple one but it works.

During the month, Emilia accepted the CEO offer to be a model, along with Chocorina at first Emilia was suspicious, but eventually, there was no harm so it was safe for her and Chocorina, her first photo taking was awkward as she have no idea how to pose it was hilarious but somehow her co-workers we're fine with her screwing since they were expecting much as for Chocorina was natural, or what they thought she is, actually her father Subaru taught her many moe like poses that's why she could easily emulate any pose they wanted.

In short, people enjoy working with them. The mother and daughter pair brought smiles to their faces most of the time because of how innocent they are.

Chocorina also started going to school, she skipped nursery and kindergarten due to her age, she was already 8. It was enough to be a 2nd or 3rd grade in elementary school.

It wasn't an issue for her to write and read Japanese and do mathematics, because Subaru already taught her such. Chocorina could easily catch up to the students of her age while an airhead she was academically smart.

So her grandmother wasn't worried about her being bullied, in fact, the day she transferred almost everyone wanted to be her friends asking her questions and sorts, and her being an airhead she naturally told them her origin, some believed but most of them didn't especially adults they didn't believe a single thing she said, only the kids of her age believed her nonsense thought it was the truth.

Chocorina had no problem fitting in, she was easy to get along with and her lucky go personality was popular to the kids around her age, many or more like every boy in her class had a crush on her, no that she notices them even if she knew it nothing would change it.

She was too young to understand love, and besides her father said repeatedly that boys are little devils, it was drilled into her head so that's why she wasn't particularly close to any boys at her age.

Every father would agree with Subaru.


Emilia was current in her room, formerly her husband's room she was working on a way to go back into her world, it wasn't that she didn't like here, however, this wasn't her world she still have some responsibility at home, and she knows that her husband would be worried of them missing, she didn't show her worries in front of her husband's parents but she wanted to go home.

She misses her world, then she thought, 'Is this how Subaru felt when he got transported into my world?'

Emilia couldn't help but sigh, she wasn't the best magician nor was she good at spatial magic but she had to try, she might find a way she won't give up.

While was finding a way to go back to her world, like she had thought in her world precisely, her kingdom was in a state of panic.

The Kingdom of Lugnica,

It's been a full month ever since the queen and the princess went missing, everyone was in a state of panic, especially those who are close with them, but the most worried person in the entire lugnica was Emilia's husband Natsuki Subaru, the king of lugnica!

He traveled everywhere just to find some clue of where they are from his kingdom Lugnica to Vollachia, Kararagi, and Gusteko but nothing!

He couldn't find anything! It's like they disappeared from existence!

Subaru barely sleeps or eats for the past month due to worry, he was desperate to find his family, they were so important to him without them he doesn't even know if he wanted to continue living.

Sure he was capable of dying now since he sorted the Stella and Envy problem years ago, having no choice he had to meet the witches, specifically Echidna he doesn't really like that woman but she was his final hope.

Subaru hoped that she had answers because if she doesn't hell, fuck living.


The next chapter is the last Emilia Arc~

Crusch would be next! Get ready Crusch fans! (Me)

Question: should I add another child aside from Leo? It's going to be a girl (Obviously) If so help me name her! Need help, mah brothers!

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