
Chapter 1: Introduction

Zoa, the oldest and most powerful of all the other Kryptonian Gods; this included Rao their chief god, Cythonna the Goddess of Ice and Mother of Monsters, and also Mordo the God of Strength.

Zoa was eternally sealed by all the other Kryptonian Gods, all 14 major deities and 211 demigods worked together with the 1402 Titans to seal him in a timeless, spaceless, formless unending void as punishment for teaching mortals how to defend themselves against the forces of nature and predatory animals.

Before he was sealed in his eternal slumber, he chipped off a tiny piece of his body and sent it to the mortal realm. That piece transformed into Sho-El, one of the most powerful beings in conceptual reality. Rather than chipping off a single piece, Zoa forsaw a calamity that would affect not just one universe but all universes across the Omniverse, so after chipping off the piece that became Sho-El, Zoa chipped off another and sent it across the Omniverse to the opposite end as he did Sho. Two Guardians to keep the Omniverse safe.

Sho-El, due to being the first one to form, since the mortal realm he was sent into was much closer, formed and began his own journey. Sho wasn't born strong, tho he did have a much higher starting point, like all kryptonians, he needed to absorb energy. But the energy that Sho could absorb and use to strengthen himself wasn't limited like other kryptonians.

No matter the energy Sho-El could absorb it, there was no limit. Didn't matter the color of the sun, or whether it was electrical, cosmic, kinetic or magical energy, Sho could absorb it and gain strength.

He could even snack on kryptonite, didn't matter the color, he could absorb its energy with no repercussions. The reason for this was the type of energy Zoa used, it is said that the energy utilized by Sho-El is the source and true form of every conceivable energy field.

What did this mean? Well it meant Sho got stronger not just from standing under a sun, or flying thru space surrounded by cosmic and thermal energy. He got stronger from everything he did, whether walking or fighting, working out or sitting still.

When your source of energy encompasses "all conceivable energy fields", this gives you infinite amounts of energy. Just think about it, how many forms of energy are there?

Well we know quite a few, a little over 10 but really you can simplify energy into six basic forms; chemical, electrical, mechanical, nuclear, radient and thermal energy.

All other forms are just a combination of two or more of the six basic forms, even magical energy fits within the realm of the six basic forms of energy, combining thermal, radient, nuclear and electrical to produce the desired effects.

This is also why Sho is likened to DC's version of Goku combined with One Above All, but this was just an oversimplification of Sho.

His powers far trumped One Above All, Sho was on the omniversal level unlike One Above All, who was only on the multiversal level. Sho was a battle maniac, always looking for strong opponents, never backing down from a challenge, even in the extremely rare case that he is challenged by a stronger opponent.

Not only has Sho completely demolished existances such as Superman Prime and Golden Superman with ease, he has also easily won against beings such as Imperiex, Trigon and even Mister Mxyzptik, dominating them in the end.

Not only did his strength come from absorbing energy, it also came from his mind. A true testament to the saying knowledge is power, Sho's intelligence was extremely high, although you would never know just how intelligent he truly was until you fought him. By then it was too late to back out.

Sho did act a bit primative, he didn't say much, he let his actions do his talking, he was a hero of heroes, similar to Gilgamesh's title of King of Kings, he had no equal. Sho defended the weak and innocent from any threat. Saved countless worlds on the verge of destruction.

If the world had died, using the powers of Zoa he could replenish the planet, or even create a whole new one himself. Zoa wasn't just the Martial Arts God for Kryptonians, he was also a God of Creation, it's the only reason he can be likened to One Above All at all.

The biggest advantage however wasn't having the divinity of creation, the biggest boost was the divinity from the Martial Arts.

This divinity did more than grant access to every martial art of kryptonian origins, but all martial arts. It also gave the ability to always be in control of your strength and senses.

If Sho didn't have this ability, just entering a universe would destroy it he had so much strength and energy. A sneeze would destroy the galaxy he was in along with any others in its path. Even moving could destroy a planet unintentionally.

The divinity allowed him to always use the exact amount of strength he wanted, whether it be punching a regular human and only knocking them unconscious or punching a hole into space-time itself, having the Martial Art divinity made it a simple matter.

It wasn't just his strength, even his hearing and vision were under complete mastery under the Martial Arts divinity. Body, mind and soul wrapped into one divinity. Truly mind over matter.

Sho also had such control over his body that he was able to shapeshift into another person or even creature, he could enlarge his body or shrink it down to any size. He also had an ability similar to reading minds, with one look he knew a persons true nature, he could see thru lies and schemes with ease. Though he tended to go along with their scheme or plot just to troll them in the end.

He spent millennias travelling the Omniverse, until one day he felt the birth of his twin brother far off in another universe. Surprised that he had a being same as him, excitement and joy filled his heart.

He found a brother that could grow as he did, a lifelong sparring partner once he finally was able to grow. However, seeing the side of the Omniverse his brother landed, he could see that his brother was truly alone.

Unlike him who had landed within a universe with at least other kryptonians, his brother was all alone. Sho wouldn't allow such a thing, he would make sure his brother knew of his heritage.

This was very important, without such knowledge, he could be led astray from his purpose that he was created. To protect the worlds and to bring hope to those worlds heading for distruction. To set worlds on the right path to a brighter tomorrow.

Sho vanished from the universe he was currently in and appeared before a baby boy who lay naked on the ground crying.

Reaching down Sho lifted the crying newborn which had just formed from the flesh of Zoa and spoke in a soft tone to calm the baby.

