
Raising Morale

By some miracle Solomon had actually made it in time to his class with even a minute to spare, it seems that this body had more to it than just looking good. As he wiped the sweat off his forehead he surveyed the students, they were nothing special as he had been given a class made up of commoners and small noble families, nothing special like City Lords daughter or anything.

"Hello Class, my name is Solomon White, I will just be teaching you simple math so there should be no pressure. As all of you are enrolled in my class I assume that you have been all deemed useless and your clans don't want to waste their resources on you becoming a cultivator or what not."

The class stayed silent and although no one refuted him he could see plenty of them gritting their teeth and clenching their fist.

"But leave that outside of school, in my class you are all equal, I don't care if you disagree with me or argue with me, in fact I encourage it. In life you must always question things first, don't blindly follow what others tell you. Life is about living so live a life that would make you happy!"

The students lifeless eyes seemed to shimmer before slowly fading. A student with long black hair a red eyes stood up, in his eyes Solomon could see a will to fight, a sign that he still had not given up. It seemed that this student had something that he wanted to do even if he had to die for it.

"Teacher White, do you think I can become a cultivator? I was deemed to have no talent as I was born with a damaged soul." He gritted his teeth and you could faintly see tears form in the corners of his eyes"

"HAHAHAHA." To this question Solomon only burst out laughing, the student even seemed shock and even thought the teacher was making fun of his serious question, but before he could get angry Solomon spoke again "Talent? What the hell good is that crap? If you want to strive for greatness look outward for talent but inward for desire. If what you desire is to get strong than as your teacher I have no choice but to help you achieve that. What's some dog shit talent? Always remember that there will always be a way if there is a will! If the Heavens don't want you than hell is more than happy to accept you!"

The students only stared in shock as their teacher seemed to turn into a different person. "Now is the time to act!" He spoke "If what you want is power than I shall grant you it! A man once said to beat a genius one must become a demon. If you want power than I shall make you that demon!"

"Teacher! I will do anything for power! If becoming a demon is what I must do than I will gladly do it!" The student who had previously spoken shouted with a fierce look of determination in his eyes.

"Feng Lie" Teacher!" He responded while bowing with clasped hands.

"Good, but you speak as if becoming a demon is a bad thing. Lose that mentality, after all demons are far more intelligent than humans and they feel just as much emotions as humans." Solomon felt that he needed to correct these misguided children as he was the host of the Seven Deadly Sins System. "Now then, who else wishes to become something more? A cultivator who can stand as a dragon among beast, a god among men, and a Devil King among demons! Raise your hand!"

To this every last one of the students raised their hands, a fiery passion and desire for strength could be seen burning in their eyes.

Hey guys, betcha didn’t expect a chapter so soon from a lazy guy like me huh? Quite a passionate chapter if I do shamelessly say so my self!

PrimalEvilcreators' thoughts