
Chapter 1 In Need of A Friend?

If the streets of Miami should teach you anything, it's while the beauty is there on the outside underneath is darkness so suffocating if you allowed it to consume you, there was nothing that would bring you back. These were lessons those who were of the criminal world were taught and no one better than Kirk Wilson, he spent over the last 5 years running and accumulating his position as one of the top gun traders in Miami though he couldn't have amassed this entire network of trading without the help of his most trusted and second in command, his younger brother Andre Wilson who was several years younger than him and it was only a couple days until he was 18 and he had been busy planning a surprise party for his little brother, for his whole life he knew he amongst all things that he loved his little brother more than anything and that he would do everything to ensure he lived his life as peacefully as possibly though at that last thought he rolled his eyes knowing anyone who entered the life of gun trade or mafia dealings would never have "peace". He saw his phone ringing and seeing a specific name pop up on his phone he smiled answering it

" Sorry babe did I wake or disrupt your morning?" a beautiful but seductive voice came through on his speakerphone causing his smile to brighten.

" I don't know Mrs. Wong Wilson, but do you consider calling your husband a disruption or you're looking to cause one", Kirk said with a wink causing her to roll her eyes. " You know you keep doing that you might have to start looking for your brain up there".

" Uh Huh, well while your busy being a dick me and Mina will be preparing and putting the final touches on her uncles birthday", she told him and as he mentioned wanting to speak to her he saw an unwanted name come up on his phone screen messaging him and his expression changed from happy to sour which did not go unnoticed by her.

" Yep, your father texted you which means you go into sour mode", she quipped.

" Yeah well you know me too well, I'll call you back later babe I love you", he said and blew her kiss which she returned and he hung up.

Sighing he saw the message in bold capital letters



" What does the elder Wilson need my services for now", Kirk wondered annoyed


Tonian Richards owned the largest business in the pharmaceutical field, her crafty business sense and no-nonsense attitude led to her creating her life what it is today, after all, she was listed in the top 10 richest people's in the world being the only woman of that prestigious bunch and managed to allow her mother to live a life that was worth living back in her homeland of Jamaica where she was nestled safely in one of largest mansions that country had ever seen. But with everything she achieved in her life the one thing that managed to stay the same was her ability to be easily irritated and lash out in comical anger as was the case in her office as she had her two closest friends arguing over who deserved her latest shipment of meds more. The one on the left Castilla Shrobelia a Cambodian woman who ran the Blue Butterfly gang which was all-female personnel only, she had dressed in one of her traditional dresses, while opposite to her was Antoinette Sinclair her so-called rival who made wearing suits and pants look effortless and the two were in a comical argument which was doing Toni's head in

" All I'm saying is a tough woman like you don't need all that medicine I mean body structure and all...", Cas stated with a snort causing Antoinette to look at her as if she would strangle her right then and there.

" Guess someone woke up with an extra dose of bitch this morning, I thought Butterfly was all about showing how strong and independent you all are", Antoinette chimed, causing Castilla to look at her with a gaping mouth open. " Guess you're not as tough as you like to believe"

"You mother....." Cas started but Toni slammed her down on her table jolting both of them out of their verbal barbs.

" If I listen to any more of you two trying to force your dicks down each other's throats I'm going to lose it!" Toni said exasperated.

" I have a big dick though right?" Antonette asked with wink causing Toni to splutter her water while Cas simply laughed as the two exchanged handshakes.

" Big sticks aside, you two will split the shipment", Toni told them and the look she gave them indicated she was deadly serious as the two of them gulped at the thought of seeing her angry and agreed to her terms.

" Should we expect any trouble collecting the shipment? Antonette asked.

" No, the medicine gets shipped through customs and everything, however, you go in there without a disguise and any of the local police or small-time gang see you and there's sure to be trouble" Toni explained and the three bid farewell to each other leaving her at her desk crossing her 10 and opening up a bottle of traditional rum cream and went for the Sangster's version. As she filled her glass she wondered about life and all its wonders, she had everything she could want yet there was something missing and she couldn't quite put a finger on it and then she turned to the picture frame she had on her desk

Looking at it now brought back some good memories, she remembered that time in England she screamed so loud she likely drowned out the rest of the crowd, she slid the top desk draw open and pulled out another picture

She rubbed her hands softly over it and mulled over what could have been if certain things played out the way they should have.

" Xa, I wish you were here" she stated softly as tears welled up in her eyes. " It would certainly be more vibrant if you were here annoying me"

And she continued sipping her cold drink while looking at the two photos intently.


Kirk ensured he left his plans unsettled for the day and he turned up an hour early and the time had long passed the desired time for which he had been told not to be late but Kirk wasn't even surprised that he was early for something which seemed important but nonetheless he stayed patiently bottle of water before spotting a sleek Black Mercedes Benz drive to the corner of the cafe and signaled him with two blinks of the headlights which made him throw the bottle at a garbage bin sinking the shot smoothly, the waiter who had served him was about to ask for payment for the drink and lunch he had ordered but she spotted the money on the table along with a large tip which made her look in amazement and a note written on the napkin

Every kind gesture deserves a boost in salary :)

He made his way into the back of the Mercedes and was seated between two big bodyguards though they seemed relatively comfortable with Kirk being there as Kirk was far content but didn't allow his emotions or face to show, the man in the front in the passenger seat he made sure studied him. He seemed pensive, his beard was getting whiter indicating a level of stressful activity but one thing remained the same, those dark blue eyes of his which were the same as his own gave him a sense that he meant business today.

" You must be wondering what could be most important for me to interrupt your daily activities?" Archibald asked.

" I don't wonder where you're concerned anymore, after all aren't you the one who's always saying listen and if you have input make it be something that can convince you otherwise or shut up completely", Kirk asked with a raised eyebrow.

