
Back in the Kingdom


A voice called out an unfamiliar name brought me back to my senses.

'Huh? Wait, where am I?'

Why am I holding a knife, chopping onions? And what are these? gloves? My head examined the place, and it seems I'm in someone else's kitchen.

"Alex, what are you doing? Hurry and tend the Emperor right now!"

A lady in her mid-thirties approached me and took the knife I was holding. I just stared at her as I recognized her outfit. It's what the maids in the kingdom once wore. Come to think of it; I'm also wearing one.

"What are you staring at? Go to His Majesty's room immediately!"

She slightly pushed me. I exited the kitchen and walked a long hallway. This place is so familiar that it's giving me goosebumps. It's like an old version of a site where I used to be.

It's not where I think It is, right? I mean, it can't be. I already died in that world.

My feet brought me to a very spacious living room where two grand staircases rest, leading to the second floor. I approached the stairs and looked up to see the place.

As everything gets more familiar, my heart raced so fast that I can hardly keep up my breath. I then grab the handrail of the stairs to support my shaking knees. It can't be.

"There's no way I'm back to that hell." I whispered to myself as I muster the courage to see if my intuition is right. I took a deep breath as tried so hard to calm myself down before walking the stairs.

This familiar air around me is giving me shivers down to my spine.

I'm scared.

At the end of the stairs, there stood an enormous golden door, A very familiar entrance of my father's room in one of his favorite manor located in Kennettra. For some reason, It's the only place where he can rest.

The only different thing is the door looks old and dusty. As if the maids aren't doing a good job. Come to think of it, I never encountered servants as I walked towards here. There's no way in my father's watch that halls would be empty and doors would be dusty.

I raise my hand to grab the doorknob, but as soon as I touch it, someone on the other side opened it, which startled me.

As the door opened wide, the smell of tobacco welcomed me along with the familiar figure of a man. Little did I know, I was holding my breath as he approached me. I crossed my fingers, hoping he's not who I think he is.

Slowly, the light from the hallway lit his face. I froze because I can recognize the person in front of me. The bitter, painful memories he imposed on me from the past came rushing in like a violent tornado.

He walked towards me. His steps were light and slow.

It doesn't look like he's doing well. As badly as I want to ask him why the door is dirty, I just cannot concern myself with him anymore. Worrying about him brought me to the wrong place once. There's no way I'm gonna repeat history.

I wonder how many years have passed since the day he cut my neck?

"I summoned you ages ago. Where were you?" he asked. It doesn't seem like he recognizes me. Maybe I'm in someone else's body like how I was transferred to Seoul.

I can't help but resent this goddamn god who kept doing what he wants with me.

"ANSWER ME!" he shouted right in front of my face. Before I can answer, a familiar unpleasant voice called from the left hallway made all my blood boil.


My head turned in the direction of the voice, and there came running the Princess of Georgia, smiling as if she's the kindest person on Earth. I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

Seeing how carefree she is, I almost wanna kill her right here, right now.

But, that would be too easy, don't you think?