
Prince's Soulmate

Yvonne "Bon" Akitashio is an 18 years old girl that is a servant of Supernatural Court Attendants who live on other kingdom. 9 years she work for them so basically half of her life was her being a servant for the Court. She was happy to serve the Court but something was still missing on her life. She even forgotten where she came from and more likely she was an orphan. Just one bump to a total stranger her life change before her. Alexander "El Lobizon" Belicoff is a Royal-blood Prince of Vampires and the Alpha Lycan of Blood Moon pack. He wanted help from the other Court Attendant to find a compatible bride for him. But the prince just wanted to visit other dimensions to find his soul mate to stand by him and rule over his Kingdom. ----------------- This is the first time I'm writing a story. Hope you guys like it, oh and please rate my story on the comment section and suggest anything or if you have a request I'll be happy to provide if I have Time.... ----------------- Hope you enjoy ----------------- oh and follow me here on fb: https://www.facebook.com/yvon10ison ig: @ditshe.kesyhra10 twitter : @ennovy1061 Comment Follow Vote

Ms_Bunny · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Honeymoon for real!

Yvonne's POV:

Previously at Minami-Tori-shima

"Where are we?"

"Welcome to the Minami-Tori-shima here in japan one of the islands that I've own. This is where our honeymoon will take place"

"Wait.... Honeymoon?"

"Yes mi amore our honeymoon will start today. We will have a lot of fun here before we go to our real place and start our work to rule and help our citizens."


At the Beach House

"Wait.... HONEYMOON!?" I watched him carry our bags to the front porch of the beach house that were going to stay at.

"Yes our honeymoon." He said putting the last baggage in the front porch. Getting the house keys from his pocket. "There are no-one here besides us and my maintenance."

"No way am I will be no where near you I'm taking the guest room." I said walking past him through the door.

"You know that this is my beach house, right?" He said like I'm dumb.

Laughing I said," Yeah I know. Any problem knowing it?."

"Oh nothing mi amore, its just that this beach is mine and you can't get out of here without my permission, besides its our honeymoon."

"Noooo----" then I've fainted.


Two days later....


I woke up on a king sized bed with red blood like duvet in a manly theme room with red and back color and I'd be lying if I say I don't like the theme of this room. The window in this room was huge I mean huge it was up to the ceiling huge its curtains is surprisingly have a different color then the room its pearly white. I can say its morning now because of the light beaming through the curtains.

"Ugghhh what just happen, my head hurts." Touching my forehead and move to my side so my back was facing the window. But then I felt my body aching all over.

And I mean it, it hurts a lot but the most aching part of my body is down there and my neck. What really happen last night??

"Argh what the hell happen? Why does my body hurts?" pulling down the duvet I've covered my body again. "Wait a minute!!" I've pushed the duvet off my body and start inspecting it "WHAT THE!!! ALEXANDER!!! WHAT DID YOU DO!!"

I can't believed it. I rush to the bathroom and take a look of my body at the full-length mirror.

Oh my gosh my body is cover with love bites and bite marks!! How could he!! Not a single part of my body has no marks on it!! That pervert!!

Speaking of the devil and he shall appear

He open the bathroom door. "Glad your awake" He said standing at the door "You know your pretty wild when your drunk."

"Drunk? How could I be drunk? I have never consume any alcohol before!" I said while covering my body with a clean towel. "And why is my body covered with bite marks and love marks?".

"Yes you did the day when I said that its our honeymoon you fainted and hit your head at the sofa but luckily I've change the sofa's cushion it's now bouncy and soft to touch. Then yesterday when you woke up from your tragic faint attack you went straight to me to ask for a strong wine I have. And when I gave you the wine you ordered me to accompany you to drink. How could I deny you your such a seductress wearing a revealing clothes. Just thinking about it right now your giving me a boner." He said while smiling and holding his boner.

"What!! I d-don't remember anything all I've know is that I just fainted yesterday."

"Oh is my wife have a mini amnesia?? She can't remember her last nights doing so, that's kind of shame. Okay lets remake the scene so you can remember how wild you are." He said taking off his shirt..

"No!! No put your shirt back on." I shouted but its too late his shirt is off and was thrown else where.

"Look at what you did little kitten." he said walking near me.

"No go back don't go near me" I said while covering my eyes with my hand.

He then take a hold with my hand and take it off from my eye.

"W-what happen to you?? Is that really what I di----" I can't say anything I'm speechless. But I'm kinda proud of my works.

"HAHAHA!!!! That's quite a mark there." I cant stop laughing I've forgot the towel I was holding and it falls down to my foot leaving me cold and bare in the air. I unconsciously bend down and was about pick up the towel. "I really did a good work of doing that ahh--" I didn't finished my sentence he suddenly pushed me on the sink in the bathroom facing the mirror. He positioned himself behind me holding my waist down while trapping me from behind. I could really feel his boner now in this position.

"You know I know that your not aching anymore we done it many times yesterday till 3 in the morning. Its now 10 o'clock you have rested. We can do it again. Help me put off the fire eh?" he whispered in my ears while bending too behind me.

"ahh d-don't mmhh--" I felt him rub against me slowly but had trying to make me feel him more. Oh my I'm getting turned on by his actions.

"aahhh" I can't hold my moans It felts so good.... Then he move away I look at him in his reflection in the mirror I saw him taking his boxers off. I tried to stand up but only to be pushed down again by him.

"Be obedient mi amore I won't be gentle if you oppose on what am I about to do." he said then he take both my wrists on one hand trapping it behind me while the other hand holding my waist again. He positioned himself.

"W-what are you doi--" I've been cut off when he suddenly trust inside me.

"Aaahh" I moaned out.

You cheeky pervert your want more?

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