After being betrayed and sent out of the prestigious Royal Mansion,she found her self in an underground psychiatric hospital. BOOM, the hospital blows up and no one knows if she's dead or alive
Early in the morning,the golden sun stood still in the bright blue sky. The sweet and harmonious chirping of birds made the beautiful Royal mansion come alive. The servants began their day to day activities.
"Li Xiu, stop being silly"Wang Xiu Ying told her daughter who was busy jumping on the bed while her twin brother Li Jie was busy playing with his toys.
"Madam please don't scold her,she's just four years old"Nanny Zhou a sixty two years old woman said defending the sweet innocent child.
"come go play with your brother"Wang Xiu Ying said as she caught her daughter. Li Jie shot a look at his mother indicating that he didn't want to be disturbed.
"No mommy, she'll break all my toys"Li Jie said.
"Li Jie, mommy said we should always share our toys"Li Xiu said as she went towards her brother.
"She also said to always listen to your elders. I'm older than you"Li Jie reminded.
"with just three minutes"Li Xiu said.
Did she say just three minutes?. Those three minutes were like hell for her and she just called them just. Wang Xiu Ying thought to herself.
"Look Madam the both of them are becoming very smart"Nanny Zhou said happily.
"more like they talk too much." Wang Xiu Ying complained.
Wang Xiu Ying was the epitome of beauty. Her beautiful obsidian black hair crashed over her shoulders,her beautiful brown eyes adorned her face along with her dainty nose and strawberry sweet lips her slender body was covered in glossy skin and she possessed an elegant personality. All these features made all the servants see her as a goddess.
After some time, a luxurious Mercedes Benz drove into the compound.
"Daddy's home"Li Jie said happily as he ran towards the door followed by his sister.
"slow down" Nanny Zhou cautioned as she followed the twins. Wang Xiu Ying remained in the room,Li Wei was back from his trip to Canada. As a good wife, she is supposed to be the first person to welcome him home but their relationship had not gotten to that yet. Yes they had children but that was what was expected from her. In the entire Li family, her only place in the family was the role of a breeding machine after all her marriage with Li Wei was a mistake, so the status of being recognized as a wife of the Li family was not given to her. Moreover, she and Li Wei never knew each other before the marriage so their relationship was not strong. One would think that after the birth of Li Jie and Li Xiu, their relationship would have gotten stronger but that was not the case Li Wei was always one that stayed to himself and he is always adored by women who admired the mystique that surrounded his persona and also his appearance as a hunk. That being said, he was also the CEO of Li Corporation,in other words he was a big shot and was feared. He had the presence of a king and was a man of few words which made people develop an undying sense of respect and loyalty.
"Daddy what did you buy for us"were the seven words that came out of Li Jie and Li Xiu's mouth after they had greeted and hugged him. They weren't interested if he had a smooth ride, what the purpose of the trip was, they only assumed that it was a smooth but who can blame them, they were just four years old,they didn't know what life was about and didn't care.
Li Wei gave them the toys he had bought for them.
"Thank you" The two of them said simultaneously, they were twins indeed.
"Sir, you have a call from Mr Gu" Mr Cheng, his assistant said as he handed him his phone. After he finished he turned to Mr Cheng who was holding a stack of documents and asked him to take it to the study room,he then turned to Nanny Zhou who was watching the kids as they were busy with their toys.
"Nanny, please tell Xiu Ying that we have a dinner invitation" he said as he left without waiting for her to respond.