
Quadruple System: Are 4 Systems enough to rule the Universe?

Two centuries ago, a mysterious universal system descended upon Earth, granting individuals aged 21 and older one of four distinct systems: Level-Up, Cultivation, Quest, or Store. However, in a seemingly ordinary apartment, a young man named Orion, who may not be as ordinary as he seems, unexpectedly awakens a Fused system that encompasses all four types. A voice, deep and resonant, echoed in his mind: "Welcome, Orion. You have awakened to the Fused System – an unprecedented convergence of the Level-Up, Cultivation, Store, and Quest systems." This newfound power sets the stage for a journey that could reshape not only his life, but also his city, Earth itself, and perhaps even the entire universe and beyond. As he delves deeper into this extraordinary power, Orion must also unravel the enigma surrounding his family's past, the origins of this mystical system, and the eerie dungeons and small worlds that mysteriously appeared alongside it, harboring untold secrets and unimaginable challenges. Join us as we embark on an epic adventure, seeking answers to these and other mysteries and uncovering the true potential of the Fused system, as well as the untapped potential of the universe itself.

Orion_Vale · Fantasi
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81 Chs

Chapter 59: The Whispering Hollows

As dawn crept over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Orion found himself awake, his mind still entangled in the unsettling events of the previous day. The betrayal within the caverns had left a sour taste, stirring a mix of confusion and frustration within him. While the clan higher-ups conducted their investigation into Theo and Alex's actions, there was little Orion could do but wait.

Restless, he decided to channel his energy into something productive. Recently, upon reaching silver rank in the Adventurers Guild, he had earned the privilege of undertaking solo delves into D rank dungeons. This opportunity was a welcome distraction, a chance to clear his head and focus on something within his control.

Orion started his morning with a quick, purposeful routine, gearing up for the day ahead. As he equipped himself, his thoughts lingered on the previous day's events. The feel of his lightweight armor and the familiar grip of his dagger brought a sense of normalcy, a reminder of the challenges he had faced and overcome.

Before setting off, Orion decided to check the Adventurers Guild missions. Browsing through the list on his communicator, a particular mission caught his eye: a request for a boss drop from one of the D rank dungeons, with a reward of 1000 Guild Points. This mission was not only a perfect test for his newfound privileges but also a chance to accumulate more points, furthering his standing within the Guild.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Orion tapped into the Adventurers Guild's information database directly from his communicator. He gathered details about the Whispering Hollows, the designated dungeon for his mission. He focused on the layout, traps, and monsters, especially the boss's unique characteristics.

Leaving his quarters with a solid plan, Orion made his way to the location of the Whispering Hollows. The early morning air was crisp, a stark contrast to the anticipated challenges of the dungeon. Upon arrival, he stood before the portal, the only physical indicator of the dungeon's entrance.

Taking a deep breath, Orion stepped through the portal. The familiar sensation of transitioning worlds brought a rush of adrenaline. He found himself in the starting chamber of the Whispering Hollows, a space that belied the complexity that lay ahead.

After a moment to adjust to the environment, Orion quickly performed the summoning for Auf, his loyal wolf companion appearing by his side. Together, they surveyed the chamber, noting potential paths. With his strategy set and his hand resting on his dagger, Orion, accompanied by Auf, moved towards the nearest passage, embarking on his journey through the depths of the Whispering Hollows.

The Whispering Hollows dungeon, with its dimly lit corridors and oppressive atmosphere, presented a daunting challenge to Orion and his wolf companion, Auf. Their first encounter was with a group of agile goblin scouts. The goblins, quick and cunning, attacked in a coordinated assault. Orion's response was swift and precise, his dagger moving in a lethal dance as he parried and struck. Auf, with instinctual savagery, leapt at the goblins, his teeth finding their mark. The battle, though intense, ended in their favor.

