
Prince's Soulmate

Yvonne "Bon" Akitashio is an 18 years old girl that is a servant of Supernatural Court Attendants who live on other kingdom. 9 years she work for them so basically half of her life was her being a servant for the Court. She was happy to serve the Court but something was still missing on her life. She even forgotten where she came from and more likely she was an orphan. Just one bump to a total stranger her life change before her. Alexander "El Lobizon" Belicoff is a Royal-blood Prince of Vampires and the Alpha Lycan of Blood Moon pack. He wanted help from the other Court Attendant to find a compatible bride for him. But the prince just wanted to visit other dimensions to find his soul mate to stand by him and rule over his Kingdom. ----------------- This is the first time I'm writing a story. Hope you guys like it, oh and please rate my story on the comment section and suggest anything or if you have a request I'll be happy to provide if I have Time.... ----------------- Hope you enjoy ----------------- oh and follow me here on fb: https://www.facebook.com/yvon10ison ig: @ditshe.kesyhra10 twitter : @ennovy1061 Comment Follow Vote

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12 Chs

My Bride To Be

Alexander's POV:

Previously at the Court Room

"I have chosen Yvonne." I proudly said. "She will be my Queen and that's Final. No one will stop me from getting what I want and I want Yvonne."

"Then go tell her." Said the Court. "You'll have a month before you are permanently to be the new king and new alpha lycan."

"I will wait for perfect moment and right time to tell her that--."Someone interfere me

"Tell me what?" Yvonne said



Still at the Court Room


"Tell me what?", she asked again, looking at all of us in the room then she looked at me longer.

"Soon mi amore, you will soon know not now but soon, so don't worry about it."

"Are you hiding me from something? Or are you hiding something from me?"

"Uh-uhh maybe both??" I said with hesitation

"Okayyy??" Dragging the "y" then she turn and said, " I'll be cleaning the other rooms in this temple so if you need anything just shout my name."

"That will be it Yvonne." Dismissed by the Court.

When she is out of heard we discussed on how will we or mostly I to explain to her that what really happen and what I needed to tell her.

"I guess there is no backing down your highness it is your decision to pick her as your bright. You will be given a month to tell her and make her settle before you are to be married." The Priest said

I look at him daring not to break our stare down, "That is right its my was my decision and she was my choice. And I'm not backing down on anything."

The Priest was taken back by my answer and I puff my chest because of the action he have given.


After the Mini Battle


"Okay fine you win." The Priest gave up

I laugh and tel them that I would start looking for my chosen and start telling her the truth step by step.

I went looking for Yvonne. I pick up her scent and follow it, it led me to a room where I found her sleeping again.

I laugh and carry her. I make way to my flat and put her slowly on my bed so I can't disturb her on her sleep.

"Soon my love you will know why I need you to be with me." I whisper to her before kissing her forehead. I know talking to a sleep person right.

The next Morning

It went smoothly get her to know bits by bits about what she was facing now

She didn't like the fact that I choose her than any girl that was in the bidding. But she was happy to know that I've picked her.

Yvonne's POV:

I was cleaning the last room when one of the other maids told me that it was unnecessary for me to clean all the rooms

"Ma'am you shouldn't clean the rooms."

"Why not? I'm a servant here. Therefore I'm a maid too so I should clean and serve."

"Ma'am starting right now you will not clean or do anything its our job not your."

"Why not?"

"The Court and the New King said so."

"What? What did they say?

"Sorry Ma'am but they didn't say anything. They only said that from now on you will not do anything that will make you sweat and tired."

"That's unacceptable, I've been here for more than 8 years and now I'm gonna stop what am I doing??"

"Umm ma'am you should go now. The New King will not be pleased that you are working right now."

"You know what? F*ck this I'm going up there and ask what the meaning of this."

"Ma'am you should--"

Before she finished talking I went out of the room and walk straight to the court room but before that I bumped to a hard wall before I fall someone steadied me...since when did this corridor have a wall and it breathe and have arms.

I look up and saw the devil himself

"You!" I point at him

"Me?" He said like I was asking a dumb question.

"Ma'am you should go to your room." The maid said while catching her breathe.

"Yes you! Why am I not aloud to work anymore?"

"Because I said so."

"And why is that!"

"Thank you for assisting Yvonne here I will take it from here. And for you mi amore you are going with me."

"Yes sir I would be going now."

"What no! You didn't answer my question I'm going to the court and talk to them!"

I was about to walk around him when he carry me like a sack of potato and walk to his bedroom.

"Let me go!"

"No. Be a good girl and stay quiet"

"Let! Me! Go!"

"No, now hush mi amore."

I kicked, punch and even bite him but nothing happen.


After the long walk


Alexander's POV:

I think its now or never

I am going to tell her all that she need to know

"Yvonne you know how much I love you right?"

"No, I didn't know that you even have feelings for me." She said while looking at me blankly,

"You are going to be my bride you are my chosen and you are my love."


"I don't know but there is something in you that's makes me attracted and I want to know more about you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just hush, will you marry me?"

"I ah-um I don't know"

"Oh right I'm not taking no for an answer tomorrow will be our wedding. Your dress will be put in front of your mirror by 6. So be ready at 7 our wedding will start at 9."

"Wait why its all of a sudden and you never let me pick my gown. What am I saying! Why am I even going to marry you! What am--"

I kiss her to shut her up on here rambling.

"Now lets go to sleep mi amore"




Yvonne's POV:

I woke up from the banging of the door

"Who's knocking its 5 in the morning!"

I hear the door open

"Ma'am its time for you to eat and dress up for your wedding." Someone said

"I'm still sleeping go away."

"Miss the king will be angry if you are not yet ready before 7."

"Ma'am you need to freshen up your dress will be here at 6."

"Yes miss you need to go to the bathroom."


After taking a bath


They pamper me with anything that is supposedly to make me more beautiful but all I do is decline.

"No I want my face to be natural no need for make up!"

"But miss/ma'am!!" they say together

"I said no. Do you want the king to know that you are not giving me satisfaction of what I want?" I get so flustered by all of the pamper they made.

"No ma'am/sorry miss" they say again in union.

Looking at Yvonne's wedding gown she will be the most beautiful bride that the whole universe can ever see.

A big wedding is going to happen!!!! yay




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