
Chapter 2: 02-Beginning

I woke up the next morning grasping the photo that my mom had taken of me, my little sister, and Maybelle right after I had taken her out of the box that my sister had so delicately and finely wrapped up around my new and forever friend. I groggily sat up in my bed as I looked around my room at all of the clothes and other misplaced items on the floor, shelves, and my desk. I sat up and immediately tripped, landing face first. I mumbled a few curse words as I got up and investigated the reason I had fallen to the floor. After I had fallen I'd heard an ear-piercing screech, from my fluffy friend. Once I was up off of the floor I turned around and picked up Maybelle, cradling her and assuring her I really didn't know she was there. I heard an unsure grumble come from her as she gracefully leaped from my arms onto the bed staring back at me concerningly. I smiled at her and ambled to the bathroom where I undressed and stepped into the shower. As I turned it to the warm setting I realized that even though my sister had passed away, I still felt like she was giving me advice on my non-risky decisions and the boring way that I live my life. I can still hear her saying that I should, "Just go for it, don't think about it." I started to bawl like a baby while the warm water drenched my hair and ran down my body like the tears were running down my cheeks.

After I stood under the shower head for a while, probably about an hour just bawling, I eventually stepped out looking into the mirror at my blood-shot, puffy, red eyes. I grabbed my towel and dried myself off. After I wrapped my towel around my body I walked down the hall to my kitchen where I started to make my morning coffee. I started to cry again, but this time was tears of joy. As I thought about how happy my sister is now. Just how excited she is to finally see Grandpa again. I was drinking my coffee on my couch, checking my Facebook, as Maybelle hopped up onto my lap and started to rub her, shedding, furry self all over my favorite towel. I smiled at her and rubbed her right behind her ears. She purred in content.

I finished my coffee and got up to go get dressed. After I was dressed. I headed downstairs to walk to the coffee shop where I will see the most amazing man on Earth. I started to melt on the inside as I thought about him. I wasn't looking where I was going as I walked into the coffee shop and some jerk spilled his coffee on my new Ralph Lauren cardigan. I looked up to curse at him as I realized it was Liam. I started blushing hardcore as he smiled his heart-melting smile. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. I was pretty sure the entire neighborhood could hear my heart pounding and the slight moan that escaped me. After Liam stood back looking into my eyes, I blurted out, " Your lips taste amazing." He giggled, he quite literally giggled and replied with, " Why thank you, that is the first time anyone has ever complimented the taste of my lips." I turned away blushing so red that the lady at the table next to us smiled warmly and said, "It's alright dear, I remember when my Walter made me feel that way until he passed away...." I ignored the rest of her story and turned back to Liam. I quite literally almost dropped to the ground. Embarrassingly enough, Liam caught me with his very muscular right hand as I stood back up.

We started to walk down the sidewalk towards my apartment. We got there and went right up to my apartment. He then grabbed me and pressed his warm, muscular body to mine, whispering something into my ear, "I'm gonna make love to you so hard you'll ever only think of me." We started to make out and after that, the rest was a blur. The next morning I woke up in my bed with Liam, so soundly asleep, next to me. As I started to wake up the night before began to re-enter my mind in extremely vivid detail. All I will tell you is that, trust me, it was the best night of my life. I quietly slipped out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready. As I was brushing my hair after my daily morning shower, I shrieked a blood-curdling scream as Liam just happened to "show up" in the bathroom door. He was smiling with that smile that melts me inside. I look at his naked self as I realized that I still hadn't wrapped my self in a towel yet. I said good morning to Liam as I non chalantly began to brush my hair once again. He appeared behind me wrapping me in a towel, that so oddly looked like my favorite one. I smiled like an idiot as he kissed my neck. A shiver ran through my body like an electric current runs through a wire. Liam kissed me once more and grabbed a towel finally wrapping himself up and gracefully walked out of the bathroom to get himself ready. After he was ready he re-entered the bathroom whipped me around to face him and kissed me. I melted all over again as he did, and stood there like an idiot staring at him as he pulled me close to him as his breath drifted across my neck, giving me goosebumps all over again. He gave my body a gentle squeeze and walked out of my bathroom and out of my apartment. As I stood there just trying to process even just a fraction of what had happened just then and what went on the night before. I then turned around to face the mirror when I noticed that he had left his watch. I started thinking about going after him to give it back, then I realized I would never catch up to him. So I layed it back down to give it to him the next time he came over.

I left out a few details because I didn't want my story to be too inappropriate for younger readers, that might just happen to be reading my story. I was also hoping that my assumption that most of you would be respectful of m rating and only read this at the age level I have given this story. I had also assumed that most of you would be mature enough to be able to fill in the missing details yourselves.

QuidianGoddesscreators' thoughts