The tension in the vehicle seemed to have escalated tenfold but Kirk seemed unlikely to start the conversation again so allowed the elder man to have his time to talk

" There is some news coming from within the American Mafia, that Corosae Kaiser is battling a deadly virus," Archibald told him and Kirk looked at the other three who held a solemn look noting that these men were the true embodiment of loyalty.

" Surely they've made calls..." Kirk started but wasn't allowed to finish.

" Your little friend Richards time is up, and before long Kaiser will be dead which leaves the issue which I mentioned. " The new boss needs to be selected at which point that leaves one of his sons to be in charge".

" Let me guess, one of the corrupt assholes within the organization is who you believe may have poisoned your boss as well as threaten the life of the next heir?" Daniel asked but it was more of an assumption than anything else.

"You catch on fast", Archibald replied impressed. " What I want from you is to help me find out who did this so I can prevent the Mafia from blowing up completely after all strife within the organization means our competitors will find time to strike which isn't beneficial for anyone".

Kirk mulled over this, yet another problem with the Mafia that he was about to indulge in and knowing him if he refused this asshole would threaten him or worse the people he cared for and told him that he'd help but wanted nothing to do with the inside business of the Mafia. He told the driver to pull to the nearest stop he could find and soon enough the vehicle stopped at which point he left until being stopped by Archibald.

" Tell me, how is my granddaughter and the other?" he asked, though was tentative in his asking.

" If by other you refer to my younger brother you estranged from you in your lust for power then yeah he's quite dandy", Kirk scoffed. " You do remember your own son's birthday at least?"

When he received no reply he simply clapped in utter mocking of the man.

" Not surprised but hey, at least you got what you wanted when you cared more about your position than your family", Kirk told him but not before he angrily responded.

" It was my sacrifice that allowed the both of you to have the life you did!!! '' he argued but regretted raising his voice.

" Your right, and what did that sacrifice bring you?" Kirk responded seeing his father hang his head in shame. " You made both your son's hate you, mom is dead and you're pretty much just a lonely pathetic man but hey at least you're part Mafia now".

And with that last statement, Kirk walked off leaving Archibald to lament his word


The fire was all he could see, the fire was of his own doing but it wasn't anything personal, just business that's what he was told when he took this job yet even with all his thoughts currently in disarray remorse was not the first thing that was on his mind, the blood from all the dead bodies he slaughtered earlier reeked his clothes (what was left of it) and he felt the rain beginning to pour and opened his arms to allow the little rainwater to wash on his body, he soon saw his compatriots of who he had run this little slaughter-fest with, The Reaper Twins Jaden Cosvlio and Jane Cosvlio

were his teachers in almost everything that made him what he was today, a psychotic unstable but determined man with something to protect and restore

He saw Jaden and Jane standing beside their cars with several cars blazing but were much cleaner than him as well as his trusted comrade who he brought along for this mission in New York Nick Ramos who was also rather clean but he reminded himself that he was the one who liked getting up close and personal with his enemies, close-quarters combat was his favored style.

Jaden drove only the fastest and most high quality of cars, which mostly meant he was into the exotic side of life as seen by the white Koenigsegg Regera,

his sister was a bit more conservative with her selection keeping it simple by car standards to drive a red BMW 8 Series G15 as she had lent one of her favorites to Nick who was driving her 'baby' a Porsche 918 Spyder which she cherished as much as the twin dual machine guns she held in her hands.

As for him, he was a lover of muscle cars, specifically the old school muscle, and in his time spent with the Covlio siblings, he was allowed his personal garage where he stored most of his cars and he was driving a silver Shelby Gt500 1967 Mustang

" Yo, man why you gotta smear yourself with all that blood, Big Mike?" Jaden asked, shaking his head. " I honestly don't get that at all".

" It's a sense of spiritual relief, the blood of my enemies is mine to take and mine to reap" Mike explained and then smirked. " Pretty sure the thought of blood staining that pretty face of yours would just go extinct if it got messed up".

" Oh haha asshole", Jaden replied as everyone laughed at the two's banter.

" We should get out of here while we can, local police will be here soon and the last thing we need is to bust your dumb ass out of jail again", Jane stated looking directly at her brother who mouthed something inaudible as they all left the last of the burning embers.

Nick and Mike were preparing to head back to Miami with their business in New York now complete; they were packing up their things for a very long drive. Mike's phone began ringing and he answered it and the convo seemed to be normal until he heard a specific set of news and hung up and Nick curious asked him what was up.

" Tianna and Naomi just informed me of some movement from the border, says they saw a weird car that had been stalking out our next target", Mike explained and showed him the images from the phone showing an off-road red jeep but as Nick zoomed in closer he saw a familiar face compounded by the Yellow/orange color in his head and the ratlike features to his face.

" Alpochino Mignott for fucks sakes", Nick groaned.

" Nothing we can do about it now, however, this gives us even more reason to go out there and help anyway but the first priority is getting Antonette trust". Mike replied

" And how do you plan on doing that, if you even mention Alpo's name you'll lose her for good from there", Nick argued but Mike shook his head.

" She may act emotionless but I know her better than anyone", Mike told him which brought a slightly confused look on the face of Nick. " It's been years since she has seen Alpo and I presume hearing he's trying to save the one person she loves more than him that's about as good a reason for her to trust me, as I'm the one supplying the information.

" Whatever you say boss, but if she pulls a gun or blade on you I'm killing her instantly", Nick told him as he got into his Black Subaru.

" Yeah..." Mike stated softly and went into his thoughts. " This is gonna be one hell of a ride, time to go back to where it begins then".

With that, he revved the engine of his Shelby and the two drove off to the long journey back to Miami.