
Prince Delight

"When I think rainI think about singing When I think about singing It's an heavenly tune When I think about heaven I think about angels When I think about angels I think about you for you're my love angel When I think about date I remember a day like today Which talks of you babe You came to me with fullness of Love....... ...Whilst sitting beside Richard with Joe at the other end, all this thought flashed through my mind and with a smile on my face, I looked at my husband and publicly before the whole citizens of the country, he gave me a kiss before strolling on the red carpet towards the podium

Digital_Technology · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs



★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


Alec was still staring at Poppy wondering why he kept coming across this girl every time.

First, it was at the cafe and now inside his room. Like, how the fvck??

He wondered if she was spying on him or he was only hallucinating cos of her again.

Poppy moved back in fear.

Her heart couldn't stop racing in her chest and she didn't know why.

Maybe it was because she was standing next to a guy, he wasn't just an ordinary guy, but someone with extremely gorgeous face.

" Aren't you the girl from Madam tan's Cafe?" Alec asked and she raised her head.

" Huh?" She blinked.

" You are also the same girl that those thugs tried to beat up the other day, isn't it?" He asked and her brows creased up.

She cracked her small skull trying to remember this familiar face.

Instantly, she guessed who he was. He was Alec blue!. But he wasn't with a mask and that increased her curiosity.

"How did you end up here in my room?. Tell me, are you following me around?" He asked, removing the bandana from his injured arm .

" I was asked to come clean up your room. I..i just got a job here along with my mom." She said carefully, trying not to stutter.

" A job?. Mn. Quite interesting." He smiled and Poppy realised he had a right sided dimple, while she had a left sided.

He stared at her clothes down to her feet and a light gasp escaped his lip.

" So? Were you brought you out from a refuse dump?" He asked and her eyes went wide.

" What?"

" Yeah.Try get a shower ten times before you go to bed. A blind man could scream if he sees you like this." He scoffed and Poppy pressed her lip tight.

She had received much humiliation from people but she couldn't understand why he's hurt her like hell.

Her eyes got teary but she quickly cleaned it before he could notice.

" And your hair...It could break like a branch if I try to touch it. Do you even stare at mirrors?" He asked and Poppy mouth pouted cutely.

She couldn't even say anything or look straight at his eyes.

She felt so embarrassed that she wanted a hole to swallow her.

Alec smirked and started to approach her but before he could reach her, he stopped to drop his bandana on his couch.

He stared at his arm. The scar on his arm wasn't severe as it was in the morning.

He turned to look at her.

" Why are you standing there looking at me like a doll. Go on with your chores." He scoffed and Poppy quickly brought up her Broom.

" I'm sorry." She apologised and started to dust his room quickly.

The door opened and the house master walked in, catching them together.

" Excuse me, Alec." He bowed and faced Poppy.

" Please, leave the room immediately and go attend to other chores." He said strictly and Poppy nodded before running away quickly.

Alec watched as she ran away and he couldn't help but stare at her.

He took out a pair of his long red shirt and gave it to the house master.

" Let her change into this" He said.

" But Alec, you can't..."

" She's been wearing the same clothes since I last saw her. Tell the maids to care for her hair and feed her properly." He cut him off.

" Yes, Mister Alec" He bowed. Alec took off his uniform shirt.

"You should leave now." He said and the man quietly left his room.



Poppy was still running while breathing heavily. She was glad she was away from that rude brat, Alec.

She didn't like him anymore and, in fact, he was the top number one on her haters list.

She was still running, thinking of how awful Alec made her feel when suddenly, she crashed into someone's arm.

She immediately stepped back, rubbing her forehead cutely.

" Hey. Are you blind?!. Can't you watch where you are going" Axel hissed, glaring at her.

She looked up only to find another gorgeous guy in front of her

She wondered where all this fine creature where popping out from.

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean to crash into you. I was just in a hurry. I'm very sorry." She apologized and Axel stared at her carefully.

