
Pyromaniac Reborn

Assassins_bane · Game
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20 Chs

Chapter 6: Rewards Room

In an enclosed white space...

Ron Agnis, who had completed all the challenges, was standing there. He had a ragged appearance and his clothes were torn. The signs of a tough battle were clearly visible. His skin was burnt at the acupuncture points he had used for his technique. And his crimson hair hung down covering his eyes and his expression.

[Choose your rewards.]

The monotonous voice of the system caught his attention. He definitely heard it's previous joyous tone, when announcing his victory.

"Hey, isn't it time already? Stop playing around, I'm here." He says to the empty space disregarding the blue screen infront of him while his eyes stay hidden, his emotions unknown.



Only the silence greets him. Ron grits his teeth at that.

"Fuck!!Do I really have to do it? I thought the plan worked." His frustration becomes visible. He seems to be expecting someone in this space. But within this space no one else was visible, it was simply Ron who kept talking to the empty air.

He then calls out in an unknown language....

"System Interface ..."

" Access System Control... "

[Error: Not permitted]

[Error: Unauthorized Access detected.]

[Preparing to remove the threat.]


The whole space turns red and starts buzzing and glowing... The system messages appear on the blue screen. Startling Ron, who was trying this based on the memory he received just now.

The countdown heralds his doom... As it is a self destruct protocol to protect the system from invaders.

" Commence Override, Admin Privilege Code: 0097231123@Agnis."

Again he speaks with an unknown language, hurriedly as the countdown reaches zero....

[System Override code accepted.]

[Unknown Feature detected.]

[Password Required.]

A string of messages appear on the still red screen. While the dangerous feeling still persists, making chills run down, Ron's spine.

"Enter password: IgniaAgnis13012422." He mutters the name, showing a melancholic expression.

It was a name that brought the best and the worst memories of his life. A name he can never forget nor would he allow himself to.

[Welcome Admin Agnis]

The voice of the system changes from monotonous to a caring female voice. A voice that Ron has grown used to listening to, in his previous life.

"Pheww, I'm glad, our plan worked." Ron heaves a sigh of relief, a smile tugging at his lips.

[ It's good to see you again...Ron..] The female voice exclaims, Ron could almost imagine that slight smile she always used to have on her face.

[Our plan worked. You destroyed the abyss, and finally regressed to the beginning of everything.] She continues telling him about the events that transpired.

[ While you just returned back to the past, I relived that much time trying my best....] A long silence followed after that.

Ron understood that a long time had passed, since they last met. And he didn't know just how much she'd suffered alone all this time.

As for Ignia, who had suffered alone all those years, was really happy that she was able to see him once more.

So she continues,

[I am already connected to the system, my time flows differently now. Although the price we paid is not a small one..... I can already feel assimilating with the celestial will.] Her tone shifts to cautious, as she recalls how she's been escaping the systems notice all this time.

"It's alright now. We'll have to think of something." Ron says worried about her.

"You have done enough for now. It's really good to have you back, Ignia."

[Ron.......I don't have much time... Any anomalies will be reported to the system..... Although for now I've temporarily stopped it somehow...] She intones softly, in a sad voice.

"Ok then, let's hurry up and get to it."

She brings up the system interface..

[Please Choose your rewards.]

The blue screen grows bigger and a list appears infront of Ron. There are many rewards in the list but Ron focuses on the top few.

[Reward 1: Title : Hero Of Humanity ; As the human with the highest clear on the challenges, your fame will be renowned in the celestial grounds.

Exp Recieved+150% in human territory

All stats+150% in human territory.

Reputation+2000 with all human factions

Recieve class: Hero.

Mysterious hand of fate.....]

Ron looks at the first reward. It was the reward that Fin got the previous time.

He had no plans of getting this, it'd deviate the whole path for him.

All his preparations might even become for naught. So he moves on to the second reward.

[Reward 2: Tome Of Deception.

Description: A mysterious ancient tome.]

Looking at the second reward, he understood. The system definitely is trying to make him choose the Hero title. As all the other rewards are just a hoax.

Seeing the list go on and on with stupid rewards like these, he grew frustrated.

"Ignia, can you change the rewards.", he asks turning to ignia. It'd be really stupid to give in to the system now.

[Alright. I'll see what I can do..]

The blue screen flickers, and keeps being adjusted again and again...

[Reward 1: Item: Adjudicator's Eye.

Grade: Mythical.

Description: The eye of a true Adjudicator.

Effects: ?????????]

A mythical item from the get go....

"I've been searching for it for so long and to get it right here. hahaha." Ron laughs at such a coincidence.

This was one of the rarest items, he had been searching for. But it was too difficult to get.

The real Adjudicators were a force to be reckoned with, because of their immense power and their wills. They'd completely self destruct if defeated or killed by anyone with malicious intentions.. so no one had been able to preserve their parts. But the system had somehow kept an intact eye.

Pleased by the first reward, he then checks out the other reward.

[Reward 2: Equipment: The Broken Mask 1

Grade: Fragmented Legendary.

