
Random K-Pop System

An ex-assassin connected with a random system after death (not a dark story), get a chance to restart his life, what will he do? K-pop story, enjoy.

dexxterzxc · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Ch 11 Home (4)

Next morning, everyone in the house wakes up early at 6 am, all of them wear the same black clothings. Jay did not invite a lot of people to the funeral, only Jee Eun's family members, and the family members of the four brothers.

At 7 am, Jee Eun arrives at their home to pick them up and send them to the crematorium. When they arrive at the place, they were greeted by the same staffs he meets at the morgue in the hospital. Jay pays him the remaining 50000 won as promised.

At 7:30 am, everyone one from the four brothers' family has arrived. All of them give Jay their condolences, and Yunho's parents even offer to adopt him, but just like the last time, he rejects the offer, saying he is doing well.

The whole process took about 4 hours, crybabies like Jee Eun, Hyuk Jae and Dong Hae cried the whole time. Later, the staff member found Jay and asked how he wants to handle the remains of his parents, there are a lot of options they can provide, but Jay already have plans for that, so he politely declines them.

After that, the four brothers and Jay promised to meet up at school tomorrow, then they went home with their families respectively.

When Jay returned home with Jee Eun's family, the first thing he do is to dig a spot under a big blooming cherry tree in the garden, and bury the urn which contains his parents' ashes inside. That concludes the funeral.



Jee Eun again, comes into Jay's room, but this time, without knocking.

"Oppa...? Are you asleep?"

Jay doesn't answer.

"Oppa, I'm joining you in bed if you don't answer, okay?

He still doesn't answer, so she crawls into the bed and snuggles up to him.

"Sigh... oppa, I just had a nightmare where I saw you blaming me for your parents' death. Is that how you really feel about me?" She hugs him from his back and whispers softly.


Meanwhile, inside the dimension

"Random ah, what do you think I should do in this situation? Go out there and console her or continue pretending to be asleep?"

"I don't know, but if I was in her shoes, I would want someone to talk to at this very moment."


[New mission - Jee Eun's heart Part 1]

1. Comfort her without using any skills --> 1 free basic skill from the shop (doesn't include unique and fantasy skills)

2. Confort her using skills --> Charm skill upgrades to Advanced (might have unpredictable outcome)

3. Don't do anything --> +1000 gold (chain mission ends here)

"Oh? That's a chain mission! First time I receive one."

"Yeah, but what are you gonna do oppa? You are not gonna pick 3 right? I would be very disappointed if you do."

"Of course not, I'm going back out there, wish me good luck!"

"Ayy oppa, this a cakewalk for you, you don't need good luck for this, just go and complete the mission quickly. I'm going to sleep now, stop disturbing me!"

"Wait, you sleep?"

"Huh?! What's that supposed to mean? Even computer has a 'sleep' option, so what's wrong with me having one?"

"Nothing! Goodnight Random!"

"Hmph!" (#`3´)


Back to reality

Jay immediately turns to Jee Eun and hugs her tightly.

"Oppa?! Were you awake this whole time?!"

"Yeah, so I heard everything you say, why would I ever blame you though?" (Remember he is pretending to have amnesia)

"Oppa, you don't understand..."

"Then make me understand, why are you related to my parents' death?"

"Oppa, I..." She tells him the truth afterwards.

"Oppa, if you're gonna hate me from now on, I understand, I'm really sorry for what happened, I will pay you back in the future, somehow..."

"... Jee Eun ah."


"You have been feeling guilty all this time?"

"Nae... hng..."

"Jee Eun ah, I may have lost my parents but in return, I got myself a cute little sister, that's not too bad."

"...Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"No, I'm saying I have moved on, so you should too."

"... I have one question oppa, why did you save me? We were just strangers, you didn't have to risk your life for me."

"Hmm, I still don't remember what happened exactly so I can't answer your question, but if I'm given another chance to make a choice, I would do the same thing."


"I believe there are things that cannot be explained with words, I know that just by looking at you."


"It's already very late, we need to go to school tomorrow, we should sleep now."

"Can I sleep with you tonight oppa?"

"...sure, let me put a pillow in between to seperate us."

"No, just stay like that, I wanna hug you oppa."

"...okay. Come here." He pulls her into his embrace, gently patting her back.

"Goodnight oppa!" She looks up from his chest and smiles at him.

"You too."


[Mission complete]

1. Comfort her without using any skills --> 1 free basic skill from the shop (doesn't include unique and fantasy skills) - complete

'Does this mean that Jee Eun has finally moved on? Or maybe she is trying to? Anyway, this a good news, and this reward, what skill should I pick from the shop? Let's see... music production, rapping, guitar, piano, drums... hmm...'

In the end, he fell asleep after minutes of browsing, unable to pick any of the skills.

That night, Jee Eun is able to finally sleep peacefully for the first time since the car accident. As for Jay? It's first time he is able to sleep without being cautious to the surroundings, he seems to find peace being with her.


Next morning

Jay wakes up because he felt something wet on his chest, apparently Jee Eun laid her head on his chest and drooled. He moves her head to the side gently to not wake her up, gets up from bed, and goes to shower, getting ready for his first day in school.

When he exits the bathroom, Jee Eun is no longer lying on the bed, must've sneaked back to her room to avoid getting spotted by her grandma.

After he puts on his school uniform, he goes downstairs, planning to make breakfast for everyone, but on the way there, he smells something nice from the kitchen.

"Oh! Halmeonim! You are up so early, good morning! I wasn't able to ask yesterday but are you having any trouble living here?"

"Good morning Jay~ When you get older, doesn't matter where you sleep, as long as there is a bed, you will be fine. I wake up at this time everyday to prepare breakfast for Jee Eun and her little brother, it has become a habit, now I just have to make an extra one for you, no problem~"

"If you ever feel tired, you can leave the breakfast to me, I may not look like it but I'm a pretty good cook too!"

"Really? I'll be sure to try it next time, but I'm not tired at all, I love preparing food for you kids, it brings me joy to see all of you enjoy my cookings."

"Hehe, maybe next time we can cook together, I can be your helper."

"Sure sure! Ah! Jee Eun is here too, you two should eat quickly and go to school."

"Nae! By the way Jee Eun ah, how do you plan on going to your school?"

"I was thinking of walking there, it's just nearby."

"Ayy nonsense, I'll give you a ride there, with my bicycle."

"Jinjja?! Daebak! Gomawo oppa~"

"Hehe, no problem!"

"Don't get too excited okay? Be careful on the roads, better just stay on the sidewalk!" Grandma reminds them to be cautious.

"Nae!" x2
