
Rain World: The Knight

I stumbled upon this captivating game known as "Rain World," and an overwhelming desire to craft a fanfiction story about it immediately welled up within me. As I delve into this creative endeavor, I'm utilizing ChatGPT to enhance and refine my writing. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the result. ps. this synopsis is even edited by ChaTGPT

chaoticCatholic · Derivasi dari game
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43 Chs

Hunting with Echo

Observing the newly tamed batfly, Finn wasted no time as he delved into the pet section of his system, eager to scrutinize the creature's statistics and abilities.


[Pet: Batfly]

[Relationship level: 0(You beat the shit out of it and enslaved it. what do you think this is pokemon?)]

[level: 1](0/10)

[Skills: vision share,stealth]

(Note: weak creature)


'ouch that's harsh' fin thought as he gazed intently at the diminutive creature cradled within his hands, his thoughts delving into a mixture of emotions. As he observed, the creature stirred, and a slight bump formed on its head, a silent testament to the point of impact where Finn had inadvertently struck it.

'Got me feeling bad' Finn's thought as he swiftly aided the diminutive creature to regain its balance upon his palm, granting him a chance to closely examine its endearing visage.

The batfly swiftly regained its composure, its delicate wings fluttering gracefully as it took flight around Finn. He quickly succumbed to the disorienting whirlwind of the creature's rapid movements, feeling his head spin from the constant motion.

'Kind of reminds me of my cousin's parrot, Echo,' Finn mused, not anticipating the remarkable reaction that followed. The batfly, now christened Echo, abruptly halted its flight for a moment, fixating its gaze upon Finn, who had just bestowed upon it a name.

'Can it read my thoughts?' Finn found himself deeply engrossed in contemplation as he fixed his gaze upon the enigmatic creature before him. Its unwavering gaze reciprocated his curiosity, creating an unspoken connection between them. However, their silent exchange was abruptly interrupted when a system notification chimed, demanding Finn's attention to provide answers to his burgeoning inquiries.

[Congratulations to the host as the creature formerly recognized as "batfly" graciously embraced its newly bestowed identity, "echo," thereby swiftly fortifying the bonds of their relationship, which now stands at an impressive 50.]

Finn was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, but as he processed the situation, a warm smile graced his face. He extended his hand towards Echo, his newfound friend, who landed gracefully, exuding happiness.

'Lets test out your abilities now shall we!' Finn felt a surge of excitement as he watched the Echo Float ascend gracefully into the sky. With keen anticipation, he activated the Vision Share feature, instantly transforming his perspective into that of the soaring Echo.

'WOW this is sick!' As Finn deactivated the vision share, he pondered deeply. He then called out to Echo, who emitted a soft squeak as it gracefully descended on to finns head.

'This should be useful' Finn contemplated as he embarked on a quest to find prey, his concern for potential threats fleeting, for he possessed the confidence to engage even a crimson lizard in combat, thanks to his formidable strength of 15 - a fact tha is very exagerated.

*5 minutes later*

' Why does it seem an increasing number of creatures are appearing in the vicinity of my shelter?' Finn pondered, as it didn't take him long to spot a azure lizard with Echo's assistance, as the creature shared its visual perspective with him.

'Lets go from the side' Finn thought as moved quickly even faster and nimbler than before as he quickly reached the side of the area where the lizard slumbered.

'How did I live with such nerfed stats' Finn maintained his composure, his thoughts running as calmly as a tranquil river but still flooding with joy at his increased stats, as he lifted his spear with deliberate precision. His measured steps carried him closer to the unsuspecting lizard, which remained blissfully unaware of his impending presence. With each silent advance, Finn readied himself to strike, his heart beating in perfect sync with the rhythm of nature.

'Now!' Finn, his heart pounding in the stillness of the moment, meticulously drove his spear into the slumbering lizard's unblinking eye. The creature, caught unaware in its peaceful repose, never had the opportunity to mount any defense against his relentless assault. With a profound silence that marked its exit from this world, the lizard's life was extinguished.

[9 exp earned]

Observing the earned experience, Finn's countenance transformed into a frown, for it had dwindled compared to his previous tally. However, upon a moment of contemplation, he swiftly directed his attention towards Echo's status, which, too, had undergone a subtle alteration.


[Name: Echo]

[Relationship level: 50]

[level: 1](1/10)

[Skills: vision share,stealth]

(Note: weak creature)


Upon witnessing this, Finn didn't harbor much disappointment. He had hoped that Echo would evolve into a more valuable companion through the acquisition of experience points, a transformation that was expected to enhance its utility.

'Speaking of exp how close am i to leveling up' FInn thought as he opened his status screen.


Name: Finn martin

Race: Slugcat(The knight)

Level: 2(87/200)

HP (Health Points): 151.5

MP (Magic Points): 51

STR: 15.15

AGI: 8.1

END: 15.15

WIS: 5.1

INT: 5.1

skill points: 1

stat points: .25


[Bone shield(LV 1/10)]- allows user to creat a shield of bone with size determined by amount of mp used

[Indomitable(Maxed)]- You shall not bend....


Examining his status screen, Finn calculated that he would need to eliminate a thirteen lizards to achieve the coveted level-up. At first glance, this task didn't appear overly challenging. However, a lingering sense of trepidation gnawed at him, for he was all too aware of his unfortunate streak of luck, fearing that destiny might steer him towards an encounter with the formidable King Vulture.

'You know what lets just kill a few more lizards and then head home' Finn wasted no time, swiftly setting Echo into motion to scour the surroundings for additional lizards. Echo executed the task with remarkable ease, swiftly uncovering seven more of the elusive reptiles within a surprisingly short span. Finn effortlessly dispatched these newfound adversaries with minimal exertion.

'Gotta love 15 endurance' finn though joyfully as he drove his spear through the 9th lizard

[9 exp earned]


[Congratulations! Echo has reached Level 2, and there are only 8 more levels to go before it evolves.]

'Huh evolution?' The last sentence left Fin slightly perplexed, but without any intention of squandering precious moments, he decided to make his way back home. Hunger gnawed at his stomach, and a pressing need compelled him to rid his inventory of the surplus lizards.


Need a image just ask and i should post one