
Race against time

Trina moves to a new school to start her final year. She Mets Hunter, a spoiled rich kid. She soon discovers that the school is not as it seems. Her best friend falls into the trap and not Trina has only but a week to get her back. In this sense it is a true race against time.

Independent_Psycho · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter 3

I lay there on the sand, looking at the sky underneath some shade I had found for myself while crying.

MY eyes were dry now and my throat begging for a sip of water. I should have packed some food. The wind blew in my face and for a second I was lost in the sound of the waves and breeze.

Then, unexpectedly, I heard a sweet voice. It sounded helpless and confused. I opened my eyes to see a short old lady walking towards the beach. She seemed to be asking for help, and before I knew it, I over to her. Rushed, she had a gentle face and a worried expression. I placed one hand on her shoulder and another on her arm. I slowly pulled her back and said," I am sorry granny, but you almost entered the water, I heard you calling out for help, and I am here to assist you."

She smiled and looked so calm. She petted the hand on her left arm and said," thank you, but I was looking for a shop named Teddy's pastry shop, I heard that their pastries are the best, and I was supposed to meet my son there."

I knew that place, it was my favourite store, the owner always wanted me to marry his son, so he gave me free pastries. I could afford to buy them on my own, since my allowance was not half bad from the orphanage, but I still took them.

I squeezed her hand and said," Don't worry, I will take you there myself since I know the place, so I will take you there personally."

She smiled and said," thank you, by the way what is your name sweet child."

I became a bit guarded but finally answered," Trina. Trina White."

Her smiled was very warm and comforting when she said," what a lovely name. My name is Destiny; I was named by the woman that adopted me. I am blind and suffer from old age, so receiving your help is like a miracle".

I laughed a little and went to get my stuff. I told her I would be right back and went to get my bag. I went back and found her waiting in the same spot. Maybe she is not a scammer after all. As though she could read my thoughts, she smiled. Weird.

We went together to the pastry shop and had a pleasant conversation on the way there. When we got there, she reached into here pocket to give me something," as a token of my appreciation."

I wanted to stop her, but she pulled out a small book before I could say anything. The placed it in my hands, surprising since she was blind and none of my hands were on her. She placed the book there and smiled and said," I hope you won't refuse this old lady's wish. Oud are such a kind girl and I wanted to reward you. It's rude to say no to a gift.".

I took it and thanked her. I turned around to go look for her son, when I remembered I never asked for his name. So I turned back to ask her but she was gone. Strange, she was just behind me. It was as though she left but that is not possible. I opened the book to find that all the pages were blank and there was no name in it anywhere.

I looked around and saw no signs. That was weird, well until I heard a voice say," Don't lose that book, it might help you one day.". I looked around for the source but I did not find it. I looked crazy. Some people looked concerned. I entered the pastry store and asked if anybody saw a little old lady I was with.

The owner was not there but his son Ravi was. He looked concerned. He said I was talking to myself and there was no old lady with me. That is impossible. I looked for the small notebook and found it. It was real. And if so, then what happened?

i will publish chapter 4 later this week. But new update every sunday or so.

Independent_Psychocreators' thoughts