

The boy blinked as tears started to flow once more from his eyes as he continued to run through the rubbles of the destruction that had teared him away from his own family.

He still remember the pleasant touch of a sibling, his father... his mother.

Yet, now they're no more.... Their now buried under the unholy black flames that ravages these land.

He dragged himself through the hellish landscape, running past the burning villagers as they yearned for him to help them.

Keep running, don't look back, just keep running. He reminded himself

The smell of death and suffering permeated everywhere around him

No matter where he looked, it's the same thing as people were screaming and or begging at him or their worshipped deities to help them

He never looked back as he continued to run, for he knew that should he ever gaze to whatever it is behind him. He would be petrified by fear and his fate will be sealed

He did his best to block out the sounds. The wailings. The whimperings. The laughing. The rippings.

He clasped his hands to his ears as the screams and howls of pain began to increasingly loud as something... or rather someThing has ensnared them within their grasp, silencing their whimpers. Forever

It was approaching, the child mused, the thing was approaching.

He tried to deftly move around the obstacles made from the remainings of carriages and houses's walls, finally hopeful that he was close to reach a safer place.

Away from the tragedy behind him, from the screams of people dying around him as he tried to not fall to the heat of the ruthless fire.

Yet this.. this wasn't a tale meant to end happily

His chest was hurting as were his legs, too much strained by the unexpected need to escape from the danger created by the flames that were even now hungrily burning through the village without control, without restraint and.. without mercy.

He just kept on running... and running until he could move no more and collapsed onto the black mudded soil of this once beautiful village.

His vision began to darken and his breathing slowed to ragged.


He was done, the boy considered somberly. The flames weren't going to relinquish the chase and they were incredibly close to where he was.

It was his end that he was going to witness, to feel, and soon he turned around.

Dying embers moved to the sky where the most terrifying thing cruelly slammed onto his soul.

The round circle of darkness, the origin of this unnatural flame.

It felt calling, demanding him to concede his life for.. something. Something he couldn't know about.

His lungs started to slowly relax as the child kept still in his defeated moment, mourning his last happy memories, mourning the end of his life.

The screams slowly disappeared as he went numb.

His skin was hurting. His throat hurt when he breathed in. His skin cracked by staying alive.

With impossible efforts he got up and moved his legs, wanting to escape, but something heavy entangled around his legs like shackles.

He knew that it was the presence of death wanting to take him.

"Hu-h?"...But it sure was hot.

His nails tearing at his throat were discoloured. The air he breathed in stung his burned esophagus. His eyes abandoned their function, and his brain was being steamed inside his skull.


It's hot.

It's hot, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot it's hot it's hot it's hot it's hot it's hot it's hot it's hot...!

"Haa-a." But It was cold. He was shivering. It had pushed past the boiling point all the way to the freezing point. The burning blood froze up, and everything in his view was inverted. Everything was hot. That's why it was cold. And still, it was ridiculously hot.

...But. What was the cause of it? It seemed to be the last thought worth thinking before letting go.

'I see...' His weak eyes caught something not red.

A black sun was in the sky.

He didn't find it strange that the sun was up during the night or that the sun was black. After all, everything was inverted. So, such things are normal.

"Ahahh...!" Still, fear overwhelmed his heart. He wasn't afraid of the raging fires. Compared to that black thing, burning up and dying seemed like a human death.

He knew that he'll be taken someplace even worse if that thing caught him. But despite the horror, he did not run. More than fear, he was mesmerized; a part of him recognized it. Yet, strangely, he could sympathize with it, its loneliness, its desire to come into this world. Had he seen such a thing before?

...Thinking was impossible. His body had no energy left for that, so he just acted out of instinct.

He walked towards it, one step, two steps, three steps. He slipped onto his back. Looking down, he had fallen right into a puddle. It was filthy black mud. It was repugnant. But... there is no way he can get up anymore. His body was there, but the will to live had crumbled. There could be no survival; he was already dead. So, he stared blankly at the sky. Clouds gathered there, white and ready to wash away all the suffering.




Yet again, just as he was resigned to his seemingly doomed fate the unexpected occurs

"Vile beasts begone from mine sight. Return back to wherever thee came from!"

Thunderous voice cursed from above which accompanied by a lightning crashing the cacophony of death and horror around him.

He heard a dozen different screams at once. What was once men, women, children. All shrill and soul wrenching, the cry reverberated through his body.

Then silence

"Wake up little one.... For this is not ..The end of thy life.."

The voice turned from furious and into quietly and melodiously

"Little one.. Do you wish to live..?"


"I offer you a deal. Become my vessel.. And i promised you that this tragedy will never happen again.."

Part of him wanted to say no, he wanted to just die and to be reunited with his family

Yet.. another part of him wanted to say yes because he knew the mother woul-no she will definitely slapped him for wanting to die when he could live.

'At least... With this.. Everyone will be saved.. And.. Not know.. of the... Horrors.. beyond..'

Resolution filled his being and with one final strength in his vocal cords he shouted two words among the dead land

"I.... ACCEPT..!"




"Very well then.."

After a couple of seconds of silence the voice finaly responded, it's voice pleased and relieved.

He tries to reach for that voice. When he saw that it would rain soon, he closed his eyes, and his outstretched hand promptly fell towards the ground.

"Thou art I... And I am thou... From the grasp of death I have cometh... I am Amon, ... I have judged thee's resolve... And find thou are worthy.. Thou shalt be the one to usher a new age..."


AN: Yeah, that last line totally was inspired by a certain 'Building-friendship' game, and if there was mistakes in my writings just comment on it.

Anyway, the tags on this site is fucking ridiculous!