
Day Off

As I was having my breakfast I thought about how I even joined that organization. When I first ran away from the orphanage I was living on the streets. I picked pockets to buy food. I got pretty good at it.

Then when I was ten years old I went to pick another pocket. He looked like he had money. He was on his phone at the time so he was distracted. I got his wallet easily, took the cash then dumped the wallet in the trash. I thought I got away clean but he tracked me down somehow to the abandoned building I was using.

He said he was impressed that I could steal from him and offered me to work for him. Of course I declined at first, but then he told me he could easily get me arrested or killed if he wanted to.

Seeing as he was well dressed and looked like he could be someone important I accepted his offer. Not that I had much choice at the time.

With my power I probably could have got away and lived as someone else for a while but seeing as he wouldn't tell me how he found me. I thought he could find me again.

I thought I could use his organization to find out who framed my mother. That was another reason that I didn't put up much resistance and joined his group. He had me sigh his blood contract right away.

The contract said.

By sighing this contract you agree that you will work for my organization Silent Assembly and abide by the following terms:

1. You may not speak about Silent Assembly to anyone that is not apart of the organization.

2. You can not betray Silent Assembly in any way.

3. You must follow the commands me, my children or those I put over you.

4. If one of those commands will lead to certain death you can refuse the command but only if you know you will die from it.

5. This contract is valid until one of our deaths.

That was the short and sweat of the contract. It had some more legal jargon in it. I signed it with my blood as well as he did.

His name was Edward Hamilton. He run a legal Law firm in America. His secret organization dose his dirty work for him. Once we sign the contract we physically can't do anything the contract says we can't do.

I found out later that you can break the contract if you burn it. The contract also burns up automatically if one of the signers dies. That's how he know if one of his shadow employees dies.

I once saved his son George Hamilton's life on a mission that we were on. Instead of being grateful he felt humiliated that he needed help. So he made me sign another contrate that makes me not be able to turn into any random male forms with my normal Quirk to humiliate me.

So I have only turned into female forms since then. But George still was not satisfied with that and planed my death. I know his father was okay with it because he was all about limiting my powers.

I killed and did a bunch of shady things for them. But they were worried about my powers and that I would betray them some how, even though the contract I signed made me unable to do that. So they planed my death.

Sabrina saved me and gave me my new identity that could pass multiple high end checks. I could have found some one else that could get me a new identity so she couldn't track me but I knew I couldn't find someone that could give me a high end one. So I knew that I would hear from her again.

Seeing as I gave her my memories of this world to live and then she wanted me to join U.A. High School. She gave me rules on how to join, like I couldn't use my Quirk to pass the test and I needed to forget all my saved forms before my first day of class. If I did all that I would be free from them.

I didn't mind because I found my younger sister lived close to the school. As far as I know they don't know about her. I never brought her up in conversations before. I didn't want her to be used against me.

Now that I know that Sabrina is watching me. I will have to be careful of how I approach my sister. Luckily I have kept my distance so far.

As I was cleaning my dishes I planed what I would do with my day off. The only thing I could come up with is train. If I want to live freely I need more power to do it. I don't like being pushed around. If I didn't want to make sure my sister Gina was safe, I would just disappear.

For training my powers, I had to think on how to train them. I can do nothing on the randomness of my Quirk. I have tried putting my life in danger before to see if I could influence want I get next but that didn't work. Being in a burning building didn't get me some water or fire control ability. Jumping off a cliff didn't get me a flying ability or anything, just a broken leg. So I am sure I can't control the randomness of my Quirk.

For Sayumi Tananashi and her power of Root of Origin. I can only continue to use it to get it to the next stage. So anything I break I will use her power to fix it. Hopefully that will help train her power faster.

Kitty Pryde and her power of Phasing/Intangibility. Right now I am always in an intangible sate like she was when she first got her power. I have to want to be tangible to interact with thing. I can make other thing intangible as well. The thing I need to work on is my timing. I can't switch between the two states or be partially tangible with the control she had. I need to train to be able to do it like it is second nature to me.

Shirai Kuroko and her teleportation ability. I can no longer teleport myself right now. I can still teleport things I touch the same distance as before. Luckily I was her for a long time and used her power a lot so I just need to remember the felling of teleporting myself to get that back. I will need to work on the speed as well. I can't teleport things as fast as I could before.

I don't think it will take me long to get her powers back up to what they were before. I might be able to bring them further then what she could do in the show with training.

My forth person I already have her powers back up to what they were before. I will train to bring them further. I have to make sure she stays secret, she is my trump card for emergencies.

With that I went to train for the rest of the day. I need some time to figure out how I will do what Sabrina asked me to do.

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