
Protectors : Human & Demon

Faust, a talented human, has his life sorted out by being one of the best Hunter in humanities' fights against an invader from an unknown origin. One day, Faust stumbled upon a sealed demon when he's on the verge of death and makes a contract with the demon named Angra Mainyu to save his life in return for sharing his body with the demon. When they thought that everything will go smoothly, a powerful creature arrives from the void and killed them. Fortunately, death was not the end for them. Faust and Angra are reincarnated in a world of magic where everybody has an RPG system! And they're also reborn as twins! Will they be able to adapt to this new world and live their life peacefully? Or Is there a reason why they are brought into this world? Follow the twins' journey together in this new world to see the answer for yourselves! This is my first novel so please have mercy on this author :(( Please give this novel a try and perhaps this novel will be an interesting read~ COVER ART BY: Martina Stipan

darran_ · Fantasi
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55 Chs

Rank 3 Magic Beast(?)

Seeing his best friend, brother's body being slammed down hard to the ground, coughing blood as his body crashed to the solid earth. Angra's mind went blank.



The white lion descended slowly to the ground and walked leisurely to where Faust's body sprawled at the ground.


Angra kept on calling Faust on his head but Faust didn't answer him.

As the white lion neared Faust's body, Angra bellowed


He used the fastest and strongest elemental fusion he knew, Sparks of electricity started appearing between his arms before completely spread and absorbed all over his body. With lightning fusion, he dashed straight through aiming at the white lion's body to push it off away from Faust.

With Angra's lightning speed going in the momentum of his charge, The huge white lion's body was thrown off the place where it had been standing.

But being a rank 3 magic beasts, the white lion swiftly corrected its posture that was off-balance from Angra's charge and readied itself to fight Angra.

Angra, seeing that his opponent is not fully ready, took advantage and went after the white lion, but this time, that the lion is ready he anticipated Angra's rush at him and reacted accordingly.

Although Angra's movement is fast, he can hardly damage the white lion's body, and the white lion's wind fusion somehow able to keep up with Angra's lightning fusion.

Angra was careful of the lion's blow because its body is way stronger than him and if he was accidentally hit by its claws, he might receive serious or fatal damage to his body.

But he didn't think too much about his body, his main priority right now is to keep the magic beast away from Faust's body to protect him until their dad comes to save them.

Angra discarded all distracting thoughts and focus only on protecting his brother. He attacked and dodged the lion's attack again and again and after some time he noticed, the lion's movement seemed to slow down, the whole world seemed to slow down. He is able to move his body even faster than before, and his senses traveled faster to his brain. Now he is able to hit the white lion more often and dodge more accurately, but the tough lion's body still poses a problem even to his now superior speed and senses.


Faust couldn't remember correctly what happened to him, he only remembered that Angra was shouting to him before his body moved abruptly and seemed to hit the ground before his world turned dark.

After that, he heard Angra was calling out to him, but he felt like he didn't have the strength to answer. And his consciousness seemed to fade away slowly.

'Wait what happened to me?'

He tried to move his body, but it won't budge at all

'Why can't I move?'

He felt like he is now floating somewhere and he can't control it. He tried remembering what just happened, and he remembered that he and Angra were fighting the rank 3 white lion.

'Why am I in this state? Did I fail? Did I die?'

'Did I just waste my second chance just like that?'

'I haven't even grown up.'

'The revenge against the void is still not accomplished.'

'Wait this means that I left Angra alone in this world...'

'Mom and Dad too!'

Faust sighed

'Even in this second life, I still failed in protecting my family, but this time I left them first huh...'

Faust reflected on what he just said and think of all the things he had in this world. A loving family, happy childhood life, amazing superpowers, and the twin brother he had.

'Wait, no, hell no, I don't want this to end here.'

'Whatever the f*ck the state of my body right now, and wherever the hell I'm floating to right now, I will find a way out and come back! Just wait there Mom, Dad, Angra! , I'll be coming back soon!'


Mark was silently walking through the forest, The Forest of Beast looks exactly the same as he remembered it. Right now he is trying to investigate the anomaly that his sons had told him about magic mutant magic beasts gang up with each other to protect other magic beasts from his son's undead.

The possibility of that happening is not impossible, but it is still a very low chance of it happening. What can he say though, it did really happened, and said mutant was now a skeleton boar named Pat Kai joining the ranks of his son's 'undead army'. Deep down Mark hoped that it's just one mutant magic beast that had irregular habits and not something major happening in the whole Forest of Beasts. And his trip now into The Forest of Beast is to make sure that his worries are just worries.

