I was feeling it tbh, don't expect this to be some grand elaborate, revolutionary fanfic, it won't be. I own nothing, all that stuff belongs to. Whoever made it this is a fanfic. I just added the Raid Boss and a few characters here and there. Updates might be slow too. ~~~~~ One of the devs for Yggdrasil, a DMMO-RPG, was in his office reminiscing and wishing the game wouldn't end so soon. It's been 12 years since it all began. During the later years if the game he had been on the team responsible for creating a new Raid Boss for the new event. He had put his heart and soul into the character, even the lore of him. But the character only saw light for a couple months before he was scrapped and they had to release a different one. He spent time finely tweaking the character to be used but now it's over, he will never have the chance again. He fell asleep, with the character he made on his monitor. The dev wakes up but not in his office, and not in his body either.
Info Dump about the game (I did not cover everything but if you want me to cover more just ask, or you can just look it up, it's a lot)
Yggdrasil, no not the world tree, a DMMO-RPG (Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). The game was infamous for the degree of customization. Using the creator tools, you could alter the appearances of items, characters internal code, it gave a broad scope of options. It sparked the stylistic revolution around Japan because of the amount of freedom you had with the game.
The developers described it as a game of exploration. They allowed players to explore the many mysteries hidden within the game either by solo or party. Equipment could be changed from head to toe, each given a slot, but limited to three magical items around the neck, withonku the last one as usable and one ring on each finger could be attached. However, through the use of cash items you could put one ring on each finger. With the creator tools, you can also form original items, and through this an unlimited number of possibilities arose for players to choose from.
The most important thing in Yggdrasil is information. Information cost more than items as Yggdrasil was based on discovery so in order to find something you need people wouldn't just give that information up for free as it took alot of time, money, and patience to find it themselves so they won't make it easy if someone needed the information they had. World items, secret classes, secret skills are as such, throughout the 12 hear reign of the game, only 30% has been mapped out so far of all nine realms, however in the last days information was being released at a high rate considering the game will no longer be in service.
Guild bases, one for each realm, leveled at 3000. Fight for control of these bases were complex, and difficult, so being a weak guild and trying to severe to secure a base is not ideal.
Dungeons, scattered throughout the isn't, some needed special equipment and strategy's to pursue on. There were many dungeons that were kept secret or needed a special class to enter and find, even special conditions, such as rainfall at a specific time to open up a dungeon. The outer world of the realms were riddle with monsters and the deeper you go to the core of the land the more difficult the monsters as well as dungeons. The terrain itself was against you as well.
Some dungeons were so difficult they required a 36 man squad, and allows cooperation between guilds to complete. That alone says how difficult these dungeons get.
The max level in the game was level 100 with two types, Racial and Class. Monsters have both with the addition of Monster levels. When a player dies, they lose experience, and levels which isn't to bad considering they could gain the levels back. The worst part is that they lose a randomly equiped item, so if you have a treasured item equipped, and it dropped they weren't getting it back. In the higher difficulty ones sometime they lose more than one equip.
It was designed so the most valuable items dropped first, however could be reduced with revival and cash items. In addition, should the player die and lose levels the skills at those levels will be lost as well.
The game was open to 700 different races, seperated into three categories, humanoid, demihuman, heteromorphic. Demihuman and heteromorphic gain racial classes and skills upon leveling. There also exists, 2000 classes players can choose from, with 15 being the highest level for a single class. A few high ranking classes have a level limit however. It's entirely possible to get 7 classes before hitting the level cap of 100. Classes can be unlocked through a myriad of way such as PK (player killing) heteromorphs for powerful classes.
As far as items levels go they ascend as, Low> Middle> High > Top > Legacy > Relic > Legendary > Divine. World items override the limits of items and can even change the world of the game.
There are two types of raid bosses within the game. Ones that has minions or summon spawns, then there's the solo bosses. The bosses who have aid typically match the players with the level cap and just have higher health. Solo bosses have the opportunity to break the level limit with different abilities to make it tough on the players. These are the real monsters of the game. There's at least 32 level breaking monsters with most being dragons.
"Sigh, I can't believe the games ending, I never got the chance to show off my tweaked creation for the game." -Mori Atsushi
I sitting there looking at the monitor of what I would call my grand creation. No one's in the office as it's my job to make sure the servers went down.
"I've put in alot of effort in this game, not only the designs but the world building. Me and mY team spent alot of time getting the designs down for the buildings and dungeons."
I had to grab some coffee, it's way to late at night for this. I pour myself up a lot go back to sitting down looking at an old boss I designed myself.
