
Quick Transmigration System!?

I looked around the dark space that I suddenly found myself in, not quite sure what to make of it.

Not sure if this is what I expected to come after death, don't think anyone is, to be completely honest, but a space of complete darkness is... fitting...?

I nodded to myself, it does seem quite fitting, but if this is all there is for all eternity then it's going to get boring very fucking fast...

Luckily I wasn't left to rot in this darkness for too long, since a couple of seconds after my mental complaint, a ball of light popped into existence in front of me. Usually, this would have sent my heart racing... if I had a heart of course.

I wasn't entirely sure what form I had at the moment but I could confirm that it wasn't human, if anything it was... a blob?

It felt like I could modify my shape if I put some effort into it, but, right now, my attention was completely taken by this orb of light.

"Hello, Agent 513377! I am System Subsection designation GC-777! I have access to all sorts of counterattacks from which I can select for you to undertake! I hope we get along!"

I could feel my non-existent stomach sink at those words, as my equally non-existent brain quickly associated the words with my memories, of books I had read in the past.

Counterattacks… As in... Quick Transmigration?

Then, this thing is a Quick Transmigration System?

If I had brows they'd be locked into a tight frown at the realization.

It's not that it was bad news... well at least I don't think so, it's just…

"I'm not qualified." I said, a bitter tone to the words which even I didn't expect.

The system which had been bobbing up and down as it talked seemingly excited came to a stop at my words before floating around me twice and coming to a stop in front of me again.

"But… you are?" It said in a confused tone. "Anyway, the main system would never make a mistake, so, since it chose you, then you are qualified!" It followed up with certainty as if there was no way its words could not be wrong.

I looked at the ball of light bobbing up and down excitedly in front of me once again, speechless.

"No, wait, that's not… What I meant is... how do I put this." I paused for a moment trying to gather the words to explain myself. "I'm just an ordinary guy, I don't have the ability necessary for this, I don't think I'd be able to accomplish the tasks..."

The System seemed to slow down its bobbing as if processing my words before jumping quickly and flying around me once, finally stopping once again in front of me.

"So that's what you meant! You don't have to worry! The requirements of the Main System are solely based on the soul for a reason!" It announced, sounding really smug towards the end.

Suddenly a list popped up in front of me, reminding me of a game interface in a way. In it, there were a couple of things. Shooting, Survival, Brawling, Driving, Acting, Dancing, Gaming, Singing…

There were around a dozen items on the list, all in the same vein.

I looked at the items on the list for a few seconds before I realized what it was that I was looking at.

Turning to the System, intending to confirm my guess, only to see it floating up and down rapidly, looking happy with itself.

"That's right! These are skills! As a new agent, you are allowed to choose one of these which will get integrated into you at the standard professional level!"

A rush of happiness seemed to pass through me as I turned back to the list, looking at it much more seriously than before, not even realizing that I had already subconsciously started to accept my new role.

As I looked over the skills available, for just a moment, I was tempted to take Gaming due to how big of a part it had in my life, or well, previous life. I quickly dismissed the thought, however. Even if I ended up in a world where Gaming was needed, I already had personal experience with it, not to mention that there were things that were more important for my future tasks.

I continued to look over the list dismissing the ones that I was sure weren't essential, eventually narrowing it down to Survival and Acting.

I looked at both skills, conflicted. That was when a thought crossed my mind and I turned to the system.

"You said I'd get to choose the tasks right?" I asked probingly

It bobbed up and down looking as if it was nodding. "Yes, I'll provide you with a list of the currently available tasks and you'll choose one."

"I see…" I said absently, lost in thought once again.

I continued looking at the two skills for a few more moments before finally making up my mind and choosing Acting.

If I could choose which tasks to take then I could avoid the ones that put me in danger until I had some confidence of being able to handle them.

Meanwhile, Acting would be useful in every task, since I'd have to play into the identity of the Task Giver.

"I'll choose Acting." I finally declared, watching its letters light up in green as the other skills faded away until only acting remained. Then, a light shot out of it and flowed into me.

A moment later, new knowledge made itself available to me, as if I'd always know it but wasn't aware of it until now.

"That's...weird." I said as I adjusted to the new knowledge.

"Don't worry, you'll grow used to it in no time!" The system responded.

I looked at the orb of light for a moment, mulling over my thoughts before finally saying.

"Calling you 'System' all the time will be weird… Can I give you a name?"

And God! If it was already an excited little thing before, then now this little ball of light was like a kid on a sugar rush! It took off flying around me as soon as I finished asking, fast enough to make me dizzy, before finally stopping and rubbing itself against me affectionately.

"Please do!" It finally answered as it continued rubbing against me.

I fell into thought then, trying to come up with a name for it. Names weren't my strong suit, like, at all, but this was important, this little system, this odd orb of light, was something that I'd have to spend a very long time with in the future, hell, maybe even the rest of my existence.

So, I had to pick a good name.

Little Seven or Lucky Seven seemed like the obvious choice, but that also seemed overused, so I tried to think of another.

Eventually, its appearance reminded me of the name from an MGS character and I decided to give it a try.

"What about Sunny?"

I asked it, looking at it for confirmation, watching as it went still for a moment before jumping up and down.

"I like it! My name is Sunny now!" Sunny continued jumping up and down like a little ball full of energy that it was, excited at its new name.

Suddenly it stopped. "Right, I forgot! You have to choose a designation for yourself! A nickname if you will. It'll be used when you speak to other Agents, Clients, and other such situations. In a way, it'll be your new name in this new life of yours. This is an important choice." It went silent for a moment in front of me. "What do you want it to be?"

I looked at Sunny absentmindedly for a moment as I got lost in thought.

I thought to use my usual nickname at first before dismissing the idea, it wouldn't work as a name if I needed it to be used as a one.

After a few seconds of thought, I remembered the name that I usually used for some of my characters in books and games and came to a choice.

"Snow," I said, testing the sound of it to myself before nodding, or well, kinda nodding, as I made my choice. "My new name will be Snow."

And there we have it!

I'm trying my hand at Quick Transmigration.

Haven't written anything for a while so I'm using this to exercise my brain muscles if you will Xp.

Anyway, I'm not entirely sure what Snow's first task will be, I'm leaning towards Film Emperor because of the Acting skill though.

Do give me your suggestions if you have any, however!

Nerve out!

NerveWreckercreators' thoughts
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