
Random K-Pop System

An ex-assassin connected with a random system after death (not a dark story), get a chance to restart his life, what will he do? K-pop story, enjoy.

dexxterzxc · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Ch 19 Contest (3)

Well if we are talking about a girl who is the best at freestyle dancing, first you think about Boa, who has just made her debut this year, and then you think about this girl right here, Kim Hyo Yeon.

Would you believe if I tell you that this girl right here was the one that carried the legendary girl group SNSD in it's early stage, before Taeyeon, Yoona or Jessica, all because of her popularity in the industry even before she debuted.

As expected, when she starts dancing, her whole expression changes, every single move she does oozes charisma, and she even copied some moves Yunho did just now, and she did them perfectly.

Surprisingly, when she gets down the stage, she winks at Yunho, as if trying to make a statement.

"Aissi, she definitely copied my moves on purpose, always showing off." < Yunho

"Oh hoh? Is there any history between you two?" < Jay

"Nothing too serious, just friendly competition." < Yunho

"You sure it's friendly? That seems kinda personal to me." < Jay

"Well... I did try to give her a few pointers and advices after the competition." < Yunho

"I guess that didn't end well." < Jay

"Err... 'You should worry about yourself not me, I've already found my own style of dancing so your advices don't mean anything to me. I will be better the next time we meet.' That's what she said the last time we met." < Yunho

"Oof... look, she is coming to you. Good luck brother." < Jay

Jay drags Hyuk Jae and the two others away from Yunho and Hyo Yeon, giving them some time to talk to each other.

"Who is next?" < Jay

"...me." < Hyuk Jae

"The hell is this? A wave of dancers?" < Jay

"But I'm worried now because my performance is kinda plain compared to theirs... aissi, why am I next?" < Hyuk Jae

"You know how many people would hate you if you say your performance is plain? Even I wanna punch you right now." < Jay

"Next, Lee Hyuk Jae-ssi, please get ready!" He got summoned by one of the officials.

"Yah, your legs are trembling too much." < Jay

"I can't help it, they are moving on their own, am I having a stage fright right now?!" < Hyuk Jae

"Ayy, stop being funny and just go!" Jay kicks his ass and pushes him forward.

He looks back at Jay with puppy eyes, after receiving an encouragement look from him, he reluctantly walks up the stage slowly, step by step, totally different than both the previous confident contestants (Yunho and Hyo Yeon). You can even hear his voice tremble when he is introducing himself, some people even start laughing at him.

However, everyone is surprised when they hear the music, it's 'Billie Jean' by MJ. And when Hyuk Jae hears the music, his body moves on his own, because he has practiced to this song a lot of times, it became muscle memories, moonwalk, the kick or toe stand, you name it, although not perfect, but he can do it all.

His performance might have impressed the officials and crowds more than both the previous ones because MJ is such an figure and inspiration to everyone here.

When he gets down the stage, he stumbles and nearly falls to the ground but is luckily caught by Jay who is waiting for him nearby.

"Everything would've become a joke if you fell down the stairs just now, can't believe you actually managed to finish the performance with your current condition." < Jay

"Hah... hah... thanks bro, you really saved me this time! I don't know what happened just now but I must've used up all of my strength and focus during the dance, my legs feel like jelly now." < Hyuk Jae

"I think all this happened because you didn't have enough rest last night, just go straight to bed when you go home later today." < Jay

"I think I'll do just that." < Hyuk Jae

"C'mon, the officials are looking over here, let's go back to our group." < Jay

Jay brings him back to the group and they start teasing him (because that's what brothers do xD), but ultimately cares for his condition, Dong Hae even gives him his shoulder to lean on, aigoo these two...

"By the way? Who is next?" < Changmin

"...me." < Jay

He walks towards Jee Eun and her grandma leisurely after saying that.

"Aissi, I don't know if he is really calm right now or just acting tough, it's like he is a robot. Does he not feel neevous at all?" < Hyuk Jae

"I think Jay hyung is so confident because he trained and practiced over and over again, so much that he knows he is going to do well, so of course he is calm." < Changmin

"Yah, I also trained and practiced a lot but I still feel nervous, and I think that's normal! Is Jay on anti-anxiety drugs or something?" < Hyuk Jae

"That's why Jay is the best among us. But honestly, I think you are the abnormal one here, you got way too nervous just now, it's like you were about to piss yourself before you start dancing. I even saw Changmin trying to hold back his laughter so hard just now." < Dong Hae

"Pft..." < Changmin

"What the %^*#? Let's see how well you two do later compared to mine!" < Hyuk Jae


Another corner

"So these are the brothers you told me about last time right?" < Hyo Yeon

"Yeah! Every single one of them is talented in their respective aspect, me and Hyuk Jae in dancing while Changmin and Dong Hae in singing." < Yunho

"Hmm? What about that one right there?" < Hyo Yeon points at Jay

"Oh, he is the odd one, I mean special one, he is not better than us in any aspect, but he is overall good at everything. If you wanna say the one thing he is good at... he is a great composer, whether it's composing songs or dances, he is very creative." < Yunho

"Hmm... interesting. But I think you missed out one thing though. I think he is also the best looking among you guys." < Hyo Yeon

"Mwo?! You must be blind! How can you say that when I'm standing right in front of you?!" < Yunho

"That's exactly why I said that, because looking at you closely, you and him? Pftt... not even close." < Hyo Yeon

"Aissi!!! #^%$" < Yunho

And so they start having another 'peaceful' conversation again, just like the last time they met.


Trainee area

'Oh... it's his turn. You better not dissapoint me, or else I'm really gonna delete and block your number. Hmph!' Jessica thought to herself


Area of family members

"Jee Eun ah, thanks for helping me carry my guitar, you can pass it to me now." < Jay

"Here you go oppa, and oppa hwaiting!" < Jee Eun

"Do your best Jay!" < Her grandma

"Thank you! Just watch me!" < Jay

Jay smiles and gives them a thumbs up, then proceeds to walk up the stage.


'Nae oppa!'

'This our first step towards our goal.'

'Nae oppa!'

'Let's do this! Together!'

'Nae oppa!!!'