" Hey. I haven't seen you around before" His voice came calm as he approached her slowly

" Yes. I just moved in today and I've started working here." She said and Axel stopped infront of her

" So I guess you're new here, isn't it?" He grinned.

" Yeah. I and my mom. we just started working here today." She said with a smile, exposing her cute dimple.

" I love new housemates. I think you're my fav now" He grinned and Poppy started staring at everywhere except his face.

She was wondering who this madman was.

" I'm Axel blue. A.k.A, pussy king. A.K.A hot and irresistible creature" He winked, picking her hands and shaking it voluntarily.

" I'm Poppy willow." Poppy said and she saw Alec leaving his room already. She quickly disengaged their handshake.

Alec saw them together and his mood entirely changed. He started to approach them.

" Axel." He stopped in front of them and Axel looked at him.

" Hey, Mr frown face?. Have you seen our new house mate. This calls for celebration cos their will be more pussy to lick." He grinned and Alec glared at him.

He looked at Poppy.

" Go back to your work quickly." He told her and She hurriedly left. He then turned to Axel.

" If you know what good for you, simply Get your butt away from her." Alec said.

"Oh. so you like her too already?" Axel grinned.

"I do not like her!. I don't like girls!. I don't want to fall in love anymore. How many times do I have to tell you! ." Alec yelled.

"Are you even human. How can you not fall in love??." Axel asked and Alec gave him one sharp long stare.

"Just stay away from Poppy and her mom. That's all." He said and walked away.



Oceana saw that the priest was ready to go. They were done with their conversation.

She stepped into the living room slowly, holding the strap of her bag.

"Good evening mom." She greeted with a wry voice and her mom looked at her.

"Oh darling. you're home. Quickly, come have a word with the priest!" Her mom said.

"Not in the mood mom. I'm stressed. i wanna go to bed, See you in the morning." She said and walked up the stairs carefully.

" Well, that was odd of her." Her mom said.

" You should go speak with her. You know teenagers never open up" The priest said and she nodded, running upstairs.



Oceana got to her room and slipped off her flat pink shoes.

Her legs were quite heavy and she managed to walk up the stairs despite the pain she was feeling down there.

She picked a full tablet of a pain relieve drug and sat on the bed, staring at the content

"Just two dose?. Nah. I don't think that will be enough. I'll drink the four of them so I can be better the following morning." She said.

She placed the whole dose and drank all at once before falling flat on the bed, spreading her legs wide for fresh air to come in.

" I can't believe I just had sex at seventeen. What was I thinking" She said and slapped her forehead.

" Ouch!" She winced and sat up.

" Oceana. You are such a mess to your family. How can you be deceived so easily!. Why did I let a playboy deceive me."

" The sex wasn't even fun and sweet. It wasn't even what I thought it was. It was so ugly. it was painful." She said as her throat went dry in pain.

She picked her phone and decided to text Axel.


She waited for minutes for his next reply but he didn't text her back. He usually replied her back instantly even if she sent him a text at midnight.

She sent him another text.


She waited for another minute but received no reply yet. Her lips crumpled.

" Why are you doing this to me, Axel. Answer my text, come on!" She panicked, pulling her hair dangerously.


She pulled all her anger on her finger as she texted him and when she received no reply, she threw her phone away.

There was a knock on the door. She knew it was her mom.

" Oceana dear.." Her mom called.

She quickly arranged her duvet and got into bed, pretending to be asleep.

Her mom stopped knocking and opened the door to her room.

Her light were turned off and she guessed that her daughter was already asleep.

" Sleep tight, hun." She said and closed back the door quietly

As soon as she was gone, Oceana used her pillow to cover her face as she cried till the following day.



Miss cherry arrived home late.

It was rainy but thanks to her umbrella, she wasn't able to get wet.

She walked into her apartment and stepped into the living room only to find Melissa, her new housemate, with a bottle of beer.

" Lisa!" She yelled and dragged the bottle of beer from her.

