
Purple Romance

"This is a dream. Since it is a dream, let me at least savour it a little more''. "If you are done checking me out, can I open my eyes now? Is hard pretending to be asleep when you keep touching me like that, Miss Lee''. Ad-Din said and opened his eyes. Maria Portia Lee graduated at the top of her class in the University at the age of 22 years and landed her first job as a teacher at a prestigious senior high school in their town. On her first day, she found herself falling for a final year student boy. Been a novice at love, coupled with family problems she decides to ignore the feelings that only grew stronger by the day. An unfortunate accident leaves Maria Portia Lee running to another city and her teaching license revoked. After 8 years, Maria didn't expect that the first person she would meet after returning to Cosmos town will be the same boy she used to love and there was just one problem, he wasn't a boy anymore but a man, a man that still made her heart to feel a lot of emotions and the worse part was, he was now her boss. Their roles have been exchanged totally. Ad-Din finally found the woman he had waited for, for 8 years and wasn't about to let anyone get in his way of making her his woman. Will their love story continue from where they left off? Will they be able to find happiness this time around? Purple Romance II Paige Payin is juggling between her school and work as a Queen in part-time working with good star ratings but the time she has left is used to fantasizes about her crush but all that changes when she meets bad boy Jordan Attoh and soon their bickering turns into something more but will their new found feelings stand the test of time when the culprit of all Paige's predicament turns out to be Jordan's own Father's selfishness? This book contains series of different love stories that stand the test of time. PS: Book cover does not belong to me. All credits go to the original owner. Please add this lovely book to your library and support me with power stones. catch me on discord, let's chat: @Purplebride #4135. Hi everyone, I've decided to join this year's 2024 WSA with a new book titled; "I am Sabrina (Cursed By Love). Kindly check it out and thank you.

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The time we spent apart 1

It was already a week since Maria and her aunt moved into their new apartment and started to settle down. She hadn't heard from Ad-Din for the past one week since that day she proposed the breakup.

Since that day, every night, Maria would lay awake in her bed crying alone. She had done that a lot of times and couldn't keep count anymore. Whether it was the day or the night, she cried nevertheless. But, what was the use? She had made her bed already and had decided to lay in it like that.

Maria's biggest regret wasn't breaking up with Ad-Din. Her regret was the way she did it and for saying those words to him. She knew she had hurt him, but Maria thought she was doing what was best for both of them. She had a feeling that Karen was involved in her overdose situation but she didn't have any evidence and she didn't have the energy to go to the police and report her when she didn't have any evidence. Right now, no one would believe her because Karen Kash was no longer in Cosmos and because of her situation, it was best to stay out of the public's eyes for the time being.

Maria was laying her bed after hanging her clothes outside the balcony rope after laundering them when she received a call from an unknown number. She frowned and answered it.

''Hello, Maria Portia Lee speaking. Huh? Education Bureau? Yes, I will be there on Monday. Thank you''. Maria hung up and sat on the bed. She was beginning to wonder when she was going to be summoned and it finally came. Since the last week that she received a letter that she would be summoned, she had been waiting anxiously and it was finally here. The day of her sentence!!

Maria didn't have the energy to finish laying the bed before she slumped into it and closed her eyes drifting into sleep. She hadn't had a good sleep in a long time.

She didn't know that someone was watching her from a distance outside her apartment.

Ad-Din got into his car after he saw that the lights in the apartment had turned off. Ever since Maria moved to her new apartment, he had gone there everyday to watch over her. Every time she went out to buy something, he would hide away and watch her from a distance. At first, he wanted to approach her but after talking it out with his mother, he decided to let her be.

His mother told him to give Maria some time to sort her life out since what happened affected her the most. Ad-Din didn't want to be a source of pain to the woman he loved and could only watch from a distance. He didn't know how he could help her except to silently watch her from afar. He missed her and wanted to comfort her but he knew better that now wasn't the time.


Monday came by in a flash.

Maria stepped out of the district Education Bureau with a paper in her hands. She bit her lips as she walked towards Lexis who was standing by her car while Kobby sat inside giving them space.

