In a technological advanced age, set years after World War 3, humans have finally adjusted to the new world in which they found themselves by their own making. Unbeknownst to them, in their midst are Supernatural Beings of great power and intelligence, hiding perfectly away from their greedy sights. After many years of tears, blood and hardships, all Leilyn Xander wanted to do is to enjoy her much needed retirement and bask in the quietness the woods around her provided. All she wanted was to live in peace for the remaining years of her life. But unfortunately for her,Fate has other plans. Crashing into her life are three teenagers, who serve as the stepping stones for her relatively peaceful life being disturbed by self-obsessed psychopaths and entities. Now, she has to battle Angels, Daemons and other High Entities just to get back on her retirement plans. She honestly didn't sign up for this. But hey! At least the impromptu trips to various Dimensions compensate for the unnecessary troubles. ×××××××××××××× WARNING: This book is bloody and gory. The deaths are explicit and there will be mentions of torture. Read at your own risk. Copyright ©️ 2020 Enma Eden All Rights Reserved UNDER HEAVY EDITING