
Quest for the Divine Treasure

BigGrimm_07 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

A few weeks later

After some time had passed it started to get boring doing the same thing every day. Until my mom walked in and said she would be taking me around the castle

She picked me up and started to leave the room. We were walking in the hallway when we reached a room with beautiful design on the frame as we entered she said " This is the dining hall where we will be eating", as she said this a smile was on my face because I was having a good time.

As she showed me more rooms I became more amazed by the palace as I never thought I would be back in one. So she took me back to my room and put me down to play with me for a bit.

Few hours later my dad came in and started talking to my mother. While hearing them speak about the kingdom I wanted say something to them but when I tried to say hi I'm Jacob nothing came out but gibberish then I sighed and realized it would be wired if I could talk so I payed down and slowly went to sleep.

The next day I woke up and my mother was on the bed but my father wasn't there as I expected since he is a king. There were so many questions I wanted answering to but realized I would just have to wait till I was older so I just let the day go on like normal.