"A man of whom stirs the winds and tides when he holds the sword. He is a ronin, who has traveled to many places. It is said that he was taught by two avatars, of Hachiman and Takemikazuchi in the way of the sword and bow. He spent half his life learning the way, then his teacher, Hachiman, performed a divination to point him toward his fate. He told him to go toward Asgard. He travels the lands there in search of his fate, he saves a god called Idun, from a Troll Lord. As thanks for his help she presents him with the apple of immortality to return him to his prime, and gave him an abundant source of life energy. Returned to his former self, he spent some time in Asgare and learned magic as well. He sought to combine it with his own way of the sword toward something new. Afterwards a long time, he sets out to return to his masters, however, on his way back, using the bifrost, Loki sent him to Jotunheim, the land of Giants.
He became lost and spent many centuries honing his sword int he frozen tundra made it to the core of the realm. Deep under the icy land, he came across a sapphire dewdrop. The aura coming from it was extreme and overbearing. Without a solid mind your sanity would be lost and you would be crushed to death, not even gods with low fortitude would be able to stand in it's presence. He used all his years in the way of the sword to split the aura in two and make his way to the dew. Once he made contact the dew entered his system to breed a new monster into the world. Armed with a katana and a wakizashi, he's spent a millennia honing his skills he awaits for war with Asgard for their trickery." I profess his character description. It's a good thing no one is here.
"That's how he became a world enemy level raid boss, his war with Asgard would cause waves that would rattle the 9 realms. He has three phases, the first he is just a normal enemy that has strong attacks to take down enemies. The trouble is dodging his powerful attacks in the first phase. Second phase, he gets serious, and has access to his bow. He starts using attacks containing ki and also buffs his body. In this way, his not just his powerful attacks you have to worry about it's his speed. His training has made sure that the wind would lose to him in speed. This is the part players get the most difficulty out of. He isn't only fast his reflexes get bumped up to, so they have trouble hitting him and keeping up with his speed. On top of that he heals himself and his vitality is fairly high compared to other raid bosses. Haha, I probably should've taken that out but whatever." I mused to myself. There's a reason this guy got taken out, it's because no one could beat him in this phase. He was all over the map and players had trouble keeping up with him. Even the homing spells would take a while to hit him because of it.
"His third phase was where they really see despair, He let's lose the energy contained in his body and uses new abilities the dewdrop gave him. He slows players movements and casting time by 50%, induces fear and paralysis on the two players with the most health, and I swear I was drunk when I added this part but he gets much faster. He generates perma-frostfire on all his attacks so players get chip damage as well, increased range of attack. I think the reason I focused on speed with him was because of that proverb from novels, speed is invincible." I fold my arms satisfied with my character. The top tier players have access to many different skills and magic. My boss is the same. He knows over 400 skills and 200 spells, he specialized in ice, fire, and lightning based attacks.
Yeah he was broken but I loved him so, I did make a way to beat him, though it would be extremely difficult to pull off, almost impossible. The only reason I made him was to see how challenging I could make this game. However, the rewards granted for beating him is in now way not worth it. You'd look back and not even be mad about it, however you would never want to fight him again.
"Well since this is the last day I may as well let him have some light and upload him into the game until everything's over, maybe add some extra stuff." *Yawn*" I yawned hard, it only takes a couple of minutes to upload him where he was previously. I want him to have all his icy glory when it all ends.
Name: Yuki Shigemoto
Level: 200
Race: High Human Lvl: 15
Race: Hel Arch Lord Lvl: 15
Race: Aesir (Frost-Fire): Lvl 5
Class: Sword God (Genius): Lvl 15
Class: Ki Master: Lvl 15
Class: War God: Lvl 10
Class: Martial Saint: Lvl 15
Class: Ranger: Lvl 15
Class: Divine Archer: Lvl 15
Class: Ice Mage: Lvl 10
Class: Fire Mage: Lvl 10
Class: Master Assassin: Lvl 15
Class: Magic Sword Saint: Lvl 15
Class: World Enemy: Lvl 5
Class: Divine Samurai: Lvl 5
Class: Lightning Mage: Lvl 10
Class: Monk: Lvl 15
Karma: Neutral Evil
HP: 2500 (4500 2nd Phase)
MP: ???
P. Atk: ???
P. Def: ???
Agi: ???
M. Atk: ???
M. Def: ???
Resist: ???
S. Ability: ???
"Yup, just how I like it, impossible. The only reason he has these stats is because of the dew. It was going to be a concept we added later, called, Audhumla's drop. The one, he got was of the highest quality and amount. The players would've gotten a much lesser version, but we never got to implement it. It's how he got the title and race changed to Aesir, which is in his 3rd phase, where he transforms into his true form." I voice, with a smirk on my face.
I decide check out the temple he is in. I didn't add the rest of the monsters who are suppose to be there, there was no time for all that. I placed him on his throne so he can look badass. *Yawn* I start to get really sleepy, I set an alarm to make sure I wake up, and then I drift off.