
Re: Copycat's Basketball

Renji Kenjaki–a basketball addict that has the archetypes of 6 roles. Primarily, Aerial, Defender, Playmaker, Slasher, Shot creator, and Spot on Shooter. There were born with 3 archetypes but there was only one that has 6. And that was him. Until he got an accident that made him crippled and half of his bottom became paralyzed. With it, he was depressed and took time to recover. Though even with it all, he still coped up and researched about training regimens and coaching as he become old. Training the next generation as an expert. And when he got old, he retired early and got another accident. Making him go back to the past where he could still run and walk. With the second chance given, he would not take it for granted, they will learn how to fear the all-rounder genius-copycat!

pantserplotter · Olahraga
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


The enrollment period for Shukaku Academy had begun, and students streamed into the campus in a steady flow. The walkways were flanked by vibrant cherry blossoms, adding a picturesque touch to the scene. As the crowd bustled with excitement, many students paused to watch a particular group, their whispers filling the air.

Among those watching was Renji, who tried to ignore the commotion. He overheard snippets of conversation from a group of girls standing nearby.

"Is that Renji from Kaito Academy?" asked one girl with a ponytail, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"He's infamous for being a notorious gangster," another girl replied. "He beat up several delinquents and left them all battered!"

"Really?" The first girl's expression shifted to one of disgust. "Ugh, really? If he tries to talk to us, let's just snub him. Let's make him suffer."

Renji was taken aback by their comments. He had been known as a troublemaker in the past, but his life had changed drastically when he became crippled. The memories of those days were still fresh in his mind, and the trauma felt like an open wound. His best friend had stopped talking to him after his accident, and their relationship ended abruptly when she found a new boyfriend. All his fans had disappeared, and the connection he once had seemed to vanish overnight.

Despite everything, Renji still felt a strong attachment to his old friend, who was now their coach. Although the chances of reconnecting with her seemed slim, the thought of her lingered in his mind.

As Renji navigated through the various booths set up by different sports clubs, he saw a familiar face at the basketball booth—the one who had broken his heart. He took a deep breath, trying to steel his resolve. This was not the time to dwell on past emotions. He had a dream of becoming a basketball player, and he needed to focus on that.

"Hey! Are you okay?" the girl asked, noticing his distress. Unbeknownst to her, tears were beginning to well up in Renji's eyes.

Renji had always been vulnerable when it came to her. He remembered how he had ignored other girls who showed interest in him just to be near her. But those sacrifices seemed insignificant now. He was just a supportive presence in her life, without any real role or significance.

"Hey? You're crying. Are you okay?" She asked again, concern evident in her voice. Renji knew he had to make a choice—either confront his emotions or push them aside in pursuit of his dream. It was all or nothing. He had to set aside his feelings, even though it was painful.

"I'm Renji! I want to be a basketball player!" he declared, his voice filled with determination. He then bowed deeply.

The sudden motion caused Renji's forehead to slam against the table where the application forms were stacked. The loud bang shocked everyone nearby, including the team captain, who looked on in astonishment. Blood began to drip from Renji's forehead, but he remained motionless, his resolve unshaken.

The onlookers watched in disbelief.

"What's wrong with him? Is he out of his mind? He just slammed his head on the table!" the girl exclaimed.

Renji stood up straight, his forehead bleeding and his eyes locked onto hers with a fierce intensity. His lips were stained with blood, and his gaze was a mix of emotions—anger, love, dismay, and rejection.

"Is he angry? Angry at whom?" she wondered aloud.

"Hey! Kevin, is he mad at you?" she asked, her concern growing.

"No, I've never met him before!" Kevin replied, both puzzled and intrigued by the scene unfolding before them.

They both looked back at Renji, who stood there, his head bleeding and his eyes teary yet resolute.

"Look, it's bleeding! His head is bleeding! Get a medic!" the team captain shouted, his voice filled with urgency.

The girl watched anxiously as Renji was escorted to the medical tent. She observed the treatment he received, her mind racing with questions.

"Hey, do you think he's experiencing love at first sight with you?" the captain asked, a hint of curiosity in his tone.

"To slam his head? I don't think so," she replied, still in shock. "Is he just crazy or what?"

"Maybe both?" Kevin suggested, intrigued by Renji's unusual behavior.

"Wait, did you catch his name? He said he was Renji," Kevin pondered aloud.

"Renji? From Kaito University?" she stammered, beginning to connect the dots.

"I don't know. Maybe he's one of the Five Prodigies?" Kevin said, looking at her with a smirk. They exchanged knowing glances and high-fived each other.

"Let's find out," she said with a sigh. After Renji recovered, he filled out the application forms. They watched him closely, and to their astonishment, he turned out to be the Renji they had hoped for.

"I'm Renji. Nice to meet you," Renji said, extending his hand for a handshake. Kevin tried to shake his hand, but Renji swatted it away, making Kevin's mood darkening. After May declined his hands, he then withdrew his hand and stuffed it into his pocket. Seeing that May ignored his hands, he went disheartened. To the fact that he was ignored. And Kevin who's hand was swatted, was almost popping a vein in his forehead and gritted his teeth.

"I'm May. Nice to meet you," she said with a warm smile. "By the way, are you one of the Five Prodigies?" She leaned in, clearly interested.

"I'm sorry, but I've lost my talent due to amnesia," Renji explained, his voice tinged with sadness. He struggled to find the right words to describe his situation, but this was the closest explanation he could offer.

"Tsk! I knew he wasn't the real deal! He's an imposter!" Kevin shouted in frustration.

"I agree. Sigh, you're out!" May declared, her disappointment evident.

"Hey, give me a chance! I slammed my head hard. At least offer me some compensation," Renji pleaded, still touching the bandage on his forehead and wincing in pain.

"How about you beat me in a match, and then we'll reconsider?" Kevin proposed.

"Fine, let's do it!" Renji responded, slamming his fist on the table with determination.

The sudden loud noise startled both Kevin and May. Renji's intense reaction left them perplexed.

Renji took a deep breath and decided to head to the basketball court.

"Are we having a one-on-one match?" someone in the crowd asked, their interest piqued.

Soon, a group of students began to follow them, eager to witness the outcome of the anticipated duel. The match between Renji and Kevin had become the highlight of the day, drawing spectators who were eager to see how the confrontation would unfold.