
Mysterious Disappearance

"Art, please play for us! I think we can go for another championship!" someone hollered in a distance.

There were so many people shouting that they barely could hear what they said. It was in a quadrangle where many stations were placed in an organized manner. Those stations were clubs. However there were no people managing those stations, instead when they saw the skirmish nearby, they already know who was that... Arthur Shin.

He won championships when he was young. He was a peerless genius that only comes in hundred years. Once he has taken an interest of a certain hobby, they are guaranteed to win achievements. There was even a rumor that a foreigner asked him for directions but Art could not understand the language, so he practiced the language in merely 3 days. Or that time when a jealous teacher wanted to embarrass him for not knowing advance calculations but he was the one who got embarrassed instead! Art only need a couple of days to master every thing he's interested in.

"Hey! You already got your championship! Art come to Football club!" he elbowed the person next to him and the next thing that happened is that both clubs were at war.

Art have always been the center of attention. Entertainment agencies were recruiting him, universities were adamant of having him on their school, hell even large corporations wants him. But he doesn't care to any of that.

To their disappointment, Art raised his hand and casually said "Sorry everyone, but I won't be joining clubs this year." They were shocked! But they couldn't convince to change his mind, no one can. They dejectedly left and the crowd scattered.

Art breathed a sigh of relief. He went on his way and was walking on the corridors when a nearby students gossiping about a certain incident. "I know! Everyone on that class just disappeared. Dude, I'm calling it, They were Isekai!"

"HAHAHA This guy! For real though, I think they were probably just in a low key camping trip. After all, they disappeared on their Field Trip." some guy rebutted.

"Can't be, there were cops yesterday, interviewing students."

Art continued his way until he reached a certain classroom. The door is locked and the window is covered by something like a cardboard. He pick locked the door and made his way in. The chairs is organized, the blackboard is clean, just like a normal classroom. Art made his way to a certain area and sat on a student's table. It was an utter silence that resounded the whole classroom, until the bell rang and disturbed the peace. Then he begun remembering someone special to him...

"Wow, are you threatening me?" Art said in a surprised manner. He was talking to the girl sitting on a student's table. The girl had a raven colored long hair. It has a slight curl at the ends. The radiant twilight that shines the whole classroom made her even more perfect. They were both alone in the classroom. They were arguing about a certain series that they liked. Unfortunately, both of them were in different sides.

The girl saw his surprised face and approached him. She was so close that they could feel each other's breathe. Art thought that she finally understood that he's right and was about to kiss him when suddenly she stopped. She was so close that they could feel each other's breathe.

"No, of course not. I love you. But you should know, you are on a very dangerous ground." Then she stole a quick kiss to him. She took her bag and began making her way out of the classroom.

Art has never been afraid of his life until now...

Art finally woke up from his flashback and began making his way out of the classroom

"That freak is in my class this year. He was your former student, any suggestions, Miruka Sensei?"

"Uhm, just make sure not to mess with him, the principal urged us to be patient with... Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" He was interrupted when he saw a student came out of a classroom.

The teacher saw the person was quiet and he continued "You're in big trouble young man! No one is supposed to go in there! How did you even..." he stopped his last words. No... the student made him stopped. He saw the face of the guy, he saw Arthur Shin! It made him sweat, that facial expression, it made him shivered in fear. How can someone so young emit such intent!

Art dropped his bag and whispered to himself "What's the point..." He turned away from the teacher and opened the window. Then he jumped!

"Oi what do you think! Holy shi-" The teacher could not believe his eyes, he just saw a man jumped in three story building.

Art ran all the way and never looked back. There were students looking out of the window, their class was disturbed when they heard a certain teacher shouted.

Art jumped his way to the fence and was finally outside of the school. He mustered his courage not to cry and vowed revenge to whoever took his girlfriend. "Tsk, it was a beautiful day and you ruined it... Fine. I'll go to you then. Just wait for me Lia!"

On a certain place, there were people in a chaotic manner. More and more people are disappearing each day and they still don't know what's causing it. They have made secret surveillance to specific person but he too did disappear completely. They were panicking, however there were two people on the top that were observing were fairly calm of the situation.

"It must be a large country like the US or China. There's no way that amount of people would disappear without a large backing." A fat guy said in a formal suit. He was bald and was smoking cigarette on his hand.

"I also think so. Just give me one more week to close this case. For the first time in years, I finally have a clue of this phenomenon." A well built guy in specs came out of the shadow. He was also in a formal black suit. One impression of him would be that he's a reliable guy.

"Hou... Alright, I'll give you a week. We need to hurry this up. Countries are already spying on each other, I'm afraid this might be the last trigger of another world war." The superior officer had a bit of fright on his voice as he was saying those last words.

The other guy nodded in silence and confirmed his orders. The superior caught this and continued. "I'm relying on you again, Psy. You are the best agent that we have here. Don't fail us!"


In a far away place, the scenery is completely different. It was full of green and signs that it was dangerous to stay here any longer. However, on the ground, there were dozens of people lying unconscious on the grass floor. There was, however, one person who woke up earlier than the rest. "Where am I?"

She saw dozens of people lying next to her and immediately recognized them, it's her classmates. She vaguely remembered what happened; They were going on a field trip and their destination was a shrine on a mountain. It was a joyous moment for them as they are the first class on the whole school to have a field trip on this year. But then suddenly, the bus stopped. They saw a mysterious figure in front of the bus. All of them were alerted but the bus driver and the teacher came out to meet with the person. He was a hooded figure, so the two of them could not distinguish his face. They decided to come closer but in an instant, he disappeared. The students that were watching on the bus were also shocked.

"What the..." Amelia said under her breathe. She looked worried and part of her wished that Art was here. Then a slight aura disturbed her senses. She immediately looked behind and saw the mysterious figure.

Underneath the hood, the mysterious figure grinned. It was at that moment that the bus door closed, locking the bus driver and the teacher out of the bus. The students were worried and afraid of their lives as they screamed for help. They were banging the glass pane but they couldn't break it. Even the strongest student in their class tried to break the door but it was to no avail.

As the mysterious figure raised his hand, the cries of the other students finally stopped. No... they were muted! They couldn't release a sound. As they panicked, a beam of light shone the inside of the bus. The bus shook for a moment then it stopped followed by the sound of the bus door opening...

Amelia was still reminiscing of what happened when her classmates started waking up one by one. They were all asking the same question... Where are they?!