" What's gotten over you?" Melissa asked drunkly.

" I'm supposed to ask you that!. I thought you said you've gone over alcohol addiction!." Cherry asked and sat beside her on the sofa.

" I did. But...I can't stop getting depressed." She said and Cherry looked under the table, only to find three more finished bottles hiding there.

" You can't be kidding me!. How did you drink all this in one day?!" Cherry yelled.

" I'm sorry. I couldn't help it" She cried on her palm.

" I understand how you feel about the divorce, Lisa. I know you still love your husband and I'm sure you'll do wherever it takes to get him back. I just don't like the way you sulk about it all the time. Crying only makes your health get worse."

" If I can't be happy, what other emotions do you want me to feel. I miss my husband so much. I also miss hugging my son. It`s been only one week since I left them and I can't stop behaving normal. I miss them, cherry. I wish I can see them both again." She said as tears streamed out of her eyes.

" You'll surely see them again. it's a small world. I'm sure your husband will come back to you when his senses are alright one day, trust me. Stop crying so I can gist you about my new work." She said.

" I'm sorry I forgot to ask." She wiped her tears and smiled warmly. " How's your second day at work?" She asked.

" It's been great. My boss called me CUTE and that single word had been crashing my world apart"

" You really seem into him. I hope he's very cute and rich." Melissa asked.

" Of course he is. I'm just starting to know him well and he's not like those heartless runaway billionaire's I know." She said and they both laughed.

" Those types are found in fantasy. I wonder who made up that logic for billionaire's to be cold and hot at the same time."

" I've been thinking the same after completing my last novel, Love at twilight" Cherry said.

" I love that novel. Especially the romantic CEO. Melody Chioma is such a great writer. I so much love her books."

" Yeah, yeah." Cherry waved, pressing her lip tight.

" You're really lucky to have met that guy. I wish I were you. You are pretty, with a good job and pretty voice. Any man is ready to die for you."

" Oh please, Don't make me blush or I might not sleep this night." Cherry said and Melissa giggled loudly.

" I'm going upstairs to rest. I'll see you tomorrow. Promise me you won't drink again?" Cherry asked.

" I promise. Pinky promise" She pledged and Cherry smiled, kissing her forehead before leaving hastily.



Poppy came out of the shower and was dressed into a nice pink singlet and pajamas bottom.

Her dark hair is straight and wet and her face looks as adorable as a doll.

She walked straight into the laundry room.

Her mom is laying a mattress on the floored tiles.

" Mom. How do I look in this nightwear?" She asked, widening her short chubby arm.

" You look like a cute girl Barney." Her mom said and she laughed.

" One of the maids gave me the cloth and I feel so good to be off that dress I was wearing. But this pant feels really tight" She said and joined her mom on the bed.

" You better don't complain or they might seize the dress and let you walk half naked." She said and Poppy swallowed hard.

" Mom. I want to begin schooling again." She said and her mom looked at her.

" Remember we came here to work and nothing more." She said.

" I know mom, but I'm missing out on ALOT. My mates will be graduating next year and I'm still lagging"

" Mrs blue won't tolerate that suggestion of you schooling in her home" She said and Poppy frowned.

" I really love MINIONS high-school. You know it's been my dream school since childhood." She mumbled.

" Just have a little patience, hun. After we're done working here for three month, we'll leave and you'll go to any school of your choice." She said but Poppy wasn't still satisfied.

She wanted to start schooling immediately and not after few month.

She stood up and left the room walking towards the mansion balcony.

Her hair pin fell. She leaned to pick it up when a loud stitching sound was heard.

She palmed her butt and saw that her pajamas pant had slanted into half, exposing her adorable panties.

She stopped and looked up only to find Alec coming towards her.

" Fvck. Why me!" She cursed, pouting her lips and face together.

She was afraid to turn back so she just continued walking and avoiding his gaze.

Alec stopped in front of her and she looked up.

" Why do you love bumping into me all the time?" He asked and she blinked.

