
Prototype - A DC Dark Multiverse Tale - The Prologue

This story takes place after the Prototype 2's game events. Follow James Heller on his latest journey in search of a cure for the Blacklight virus, which will become just the Beginning of an Event of unprecedented scales for everyone. All image rights, characters and references belong to their respective copyright owners(includes the cover). This is my first work in English, is not my native language, so every support and feedback will be welcome. This story have chapters changes points of view and character leads for a better immersion, I will only edit in future to fix grammatical issues or better understanding, without changing the plot. New Chapters planned launch on Weekends, if not, I will release News about my issues.

Old_Man_and_Pencil · Video Games
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21 Chs

Rooks, James and The End of the Mission

Caption (to help readers):

- That's fine. - = character speech

"All the best." = character's thoughts (during certain scenes)

*boom* = ambient or setting sounds (similar to using other types of comic book sources)

This chapter is narrated by the point of Colonel (Douglas) Rooks.

Our mission lasted 2 Months, long enough to meet my partner in our operations together and prepare myself.

It was 362 hours and 21 minutes about my supervision of James Heller, close to 1500 hours being monitored by the Blackwatch, with his new codename being Project Zeus Number Two by my superiors and the scientists, but I renamed him by myself with a proper and better codename, the codename Hunter, for his performance in hunting down all the infected we encountered on the East Coast. Yes, he hunted them all down one by one, finding more infected than our estimates.

7 States, 28 Infected Lairs, 151 infected, including new variants such as rats, dogs and bats all eliminated and consumed by Heller.

- I accept to be detained and monitored for the time off missions, but I will eliminate and consume all the infected I hunt, I will not capture any for you, I will not help you in any fucking research of this virus. Our agreement will be only for me to hunt down and eliminate all the infected, it will be my way and I will do it myself; you and the Blackwatch can take care about the rest. - I remember exactly his conditions as we made our first helicopter tour across the city border 2 months ago.

At first it was stressful to deal with my superiors, these idiots wanted to treat Heller as a subordinate and insisted on every possible way to create reasons for Heller to rebel against us. Heller might no longer be considered a human being in Blackwatch's eyes, but he would never be controlled or trained, whether as an animal or a monster, the current option of cooperation was advantageous enough for us.

Heller proved cooperative, patient, and effective, better than I could have imagined before, being used as our hound during missions, and outside of them he was treated like a special prisoner, to the point that my superiors stayed a few days without insisting on sabotaging all my effort.

I analyzed him as much as possible during our missions, Heller didn't have the power to just save or destroy cities, Heller as our weapon could change the course of international conflicts alone, I was able to better understand the greed and insanity of my superiors. The only difference is that I accepted the possibility of having to kill him as more realistic than trying to capture him, Heller is too powerful to have as an enemy.

Unfortunately, as we got closer and closer to the end, again came the intentions of my superiors to obtain him, at any cost they desired such power over total control of Blackwatch. Heller would never have a normal life, I always knew that and he would too, they would use his weak spot at any cost for getting him.

- I would like to take the lead in this operation about the capture of Heller, I believe that after all my time analyzing him closely, I can suggest a plan with better chances of success. - I asked my superiors after our first round without detection of new infected, two days before the official end of the mission.

After a tiring debate with my superiors helped by my daily reports, I managed to convince them to follow my conditions and was given permission to proceed with my new plan immediately at the end of our mission, it was a predictable plan with measly chances of success and one that would put my life at risk. The cretins loved the plan, it made it seem easy to meet my demands and follow the steps, all because I agreed that we would have no other choice this time.

A single breach, a moment alone with Heller unmonitored, all orchestrated for just one final move for one of the two of us, our endgame.

Today is our last day of operation, the last round after two days with no signs of infected beings, Heller was as concentrated as all 60 previous operations.

- No sign of any infected Colonel Rooks, it's over. - Informed me Heller after a two-hour round, the last hours of our last operation as allies.

- Colonel Rooks confirming the final report, Mission Completed, there are no more infected on the East Coast. Returning to base. - I confirm the end of the mission to leave on the record.

