
Rain World: The Knight

I stumbled upon this captivating game known as "Rain World," and an overwhelming desire to craft a fanfiction story about it immediately welled up within me. As I delve into this creative endeavor, I'm utilizing ChatGPT to enhance and refine my writing. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the result. ps. this synopsis is even edited by ChaTGPT

chaoticCatholic · Derivasi dari game
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43 Chs

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You might find yourself pondering how Finn, our ever-cautious yet somewhat naive protagonist, came to be entangled in a desperate attempt to evade a menacing swooping vulture. The origins of this predicament trace back to a few hours after his awakening within the confines of his modest shelter where he awoke with a rumble in his stomach.

'Damn i'm hungry again!' Finn thought to himself, his annoyance growing as he realized just how ravenous he felt once more. Swiftly, he rose from the ground, his hand darting to seize his spine spear, and with a determined focus, he conjured a fresh shield, expending 5 of his mana points.

'Lets hope everything goes well'

As Finn ventured into the narrow pipe, which served as his escape route from the safety of his makeshift shelter, he steeled himself for the impending confrontation with any potential adversaries that might cross his path.

'Now, how should I go about this?' Finn pondered, emerging from the narrow pipe, his thoughts filled with uncertainty about where to venture next in search of sustenance for his ravenous stomach.

However, his initial anxiety swiftly dissipated, replaced by a resolute determination as he made the decision to retrace his steps to the location where he had saved the scavenger. As he remembered that the azure lizard had hastily fled from the presence of its rosy-hued counterpart, which kindled a glimmer of hope within him that it might still be lingering in the vicinity, concealed in some hidden corner.

*10 minutes later*

Quickly maneuvering his way back to the spot where he had the saved, Finn felt a rush of exhilaration as he stumbled upon an injured green lizard. The creature bore a massive gash along its flank, a gruesome wound that stirred a pang of empathy within him. However, upon scanning his surroundings with keen eyes, Finn discovered that there were no menacing predators in close proximity.

'Free Food' Finn felt a smile tug at the corners of his lips, his heart swelling with a warm, fuzzy feeling as he carefully inched his way forward, every movement deliberate and slow. He was determined to remain hidden from the injured lizard, his keen eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of his target. Closer and closer he crept, a sense of anticipation building within him, as he hoped to catch the creature completely off guard.

Unfortunately, this is the point at which the situation took a dire turn. Suddenly, an immense shadow materialized seemingly out of thin air, looming ominously over the unsuspecting green lizard. As a massive avian creature swooped down, its formidable beak expertly snatching the hapless lizard in one swift motion. With remarkable agility, the bird-like creature harnessed the power of the jets adorning its back, propelling itself upwards, swiftly escaping into the skies once more.

'Vulture'Finn immediately recognized the creature as it loomed before him, its ominous presence sending shivers down his spine. Without any intention of provoking it, he swiftly retreated, fully aware that engaging with such a formidable vulture would be a daunting and near-impossible task without a stockpile of multiple spears at his disposal.{Image}

Unfortunately, his escape was not destined to remain discreet, for a deafening screech pierced the air, exposing the presence of yet another ominous vulture. This formidable creature swiftly descended, determined to seize Finn for its own. With nimble agility, Finn managed to evade the vulture's clutches, narrowly avoiding the ravenous beast. The vulture's menacing beak merely grazed the earth where Finn had previously stood, leaving behind a deep gash as an ominous reminder of its deadly intent. As adrenaline coursed through his veins, Finn's body glistened with perspiration, propelling him to sprint even faster than before, desperate to outpace both his relentless pursuers and the encroaching darkness of his predicament.

'I can't keep running like this,' Finn thought, his mind racing as he deftly evaded yet another relentless vulture's assault. He continued to sprint, his body surprisingly resilient despite the relentless pace, thanks to his exceptional endurance – though even that had its limits.

'Lets attack when the bird attacks next' with this idea in mind he prepared his spear for action, poised to thrust it into the vulture precisely at the instant it lunged in a failed assault. The anticipation hung heavy in the air, as he readied himself for the imminent clash between man and bird, a battle of wits and instincts.

'NOW' Finn's mental scream reverberated within him as he agilely leaped sideways, deftly evading the vulture's menacing swoop. However, this time, he took immediate action and vaulted onto the nearby wing of the looming vulture. Instantly, a wave of panic coursed through the feathered behemoth as it desperately sought to dislodge him from its plumage.

'Hell no turkey' Finn struggled mightily as he endeavored to crawl up the rugged surface of the vulture's wing, his determination unwavering. His goal was to reach the vulture's back, where the engines lay fused with its flesh like an unholy fusion of machine and creature.


Suddenly, as Finn ascended further along the struggling vulture's wing, he discovered another vulture not too far away. Judging by the green blood adorning its beak, it was highly probable that this was the same creature that had feasted upon the vibrant green lizard earlier.

'FUCK OFF WILL YOU' Finn seethed with annyoance as he accelerated with determination along the vulture's wing. Upon reaching the apex of his ascent, he triumphantly hoisted his spear aloft, then forcefully plunged it downward into the vulture's engines, the very source of the creature's flight capabilities.

This sudden action prompted the vulture to initiate its descent. However, what Finn had overlooked was the impending challenge of navigating the descent itself.

'Fuck me' Finn thought As the ground rushed up to meet him, Finn's heart raced, panic coursing through him like a lightning bolt. Yet, amidst the chaos of the descent, his keen eyes caught sight of another vulture, poised near the impending landing zone. A sudden spark of inspiration surged within him, and with a decisive movement, he released his grip on the plummeting vulture and swiftly redirected his aim toward the waiting avian creature.

Descending rapidly, Finn swiftly positioned his shield in front of him, desperately hoping it would mitigate the impending impact. Fortunately, it succeeded in doing so as he collided with the vulture, producing a resounding snap as the vulture let out a piercing screech, its descent commencing from a height significantly lower than the other vultures before it.



As the two bodies collided with the unforgiving earth, Finn found himself engulfed in a disorienting whirlwind. The jarring impact left him in a state of momentary dizziness, his senses reeling. Beneath him lay the vulture, its once-mighty form now reduced to a paralyzed, helpless figure.

Amidst the disarray of his senses, a sudden intrusion seized control of Finn' A notification dominated his vision, enveloping it completely, its presence undeniable and all-encompassing.

[75 exp gained]

[Congratulations, you have leveled up, gaining 0.25 stat points and 1 skill point. your strength and endurance have both received a substantial increase of 0.15 while your other stats have received .1 increase]

Upon reading the message, Finn instinctively accessed his status screen, dismissing the two other tabs that awaited his promised attention.


Name: Finn martin

Race: Slugcat(The knight)

Level: 2(0/200)

HP (Health Points): 151.5

MP (Magic Points): 51

STR: 15.15

AGI: 8.1

END: 15.15

WIS: 5.1

INT: 5.1

skill points: 1

stat points: .25


[Bone shield(LV 1/10)]- allows user to creat a shield of bone with size determined by amount of mp used

[Indomitable(Maxed)]- You shall not bend....


Inspecting his newfound status, Finn relished the sensation of burgeoning strength coursing through his body. Gradually, he ascended to his feet, his eyes ablaze with avarice. With deliberate intent, he raised his spear and mercilessly drove it into the paralyzed vulture.

[75 exp gained]