"Shhh little brother, you are alright, big brother has you."

Sho said as he rocked the baby a bit which got the baby to stop crying.

Seeing the same black hair and deep blue eyes that matched his own, Sho couldn't help but see himself, remembering the tough life he lived on Krypton and the lack of a family.

"I wish I could bring you with me, but you were sent here for a reason by our father, so unfortunately I can not. But although I can not bring you with me, doesn't mean I can not help you little brother."

Opening his palm a small metal key appeared in his hand as well as a crystal.

"I shall bestow upon you the heritage of our house, your own Fortress of Solitude. This isn't just any Fortress, this has not just the knowledge of our people, but of the knowledge I myself have collected across multiple universes. Now to find you a loving home." Sho said as he slipped the metal key around Aiden's neck and placed the crystal containing the fortress inside the kryptonian command key.

Sho then flew up high into the sky and looked down at the world below, using his enhanced vision, he searched the world for a perfect place for his brother.

During his search however, Sho detected a darkness that threatened this world, a future filled with death and suffering for this worlds inhabitants.

Letting out a sigh Sho looked at his brother who continued to stare at him with a toothless smile, "Now I know why father sent you here, there is so much evil in this world. Though this world is so technologically backwards compared to our own, what this world faces is just as bad as our own worlds end. But you will change that, and I see the perfect home for you, change the course of this world Aiden and gain enough strength to not only protect your portion of the Omniverse, but live happily while you do so."

Sho vanished from high above the planet and appeared within the grounds of a garden where a beautiful brown haired woman sat holding a child as she cried from stress.

Using his powers Sho used his divinity to silence the area and hide from others, floating down to the woman, Sho landed in front of her causing her to scream at the sudden appearance of a large man.

"Please, I mean you no harm ma'am. I noticed you here and see the love you have for your daughter in your arms and I see she is very sick, I have come to help you." Sho said to the woman who was screaming for help as she clutched at her baby.

However upon hearing his words she stopped screaming for help and looked to the man who came from the sky. Seeing his intimidating figure and his aura that he gave off made it hard for her to breath.

Although she was scared, her love for her daughter gave her the courage to speak, "Do you speak truth my Lord? Please, if you can truly help my daughter I am willing to do anything."

She was desperate, her daughter had caught a high fever that wouldn't go down, no matter what she was given.

"I speak truth. However this help does not come free, I will cure your child and in exchange you will look after my baby brother. I cannot stay in this world, and he is unable to follow me. You must not let anyone know of his origins, at least not until he reveals it, do you understand?"

Instantly the young woman humbly knelt and cried yet answered him with a nod, she just wanted her daughter to live, no matter the price.

"Good. Then we have a deal. His name is Aiden which means little flame. He will be in your care, make sure he doesn't lose the keepsake around his neck. He will need it when he is older. Treat him well and fortune will smile upon you, treat him poorly and you and the world around you can fall into ruin." Sho said as he placed his hand on the womans child, his hand glowed a golden color which enveloped the baby girl in a warm golden light.

As soon as the light died down, the baby girl who was barely breathing before was now breathing smoothly and no longer was burning up. Within moments the baby woke up crying, but her mother could tell exactly what she was crying for.

Without hesitation the mother dropped the top of her dress and brought her child to her exposed breast which the baby latched onto and began to hungrily drink from her mothers breast.

"Thank you my lord, she has been unable to eat for three days due to the sickness, I swear I will love your brother as my own child." The woman said through tears of joy at seeing her baby eating and healthy.

"That was no sickness. Someone tried to kill her before she could grow, though I will be honest, I didn't really save her life. She would've survived but at the cost of damaging her bloodline. I have removed the poison so her bloodline will remain unharmed, so you need not worry." Sho explained to her with a gentle tone.

The women then finally noticed the baby within Sho's arms, she couldn't help but think he was the cutest baby she had ever seen, he was looking at her with his deep blue eyes.

The woman the giggled when she noticed that it wasn't her that the boy was looking at but her other breast. "He wouldn't happen to be hungry would he my lord?"

Sho too noticed Aiden looking at her breast and squeezing his hands, scratching his cheek in embarrassment Sho answered, "Well he has yet to eat anything since being born, so yes. I do apologize for my lack of foresight on feeding him."

The young woman then reached out her other hand signalling Sho to hand her the baby and replied, "Well that would explain it my lord, I shall feed him now. When will you be leaving?"

As Sho handed her Aiden and he saw his brother greedily begin to drink from the available breast he began to float back up into the air, shocking the woman.

"I must go now, I thank you for looking after him, but knowing what is to come, I think he is in no better hands than yours ma'am." Sho said with a smile.

"Elia, please call me Elia my lord. Are you a god?" She couldn't help but ask as she saw him slowly floating higher and higher.

"In a way yes but not of this world, my brother is more of this world than I since he was born within it." Sho answered.

"What should I tell him if he asks about his parents?" Elia quickly asked since she now realized just how special the child was in her arms.

"Unfortunately we have no mother and our father is eternally gone, even I didn't get to feel a mother's love until much later in my life. That is why I chose you, if you even show him a sliver of the love you show for your daughter, that would make me happy to know he got to know how wonderful it truly is." Sho said as he gazed at his brother once again then disappeared.

Elia, seeing the man disappear, felt sorry to hear what he had said and vowed in her heart that the child would know what a mother truly was.

She just hoped that her husband wouldn't create too many problems for her, although it wasn't her husband she was truly worried about, rather it was her husbands father that she truly worried her.

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