We returned to the nearest military base and one of which was used as temporary bases for the Blackwatch, McGuire Air Force Base. Heller remains silent during the trip to the landing looking in my direction, I feel like he awaits the moment we will have our last conversation.

- As of now the monitoring is over too, follow me Heller. - I tell Heller as I remove my headset and exit the aircraft.

Heller follows me without question, we walk to the parking area of the base where is the car I got access to, one of the military jeeps of the base.

- Get inside Heller, there's a bar near here and we'll talk there. - I informed Heller as I opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat.

- Okay Rooks. - Heller replies showing indifference as he opens the door and sits in the passenger's seat next to me.

It was a quick 5-minute and quiet trip, typical of a late night in a secluded location of our currently State.

We went down and when we entered the bar there was no one inside, as I requested earlier, now we just need the last step and we can start. I pull out of my pocket the radio frequency jammer prepared to secure our private conversation, because I am no fool to believe that they would abide by this part of our agreement.

Heller watches silently as I walk into the bar, take the device out of my pocket, place it in the middle of the bar counter and turn it on, before I even say anything.

- Won't this thing get you in trouble? - Questions Heller as he points the device.

- The agreement was without monitoring outside the mission, I requested a bar without cameras and with this device I will at least ensure that we can talk and finalize our agreement be fulfilling my part. – I replied Heller explaining our situation.

- What will we drink to accompany our last conversation? It would be a waste to get this place just for our last conversation. - Heller asks as he sits by the counter, with his slight tone of irony.

- If it's to choose my last drink let it be a good Whisky. - I answer Heller as I jump over the counter and grab a bottle of 50-year-old whiskey, it looks like the best available, then I grab two glasses, ice and serve us.

- Thanks, now Rooks you can start whenever you want. - Heller thanked me before saying to get straight to the point and take a sip of his drink.

I drink a shot of whiskey before I start, to help me get everything out said regardless of the consequences that will occur.

- They're stubborn old men Heller, I'm the only one in the Blackwatch who recognized our accomplishments. You could have been one of us, superior to any super soldier they've produced, but they wish everything would go back to how it was before, seeing you useful only inside the fucking lab. After 2 months all my effort has earned me just this, our last chance to talk as allies and my chance to fulfill my part of the agreement. - I reported to Heller, while trying to demonstrate my frustration and my inability to help him further.

- That part was easy to notice Rooks, now tell me what I want to know and do your part. - Heller complained, he looks calm, as if everything is quite predictable, taking another sip of his drink.

- Pariah remains at the same base and location, Vandenberg Air Force Base, the Crusade project remains active even after all the decades of its inception. Pariah is locked inside his containment room, on the third underground floor of the base, which you will have easy access after consuming one of the scientists, I have not been able to get more information about the current state of the project, but the security of the base has been reinforced since Mercer started the Second Contagion, it will be impossible to avoid a direct confrontation and... - Before I could finish Heller interrupts me with a new question.

- Are we done Rooks yet? - Heller asked cold and direct, I fulfilled my part of the agreement and my next words would decide my survival, I managed to feel it.

- We are not. You will have to choose between surrendering in exchange for your daughter's safety or trying to futilely save her against all the military power of this country against you, we surround your allies and have men prepared to capture your daughter from the moment you leave this bar alone. - I replied, continuing after finishing another glass. - I will be promoted and have enough power to convince Blackwatch to give up the capture of your daughter, your daughter will be monitored for all her life, but she will never have a fate equal to yours or Pariah, I am your best option. - I finished confident while looking in his eyes, he as a former sergeant would have to accept his current reality, he could only live as a weapon or threat, and only as our weapon could he protect his daughter without major risks.

- You're right Rooks, I predicted this would be one of the final scenarios of our mission and I will really need you. - Heller replied as he placed his left hand on my right shoulder, and turned his body towards me with his right hand outstretched.

Now all I have to do is turn around and shake your hand and it will all end the way I most desire, our game ends with my victory, my Checkmate, I turn around confident ready to shake his hand with a little smile in my face.

*Sound of blade piercing*

-Hel... Ier… I try to ask why Heller's outstretched right hand is no longer a hand, but a blade that pierces my chest... I see… I lost...