105 reflection

I am no one Yet I am someone.

I am one person, yet I am someone else as well.

Two sides of the same coin if you like a part of both sides yet of neither, a grey entity in a world of black and white…

Quite frankly, at the moment, I am not completely sure about exactly who I am and what kind of role I'm supposed to play, but when I do, I am certain that you will be able to tell whether I am a friend or foe to you…

It has been said that a person's true appearance has never been seen by that said person. All anyone ever sees is a reflection, but how much of that reflection is the same as reality? What would it take for that reflection to break? Glass is fragile and can easily crack and water is able to ripple when disturbed.

So what is a persons true nature?

Is a gray, a true neutral possible?

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