
A New Beginning

Solomon White had just arrived outside a coffee shop not to far from his house. He had never been here because he was busy writing his stories and and reading others stories, the reason for this sudden trip was because a fellow author had asked to meet up with him so that they could share tips and maybe get some new insight as where to bring their stories.

"Hello welcome to Anteiku." A cheerful girl greeted him with a smile. "Feel free to sit where ever you want."

"Okay, thank you." Solomon decided to take a seat in the back as he waited for Charles (The other author) to arrive. "Also can I just have some black coffee please."

"Yes, coming right up." She replied in her cheerful manor.

It only took a few minutes before another person had entered the shop, the man was around 5'8 black hair with gray eyes and was dressed in a silver suit.

"Hello Charles, nice to see that you're right on time as usual."

"Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world" Smiling he took a seat and started sipping on the black coffee that Solomon had ordered while Solomon just shot him a weird look.

"Now then, lets get down to business." He said while setting down the already empty cup of coffee.

"Okay, you said that you wanted to exchange ideas right? I looked over you're novels so far and the plans you have for them and they seem to be great. As for me I just finished my novel and am ready to start a new one."

"Looks like we had the same idea, I am interested in making a new story as well, how about a collaboration between us?"

"Oh, that sounds interesting, but I don't have any plans thought out yet."

That's fine." Charles replied, the smile on his face was sort of outputting to look at for some reason. He had seen that smile before, it was the smile of someone who was scheming something. "I have an idea my self, a story about an author who is sent to another world and has a system which revolves around the seven deadly sins."

"Oh, that sounds interesting, I would read it for sure. But it sounds like you got it figured out so there is no real reason for me to help, unless you just need someone to type out the chapters while you plan them?"

"Ah, there is something you can do, you see there is something that's missing from my story." He paused, and Solomon could see his smile grow even wider. "You see, I am lacking a main character for my story, you'll help me won't you?"

"Of course, what kind of main character do you need? I have plenty that can go along with any story." Solomon answered

"Great, I knew you wouldn't let me down. As for the main character I need, you will do, no need to borrow any of yours."

"I will do? What do you mean?" Solomon asked confused, but Charles didn't answer him, he just raised his hand and snapped. As the sound of his snap rang out the world seemed to churn before slowly turning black." But right before everything turned black he could hear Charles voice.

"Try not to get eaten, I can't write my story without my main character now can I?" Followed with a fit of laughter. "If you ever interested in finding me I will be at Anteiku, the real Anteiku." and with that he heard no more.


A new beginning eh? I thought I would start it out with a different beginning. The chapter is pretty short because I am planning out a new power system, which I will release some time between now and next Friday.

PrimalEvilcreators' thoughts