Following behind Mark is his son's 'Zombie Crew' which came from the burglar that had come to his home a while back and made into zombies by his son which chooses a necromancer for his first job.

Mark also wonders why doesn't Isaac make a lot of undead, although rank 1 undead are weak, didn't he want to make an undead army? But the zombie crew that was following him right now only consist of 6 zombies, which if he could say is a small number for a zombie horde, but the weakest of them are now rank 2 while the stronger is rank 3. 'I guess having fewer number means that the personnel will have an easier time gaining experience and then ranking up. I think he prefers quality over quantity.'

The 6 zombies that is following him right now actually are not for fighting purposes, Mark is actually strong enough to deal with any danger they might encounter in the forest. There are 2 reasons why the 6 zombies are following Mark right now, the first is so they'll be able to hunt rank 1 or rank 2 magic beast to gain some experience to the members who are still rank 2 and the second and main purpose is that so Isaac can send Pat Kai to deliver a message to him if he ever found something interesting.

From what Isaac told him, his undead and he have a connection with themselves that they can tell each other's location although vaguely. It's like they have a feeling about which direction to go to find the other's location. Although he had hoped that the skeleton boar, Pat Kai won't come because that indicates something bad happening, but after walking for some time, the skeleton boar comes running to him and the zombie crew, and it brought the paper that Isaac has rolled up and secured to Pat Kai's body.

Mark opened the scroll and read through them.

'Dad, we've found what seems like a rank 3 magic beasts, and right now we are trying to fight it, the magic beast is a huge white lion.'

'Well, I think they are ready to fight rank 3 magic beasts. I guess I need to check up on them just to make sure they are safe.' Mark said to himself.

Mark actually knew that his sons are actually already strong enough to fight rank 3 magic beasts, but he gave them restrictions such as have to wait until Isaac's undeads all have reached rank 3 just to make sure nothing bad will happen to them and if anything ever happens, the rank 3 zombies will be able to give them time to flee and safe their life.

Mark was going to take his time going to them by following where Pat Kai was walking, but then he remembered something and read the message again.

'the magic beast is a huge white lion'

Mark hurriedly asked Pat Kai the direction he has come from, then ordered the zombie crew to slowly walk in Faust's direction and Mark himself used full fusion on his body, his body was in flames, it looks like his whole body turned to flame itself. And not only that, but the aura of death also emanated from the flames giving the flame that forming his body a sinister feeling and darker shades. Then he flew forward through the direction that Pat Kai have pointed out.

It is true that the magic lion should be a rank 3 magic beast, but it should be brown colored lion and not a white one. A white lion only explains one thing, that it is a mutated creature. While Mark was confident in his sons' ability to fight normal rank 3 magic beasts, a mutated one is an entirely different thing. Its power was unknown, it can be near rank 4 or even rank 5 magic beast, but never lower than a rank 3. Mark didn't want anything bad to happen to his sons so he goes all out, considering the time the message was written and delivered by Pat Kai, it is already quite a long time from when the fight started.

Mark's body flew like it has no weight at all, it seems that the full-fusion not only changed the look but also the characteristic of his body. Mark's complete full-fusion is so strong that he left a trail of dark flame wherever his body flew past. He flew higher to search for his sons' whereabouts and after flying for a minute, he sensed the influx of mana from a direction then he headed there because it might be the mana from where his sons fought the mutated magic beast. And his guess seems to be correct, he sees a boy clad in lightning was fighting the white lion toe to toe.


Angra was starting to feel that his body was tired and it became harder to maintain his lightning fusion. Faust was still laying lifelessly on the ground while the lion is still going strong. Although the lightning fusion also gave his attacks lightning effects which should be stacking up on the white lion from the insides, but it seems that an attack of Faust's earlier lightning strike is needed to deal significant damage to the lion's sturdy body.

When he thought that he will drop down to the ground first due to fatigue he heard a scream


He looked in the direction where the voice comes from. He then saw dark flames were burning the forest and in the next moment, a figure flew so fast that Angra missed a beat and when he saw where the figure had flown to, the white lion's body was lying lifelessly on the ground with its head torn from the body, and dark sinister flame was burning all over its body eating the lifeless corps away.

Angra looked at the person standing at the place where he fought the white lion, the similar figure of the person looked very similar to him although it was made of dark flames, and when the dark flames disappeared, it showed the face of a person he knows of.


He wanted to say more, but the most important thing right now is Faust's safety so all he said before passing out is

"Dad hurry and safe Isaac!" While pointing at where Faust's body was laying.

After he said that, his body finally gave in to the severe fatigue that he had been fighting when he fought the white lion.

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