" I didn't know you were also taking this direction" She said and he stared at the sky, sighing

" My Jacket?" He suddenly said.

" Huh?"

" The jacket you stained at the cafe and you promised to return it back." He said and her eyes got wide.

" I..I..I'm sorry. I'll..

" Do the needful. I need those jacket or I take out of your daily allowance to buy a new one." He said and stepped away.

Poppy bit her lips cutely and glared at him.

" You dare not steal my allowance!" She mumbled silently.

" You said?" He turned and she quickly turned to face him, still palming her butt.

" I said nothing" She said quickly and Alec carefully looked at her. She was looking damn beautiful than he had thought.

" Haha!. Someone should Look at this!!" Someone was laughing behind her.

Poppy knew who it was. It was Axel. He knew he had that sarcastic voice.

" Alec!. Alec!. Come see your future wedding bride." He laughed and Poppy properly palmed her butt shamefully.

" What's that you're laughing at?" Alec asked and came behind her to look at her backside.

Her pant had slanted into halves and he could glance at her butt cheeks.

" Geezzz" He pinched his eyes close in annoyance.

" Oh my God. This view is so perfect. I need to take a picture of this. Haha!!" Axel said bringing out his phone.

Alec quickly snatched the phone from him and glared at him.

" Can't you be sensible for once. She's a girl. She needs privacy too!" He yelled.

" She's not a girl, she's a comic show." Axel laughed, holding his stomach.

Alec took off his jacket and threw it to her. Poppy quickly tied it around her waist, bowing her head.

" Go do something about your pant!" He snapped and Poppy quickly ran away.

He sighed and looked at Axel who was still laughing hard.

" You can spend all your night Killing yourself laughing. But don't laugh out your senses" He mused and walked out angrily.



Oceans is sitting in her chair, fiddling with her pen. She has been waiting for Axel to come in to the class.

Soon, Axel walks in. His friends are with him.

" Axel!" She called him quickly. Axel looked over to her direction and simply waved.

' Did he just wave at me?' Oceana thought inwardly as she watched him.

He went to sit next to another girl in the class.

Her brows creased up with worry as she stared at him. She wondered why he had started to ignore her since last night.

" Axel. I need to speak with you." She whispered.

" Huh?. Sorry. I don't speak mosquito language." He said and his friends laughed.

Oceana's fisted tightened that she almost wanted to squish her pen along.

She hated this behavior he was portraying now that she needed him the most.

" Are you guys having issues already?" Snow asked as they brought out their books.

" No. I just don't like her anymore. She's plain." He said and draco pinned his lip close.

" Axel. I need to talk to you!!" Oceana yelled and snow nudged him to go.

" Fine. I'll go speak with the bitch." He snorted and stood up.

They both left the class afterwards and Oceana folded her hands, glaring at him hatefully

" Why are you ignoring me since last night. Didn't you see my text?. Are you gonna pretend like a bitch and tell me you were not notified. Now this morning?. What's going on!"

" Are you done barking like your mom?" He asked and Oceana's eyes turned red.

" Axel. You'd better talk with filter!" She yelled.

" Why do I need to even reply your text?"

" Cos I'm your Girlfriend!" She yelled.

" Wait. We're still dating?. I thought the week was over."

" What!. How can you even say that. This is just Wednesday!" She yelled.

" Ugh. why does it look like we've been dating for ten centuries."

" Look baby. I'm not eager to break up with you any longer. I can be your permanent Girlfriend if you want." She said holding his arm and Axel stared at her mockingly

" So now you call me baby and you want me?" He asked, licking his lip.

" I really do. Yes baby, I want you ." She said and Axel laughed.

" You are becoming very boring. I need a change of girlfriend. Let's break up today." He said and Oceana eyes widened.

" See me after class so we can end it." He said and stepped away.

Oceana hadn't revived from the shock when Storm and her crews approached her.

" That's how it start. You should have Enjoyed it while it still last." She said and stepped away, laughing loudly.