
Rain World: The Knight

I stumbled upon this captivating game known as "Rain World," and an overwhelming desire to craft a fanfiction story about it immediately welled up within me. As I delve into this creative endeavor, I'm utilizing ChatGPT to enhance and refine my writing. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the result. ps. this synopsis is even edited by ChaTGPT

chaoticCatholic · Derivasi dari game
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43 Chs

Welcome to rainworld

In a world where time knows no bounds and souls wander through the ages, a new cycle begins in the enigmatic realm of Rainworld. Amidst the endless downpour, a familiar spirit awakens, its memories of past lives echoing in the pattering raindrops.

"Where am I?" Finn asked aloud, but instead of his normal human voice, only chirps and squeaks emanated from his mouth. This surprising turn of events left him struggling to lift himself up from the ground. It soon became evident that this task was more challenging than expected due to his limbs feeling significantly shorter. To compound matters, he also had an unfamiliar, long, and thick tail that he was unaccustomed to using for balance.

'What am I? Why can't I speak?' he asked himself mentally as he finally managed to stand up. Sadly, he couldn't see anything as the room was pitch black.


Suddenly, as Finn was frantically searching for an exit in the cramped room, he heard a deep rumbling sound. Just then, the wall to his left started to slowly separate, allowing a soft stream of light to pierce through a narrow tunnel. The tunnel appeared to be just large enough for him to fit through.

Finn, though not entirely focused on his newfound path to freedom, couldn't help but catch a glimpse of his transformed body. It now bore a muted gray hue, adorned with slender, black lines that ran vertically and horizontally across his arms, legs, and tail. Yet, what truly unsettled him wasn't the altered color or texture of his skin. Rather, it was the perplexing discovery that his hands now bore holes, with the surrounding areas as white and hard as bone.

'How are my hands still usable?' Finn asked himself as he flexed his three-fingered hand. As he observed his hands, after a bit of testing, he confirmed two things: Firstly, his hands worked perfectly fine, and secondly, he could not feel the bone material that surrounded the hole in his hands.

'Guess it doesn't matter; I need to gather information about my current location.' With this final thought, he moved toward the room's only exit and started attempting to squeeze through. Surprisingly, his body contorted effortlessly to fit the space, making the task much easier than he had anticipated.

"TOO BRIGHT!" Finn chirped loudly as he finally emerged from the tunnel and found himself in a small grassy grove. Above him, strange bat-like creatures fluttered about, occasionally casting eerie shadows on the squirming Finn.

After a while of squirming and adjusting to the light, Finn finally calmed down. He was now able to open his eyes, and what he saw shocked him. The world appeared more vibrant and colorful, adorned with diverse and colorful fauna that climbed upon anything and everything in Finn's sight.

"Where on earth am I? Is this even Earth? Was I reincarnated or something?" Many questions raced through Finn's mind as he struggled to stand up, still not accustomed to his new tail, which trailed quietly behind him.

"Guess it's time to start moving," Finn thought, feeling determined as he prepared to take his first steps to figure out his surroundings. However, just as he was about to move, a pitch-black screen adorned with golden words suddenly appeared before him, bearing the message:

[Dear Finn Martin,

Welcome to your new world, a realm teeming with challenges and dangers lurking around every corner. While this environment may prove more perilous than what you have previously encountered, it is also a realm of unexplored potential and exhilarating adventures. Embrace the mysteries that lie ahead, maintain vigilance, and you will discover that your strength and resilience will rise to meet the formidable challenges that await.

Best wishes, and welcome to the Rainworld.]

[P.S. I've provided you with a basic system that should activate after you read this message.]

"Well, shit," Finn thought as he felt his legs go weak, the only thing keeping him standing being the promise of a system. The world he found himself in was so perilous that he would have preferred to remain dead, assuming he had even died.

[System downloading]




[system downloaded]

[The host just has to say or think 'system' to pull up the menu]

Without wasting a moment, Finn immediately summoned the comprehensive system menu with a single thought.


[stat sheet]




Finn carefully selected the "stat sheet" option, prompting another screen to instantly appear, revealing a plethora of detailed information.


Name: Finn martin

Race: Slugcat(The knight)

Level: 1(0/100)

HP (Health Points): 150

MP (Magic Points): 50

STR: 15

AGI: 8

END: 15

WIS: 5

INT: 5


[Bone shield(LV 1/10)]- allows user to creat a shield of bone with size determined by amount of mp used

[Indomitable(Maxed)]- You shall not bend....


Finn wondered, 'The knight? I've never encountered a character like that before. Perhaps it's a modded character.' He examined his stats and skills, with his primary focus on the two abilities he possessed: [Indomitable] and [Bone Shield].

'I'm guessing indomitable is passive so lets check out bone shield' Finn thought as he stuck out his hands trying to use [Bone shield] and failing as nothing happend which disappointed him but a notification from the system soon rang out

'I'm guessing 'Indomitable' is passive, so let's check out 'Bone Shield,' Finn thought as he extended his hands, attempting to utilize [Bone Shield]. Unfortunately, nothing happened, leaving him disappointed. However, his disappointment was short-lived as a notification from the system quickly rang out.

[Host must think of the amount of mp they want to put into the skill to use it]

Hearing this, Finn felt an overwhelming urge to smack himself, but he swiftly overcame it. He positioned himself once more, stretching out his hand as he attempted to use the bone shield once again. This time investing 5 MP into it.

Not a second passed before a pristine white shield began to materialize from the aperture in his hands, gradually expanding until it enveloped more than half of his body.

"Wow this is sick!" Finn exclaimed in squeaks and chirps of amazement as he observed the shield detach from his hand and fall to the floor. The part that had been previously attached to his hands now transformed into the perfect handle for him to grasp.


Regrettably, Finn found himself without sufficient time to admire his new shield. Just as he began to appreciate its craftsmanship, a distant roar shattered his tranquility, sending a jolt of fear through him. He hastily sought refuge, desperately searching for a hiding place.

Right when he found some tall grass to hide in, that's when it appeared—a lizard boasting an azure blue head, a barrel-shaped body supported by robust limbs capable of bearing its substantial weight, and an elongated tail that seemed capable of crushing even the hardest of stones.


Ive come to terms with the fact that im a shitty writer so ive just had chat gpt edit my shit and help me with description hope this starter chapter is better than the last one