Description: Worn by a certain God of deception. The mask has been broken into 3 pieces. Each piece reforged by the legendary blacksmith: Ceras Vaust into an independent item. The mask contains mysterious forces.

Effects:1. Unique skill: Heaven Deceiving veil.

2. Unique Skill: Deception ?????.

3. ??????

4.?????? ]

The fragmented legendary item, and with skills and the description. Ron was intrigued, there was only one God who'd use deception as his unique skill. And an item that provided unique skills was nothing to scoff at.

He currently had no idea what the skill deception did but what he needed most was the first unique skill.

Seeing that both rewards were something he'd need, he looked towards the sky with a sly grin.

[I know what you want to say...sigh.. you don't change do you... Still drooling over things.. I'll see what I can do.]

"Hahaha...thanks." scratching his head, he shows a somewhat embarrased expression.

[ Rewards chosen....]

[ Now Calculating rewards for the 11th to 20th challenges....]

" There's more?" Ron is surprised as he didn't think, even after messing with the rewards of the system, he'd get more.

[ For overcoming 20 challenges, You have been granted the title.. Apex Human.]

[ You have been given a class...]

[Class: Miracle Invoker( Unique )

Description: The title Apex human, grants you an unparalleled affinity with the human race. The faith of the human race gathers unto you. May you guide your race to supremacy.]

"Damn, you couldn't bind me with the Hero title, so now this bullshit..." Ron grows frustrated.

"I refuse."Ron shouts.." I refuse to play your game. I'll play by my own rules." Ron refuses the job, although it is a unique class and it's perks are bound to be amazing but the limitations would be that he'd be bound to the human race and be unable to have any autonomy.

'That would be a life worse than death, being bound like that, it's not a fate I choose for myself.'

[Error detected..]

[ Player must choose a class....]

" Damn it, what the fuck... Ignia help me with this." Ron's frustration grows further.

"I don't want some stupid class like this... I have my own legacy in the inventory right? Give it to me somehow." Ron implores ignia.

[About that..... The temporal anomaly destroyed many things.... Along with the legacy book of pyromancy..... I couldn't do much.... I'm sorry.] Ignia's voice becomes faint as she apologizes.

"It's alright. Don't apologize, I already put you through so much.. I'm sorry for only thinking about myself."

"But what do I do with this. You know I can't take this class right.."


At this moment, the mask, Ron chose as a reward appears, out of nowhere.. but they can't see it. Not Ron nor ignia.

The text on the blue screen changes.....

[Class: The fool(Unique.)

Description: Choose my legacy, kid. You won't regret it........]

"Huh? Ignia you seeing this? The job changed somehow.." Ron asks ignia, puzzled.

[....... It's still the same... I don't see any difference at all..] Ignia is also puzzled, she can see no changes made to the screen, she currently controls the whole reward room, but she can't see anything different.

"Huh!!...." Ron exclaims, it seems only he can see the words change on the screen.

[Hurry kid, accept. Before you are forcefully bound to a class you don't want...]

"I don't want this either, though.. you're not even explaining anything and you want me to accept?" Ron is skeptical, he won't trust any random character.

[ Kid, I didn't want to do this but you give me no choice...]

[You have equipped the Broken Mask 1]

At this moment, the mask forcefully equips on Ron's face. Ron tries to take it off with all his might..

[ Bound item.... You cannot remove it..]

"What the fuck!!" Ron curses out.

[ Class chosen.. Miracle Invoker.]

[ Congratulations, Ron Agnis. May you become a beacon of light for the human race.]

"Fuck you! system and your beacon bullshit." Ron is really angered.

Although he has planned for so long and he has gotten to the starting point again. Things just keep happening on their own.

But he soon calms down, thinking clearly about the situation.. and at this moment..

[Ron...... It's about time... I can't hold on anymore.... the system might detect the anomalies... And all our plans will be ruined.]

" Alright.. I'll figure something out once I get out of here." Ron calms down, currently he can't do much about this eitherway.

[Goodbye.... For now... I'll keep on Corroding and taking over more functions of the celestial will.... I hope we can meet more often then....]

" I hope so too..... I'll have to create enough trouble on my end too, I guess. For now it's good bye, Ignia."

[Yes.... we'll surely succeed. We have to...]

Ignia doesn't say anything further...

But if anyone from the celestial grounds were to hear their conversation, they'd simply laugh at the foolish task of taking over the heavens. And that's exactly what they were planning. The celestial will which acts as the system of the celestial grounds, is a seemingly impartial entity....just like the heavens. Or rather it is the heavens.. and then there are two madmen plotting to takeover this heaven... Who wouldn't laugh at such a goal.

Yet they were casually chatting about it. Not even doubting in the slightest that they'd accomplish it or atleast die trying.


The monotonous voice of the system comes back.

[ The following rewards have been chosen.]

[ Rewards: 1.Adjudicator's eye. 2.Broken Mask 1.

3. Title: Apex Human. 4. Class: Miracle Invoker.]

Following that a blue portal appears as an entry point to the celestial grounds.

Ron, seeing that walks towards it, maintaining a slow pace, thinking over the events that happened here and their effects.....





[To be continued.]