
Rain World: The Knight

I stumbled upon this captivating game known as "Rain World," and an overwhelming desire to craft a fanfiction story about it immediately welled up within me. As I delve into this creative endeavor, I'm utilizing ChatGPT to enhance and refine my writing. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the result. ps. this synopsis is even edited by ChaTGPT

chaoticCatholic · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

Mommy long legs

just comment if you need a image for certain creatures as i can easily provide it.


A day had elapsed since Finn and his group had navigated past the formidable worm, marking the beginning of their second day in the treacherous garbage wasteland. During this period, Finn managed to accumulate a substantial 230 experience points, thanks to the numerous kills he had achieved.

'Wow its dark thank God I got that lamp from that merchant' Finn found himself forced to navigate through a subterranean vent, winding through the earth until it deposited him into a vast cavern. The chamber exuded an eerie, sickly green luminescence, casting an unsettling glow that permeated every corner..

{Be carfule echo we are underground so you cant escape if were attacked} Finn said to his companion who just came out of the tunnel.

{You got it Finn} Echo said as he dusted off his wing which had some weird slime like substances stuck to it.

*CRASH* Suddenly, as Finn and the group were in the midst of their relaxation, a sharp and jarring noise echoed through the tranquil air. It was the unmistakable sound of something substantial colliding with an exceedingly delicate object.

{I'll go check it out} Echo volunteered, flapping his wings deliberately to lift himself from the ground with utmost caution, ensuring minimal noise production. He directed his flight towards the source of the disturbance. After a brief moment, he returned, his wings now a blur as he rapidly propelled himself back, maintaining a meticulous effort to minimize any audible disturbance.

{WE NEED TO LEAVE} An echoing scream reverberated across the bridge, jolting Finn with a surge of bewilderment. His gaze darted toward his friend, who hovered before him, their wide eyes filled with a terror akin to encountering a monstrous apparition.

{What did you see?} Finn asked, feeling a slight pang of regret within himself for not opting for vision sharing, was nevertheless more preoccupied with the concern over what had prompted such evident distress in his friend.

{I DONT KNOW WHAT I SAW ALL I SAW IT WAS BIG AND HAD LIKE A 8 ARMS} Echo's scream reverberated through the air, eliciting a sharp twinge of discomfort in Finn as the formidable spearmaster approached, seamlessly inserting himself into the ongoing conversation.

{We need to go see what Your friend saw} The Spear Master uttered in a measured tone as he deftly crafted two formidable spears from the sinuous appendage of his tail. With a sense of unwavering readiness, he firmly gripped the newly formed weapons in both of his hands, his determination palpable. Finn, observing the scene unfold, couldn't help but wonder at the impending battle that lay ahead.

'I hope this goes fine' Finn's mind raced as he and the spearmaster were guided to the same location that Echo had flown to and from. The anticipation weighed heavy on their hearts as they ascended a hill, their footsteps echoing in the silence. However, when they crested the hill and looked down into a small pit, their horror knew no bounds.

'THE FUCK IS THAT' Finn cursed loking at the creature that lay within side the pit

The creature boasted a nightmarish blend of arachnid and otherworldly features. Its body stretches out into an elongated form reminiscent of a spider but greatly exaggerated. Eight spindly legs sprawl from its body, each one seemingly endless compared to a regular arachnid. These legs are segmented, adding to the creature's eerie appearance.

The creature also dawned a coloration that mirrors the grim surroundings, cloaked in dark, somber shades of black, purple, and blue. This palette even though slightly contrasting allows it to somehow seamlessly merge with the gloom of Rain World's environment.

This fearsome entity dwarfed Finn reaching proportions several times that of the humble slug cat. Its movement is a sinister ballet, an unsettling grace that enables it to navigate the terrain with ghostly fluidity. All this made encountering the creaturec a haunting experience that sends shivers down the spines of all.

'A fucking mommy long legs(MLL)' As Finn cautiously retreated from the precipice overlooking the pit, he at last discerned the creature that lay in wait. It appeared utterly dormant, as though biding its time for unsuspecting prey.

{Lets go} Finn said as spearmaster followed him away from the pit seemingly just as horrified as him.

{What are we going to do? This is the only way through with the other ways around being atleast 7 days away} Nervous and apprehensive, the Spearmaster kept stealing furtive glances at the yawning pit where the monstrous creature lay dormant. He couldn't shake the feeling that the beast might awaken at any moment, poised to unleash its more than likely voracious appetite upon both of them.

{Not much we can do but fight it or go around which as you said will take 7 days} Fin responded, his inclination veering strongly towards combat. There was absolutely no way in the seven hells that he would endure seven more days amidst the wretched stench of the garbage waste.

{I think we should fight} Echo spoke, his voice trembling, yet he harbored an intense disdain for the putrid refuse that surrounded him even surpassing finns. Day in and day out, he found himself navigating this grim wasteland, a realm dominated by the relentless circling vultures, their sinister beaks perpetually poised to snatch a morsel from his beleaguered form.

{I agree as the message I carry I far to important for such a delay} The Spearmaster acquiesced, his eyes reflecting a profound comprehension that the sole path forward necessitated the termination of the Malevolent creature (MLL)


Name: Finn martin

Race: Slugcat(The knight)

Level: 7(296/700)

HP (Health Points): 159

MP (Magic Points): 57

STR: 15.90

AGI: 8.7

END: 15.90

WIS: 5.7

INT: 5.7

skill points: 1

stat points: 1.5


[Bone shield(LV 7/10)]- allows the user to create a shield of bone with size determined by amount of mp used.

[Indomitable(Maxed)]- You shall not bend....



[Name: Echo]

[Relationship level: 90](Blood brothers)

[level: 11](37/300)

[Skills: vision share,stealth,High speed flight,Bash]

(Note: none)
