

?????: *wakes up and look at the clock* "wow its 1:30 am, damn im hungry im going to make a snack", said the young boy. *takes 2 slices of bread and with butter to make a quick snack*.

?????: Hello cuz, did u miss me

?????: *turns arround* Impossible you should be dead i was at your funeral...I.....I....I saw your body....how are you..alive?

?????: The funny thing is im dead but i always wanted to visit you and aunty

The boy felt fear as his cousin face turns 360° while his body morphe into a skinny black figure with skin stretching down his elbow and then his eyes began to glow red.

?????: Come on cuz didnt u say u wanted me to live now come with me *voice gets deeper and more demonic*

?????: your not my cousin ur now twisted, u arent the kind person i once knew ur a demon

The freightened boy look up to see an angel phazing though the kitchen window, he took a look at the female angel he saw that the angel had a slash on her face, she had 4 white wings, long golden hair, and golden eyes with the symbol of a cross in his eyes.

Warrior angel: so, u came for this family huh demon, or should i say shane. Wait kid you can see me? ah what eves, anyway kid u might not wanna watch this but hey its ur life so do what u want, just dont get involved. Im about to show Shane how we deal with demons.

Announcement: Hello guys its ya boi Jeffrey and i wanted to make a horror novel based off my nightmares, so there is more. This is juat a prologue so I hope you enjoyed it. The real chapter will be released the next full moon.

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