Maria's tears gave her away and Lexis pulled her in for a hug. They didn't speak any words but Lexis was well aware of the verdict in the letter. She hugged Maria tightly as she sobbed.

Back inside, when Maria spoke to the circuit supervisor, he told her she was a disgrace to teachers before throwing the letter at her face while the others threw disgusting looks at her. They didn't even mind that she was still in the office when they started to talk about her as if she wasn't there at all. She had been banned from being a teacher or getting into any job field for the next five years.

Maria looked so vulnerable at that moment as she sobbed uncontrollably in Lexis's arms. Even Lexis couldn't hold back and joined her in crying. Maria had worked so hard to get to where she was today only for her to lose everything in just a day.

From a distance, Ad-Din watched her with a broken heart. She looked so helpless and vulnerable yet he couldn't even help her out. Ad-Din almost walked to them when he was held back by Calia.

Calia shook her head and held his hand.

''Is precisely because of this that she didn't want to see you. She doesn't want you to see her been so vulnerable. Ad-Din, if you want to help her, then the best way is to make them give back her licence and clear her name. I have searched everywhere but I can't find Karen. She had hidden herself so well after blowing everything up.

Even though Elder brother managed to get them to take everything from the internet and the school forum, it still spread wide. Everyone is talking about it. This is not the time to see her. it will only make things more difficult for Miss Lee. She is having a hard time already with the scorn and hatred been rendered to her"

''Calia, you must find out where Karen is hiding. I am going to make her disappear for good''. Ad-Din said.

''Yes, I am already on it. Right now, we can't use anyone that belongs to the company because elder brother already told you to break things off for the sake of Miss Lee. He is afraid that Miss Lee might not be able to take the pressure and do something to herself. Grandpa is also against anyone helping you out because he doesn't like Miss Lee because of her background.

I already found out that the night she broke up with you, she overdosed on some sleeping pills. If her best friend hadn't found her earlier, she could have died.

Ad-Din, I know is not in my place to say this, but I think you should let her go. If you insist, she might end up doing something worse. Look at how she is right now? Her licence has just been revoke. We are currently helpless because we can't do anything for her''

"I will never forgive that girl. To think I spared her parents and they still let her do this" Ad-Din said angrily with bloodshot eyes.

Calia pulled Ad-Din to their car. They got into their car and watched as Lexis opened the door of their car car and drove off.





Karen walked out of the bathroom in her bathrobe and sat on the bed. She picked her tablet and went into her email to view some pictures someone sent to her email. She smiled as she watched the different pictures of Ad-Din and Maria. In the end, everything was working according to her plans and wishes.

She walked to her table and opened her bag removing a vitamins container and smirked. She was the one who changed the vitamins to sleeping pills that day. How? It was simple. She had always known about Miss Diana's crush on Mr. Arnold and used it to her advantage.

She had asked Miss Diana to exchange the containers after giving her some money. She really wanted to kill Maria but since she wasn't dead it was still okay for her she thought. It was even better to watch her devoid if any happiness.

From the pictures she received, she was sure the two people were no longer together. Karen smiled. Ad-Din must be turning the whole of Cosmos up just to find her but unfortunately, she was far from Cosmos at the moment.

Karen's face was filled with malice. She had promised herself that if she couldn't have something then no one else could. She was going to make sure those two never get to be together. Her revenge plan was just starting. She had initially made up her mind to get rid of Maria. As long as Maria was alive, she would remain a threat to her but that could wait. She hadn't still given up on Ad-Din. She was just backing out waiting for the right time to make her move.

Karen picked her phone and made a call.

''Keep following them and report to me. I want to know everything that goes on between them. If you find anything suspicious, get me informed immediately. Also, keep your eyes out for Calia Banks and let me know about her movements"

She hung up and looked at the mirror with a sinister gaze.

"Ad-Din Denarius, you must be thinking I am the only one making things difficult for your little girlfriend. Oh, just thinking about how you must be feeling right now, my appetite is coming up. I should go out and get myself some late night snack"

Karen quickly changed into a blue blouse and a pink skirt before she picked up her purse on the table and left the hotel room