[ Experience Gained: 400 ]

[ Experience Gained: 400 ]

[ Experience Gained: 400 ]

[ Companion Auf Experience Gained: 400 ]

[ Companion Auf Experience Gained: 400 ]

[ Drop Acquired: 4 Gold Coins, 2 Mana Stones ]

[ Drop Acquired: 1 Gold Coin, 3 Mana Stones ]

[ Drop Acquired: 3 Gold Coins, 1 Mana Stone ]

[ Drop Acquired: 2 Gold Coins, 1 Mana Stone ]

[ Drop Acquired: 1 Gold Coin, 4 Mana Stones ]

Venturing deeper, the duo was swarmed by cave bats in a narrow tunnel. The bats descended in a disorienting cloud, their screeches echoing off the walls. Orion's blade sliced through the swarm with calculated precision, while Auf leapt and snapped, catching the bats mid-flight. The chaotic fight tested their coordination and reflexes.

[ Experience Gained: 400 ]

[ Experience Gained: 400 ]

[ Experience Gained: 400 ]

[ Companion Auf Experience Gained: 400 ]

[ Companion Auf Experience Gained: 400 ]

[ Drop Acquired: 2 Bat Wings, 3 Mana Stones ]

[ Drop Acquired: 2 Bat Wings, 2 Mana Stones ]

[ Drop Acquired: 2 Bat Wings, 1 Mana Stone ]

[ Drop Acquired: 2 Bat Wings, 3 Mana Stones ]

[ Drop Acquired: 2 Bat Wings, 6 Mana Stones ]

Next, they encountered venomous snakes in a larger cavern. The snakes, with their rapid, slithering attacks, posed a significant threat. Orion's agility and quick thinking were crucial in dodging their venomous strikes. Auf's acute senses and swift reactions played a key role in outmaneuvering the serpents. Together, they overcame the perilous challenge.

[Experience Gained: 450 ]

[Experience Gained: 450 ]

[Experience Gained: 450 ]

[ Companion Auf Experience Gained: 450 ]

[ Companion Auf Experience Gained: 450 ]

[ Drop Acquired: Snake Venom Gland, 3 Mana Stones ]

[ Drop Acquired: Snake Venom Gland, 2 Mana Stones ]

[ Drop Acquired: Snake Venom Gland, 3 Mana Stones ]

[ Drop Acquired: Snake Venom Gland, 2 Mana Stones ]

[ Drop Acquired: Snake Venom Gland, 4 Mana Stones ]

The path led them to face a pack of dire wolves. The intensity of this encounter was a stark reminder of the dungeon's rank. Each wolf, formidable and aggressive, was a testament to the significant leap in difficulty from the lower-ranked dungeons. Orion's experience in a C rank dungeon with his team seemed less daunting in comparison. The dire wolves attacked relentlessly, but Orion and Auf matched their ferocity with skill and determination.

[ Experience Gained: 500 ]

[ Experience Gained: 500 ]

[ Experience Gained: 500 ]

[ Companion Auf Experience Gained: 500 ]

[ Companion Auf Experience Gained: 500 ]

[ Drop Acquired: Dire Wolf Pelt, 5 Mana Stones ]

[ Drop Acquired: Dire Wolf Pelt, 6 Mana Stones ]

[ Drop Acquired: Dire Wolf Pelt, 4 Mana Stones ]

[ Drop Acquired: Dire Wolf Pelt, 3 Mana Stones ]

[ Drop Acquired: Dire Wolf Pelt, 7 Mana Stones ]

Each battle, each narrow escape, reinforced the realization of the stark difference between this and the lower-ranked dungeons. Even the C rank dungeons he had tackled with his team seemed a more manageable challenge. As he collected the drops from the fallen wolves, Orion's thoughts momentarily drifted to his team, the recent betrayal still aching in his heart. He shook off the memories, focusing on the task at hand.

The journey through the dungeon continued, with each encounter testing their limits. Hidden pitfalls and treacherous traps added to the dungeon's dangers, demanding constant vigilance.

As they approached the boss chamber, the air grew heavier, filled with the anticipation of the ultimate challenge. The door, marked by ancient, ominous runes, stood as the final barrier. Orion paused, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. He checked his equipment and shared a resolute look with Auf. Together, they pushed open the door, ready to confront the final guardian of the Whispering Hollows.