
Chapter 1 How it all began

Ray was at the river catching fish with his bare hands a little girl named shell was with him at the time.She was sitting watching ray. Splash splash caught 5 fishes ray shouted one got away.

Ray made a campfire to cook the fish made two cups out of leaves to drink water.Ray your an like a ape that's been sent to another planet. huh yeah i im 99 percent sure that was an insult.

Anyway just shutup and eat!!

Next morning Ray and shell went to a nearby town there were great stores there and the people were i gusse welcoming you could just say they were quiet.Ray went to a noodle shop he ate 3 bowls.Ray speaking chef im giving your noodles 5 stars! ray said with a smile on his face. Thanks little boy now just how are you going to pay for all this ... i got no money on me just be thankful you even have a customer ray said while picking his nose. A man right next to him commented if you can beat me in a fight I pay for your meal. What sounds interesting sure and whats with the starnge hat... The names wreth hmm wreth I like my name better yours sounds like it taste good with anything my would only just with noodles really.

A clenched fist came flying right towards Ray whoa he dash to the right 10 feet Uh im sure I can beat this guy Ray dash and dash while spinning around in circles he created a small sand storm there! what the hell! a sand storm! Good thing I have my goggles this is unrelastic but he may put a decent fight.Ray picked up a stick and threw it from behind wreth with twice the strenth he usually uses hitting wreth at the back of his neck. The blow sent wreth in the air for about 2.2 seconds."Now a kick to the stomach wreth caught his kick and did a techquine of his only he could do concerating the pressure from his hands into rays legs he nearly destroys his muscles and throws him across the sky Truly inhuman strenth.

It was windy so Ray was in the air for a while and threw his nunchucks at a random spot while making impact on the ground. must be a reason for throwing those nunchucks got to think fast scanning his surroundings he sees a thin metal string tied to Ray's hand which is also attached to his nunchucks. Wreth moved left and right heading towards ray.Cough..cough.. bleh.. eh im bleeding hard Wreth lets finish this game of sheep and rooster. Ray pulled the string while doing a front flip catches his nunchucks and attacks landing mutliple blows and dodging same with Wreth.

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