
Chapter 13

(Hey, I just wanted to let you all know that I am joining the US Army, I'll be infantry so if I stop writing for a few months then I am in basic training, so I don't want you all thinking I forgot about you all. I will try to let you all know when I'm being shipped off. Also, I'm 19 in case you were wondering.)

Adrienne only has a few hours before she meets with ambassador Plutus. In the past four weeks, not once was she close to stealing the info on Plutus from her father, so she had to rely on the info the shadow stalkers gathered. She just hoped it was enough for the negotiations tomorrow.

Princess Adrienne, ambassador Plutus, is here to meet with you. Okay, send him to the conference room. I'll be there shortly.

Ambassador Plutus, I hope I haven't kept you waiting long.

Not at all, my dear. I was enjoying this lovely cup of tea your servant gave me. If I'm not mistaken, this is heaven's due tea, the best tea in all the realms. Just how did you get your hand on this? They have very little in stock. I've been having a hard time just getting some of it myself.

Well, the empire has its ways of acquiring what it wants. So, shall we get down to business? What is it that the merchant union wants from the empire?

There are a few trade routes in your star clusters we would like to use. We also would like for your empire to handle protection when we arrive in your territory. We're willing to give the empire 10% for the trade routes and protection and well give the empire a permanent 5% discount in all of our auctions. How does that sound?

Which clusters are you wanting to use?

We want to use the Pleiades and the T-37 star clusters.

Those are the empire's private clusters you're asking to use. 10% won't be enough, how about 25% for the trade routes and a 10% discount for the auctions? In return, we will start buying most of our goods from the MU (merchant union).

Okay, but we want to not have to pay any toll when crossing the empire's borders.

I can't do that but what I can do is give you a 10% on all tolls.

Hm, okay, you have yourself a deal.

Good, because the empire would also like to join the MU.

I'm sorry, princess Adrienne, but we don't get in the middle of wars unless we can profit from it and I just don't see any profit in making the Alliance our enemies.

I understand your concern, ambassador, but we're not asking for you to get in the middle of our war. I can promise you there are profits to be gained. For instance, I know your king Zeus crippled and blinded you and you have been trying to get healed ever since, but nothing has worked. But the empire can fix that. We can make you whole again.

When Plutus heard this, he reveled in the idea of being able to see and walk again.

Let me guess, the empire has to be part of the MU first, before you can do anything.

It's nothing personal ambassador, you understand.

Yes, I do, but how do I know this isn't just a lie you're telling me to join the MU?

Because we can prove it.

When Plutus heard that, he became even more excited.


Well, I shouldn't be telling you this, but the empire is working on a new drug that can heal almost any solders injuries. So as long as Zuse did not cripple you with a law, then you should heal nicely.

Adrienne took out a valve with golden liquid inside she then put the valve into Plutus' hands.

I should warn you we are still testing the drug, so whether you drink it or not is up to you.

Plutus knew what she was really saying was I'm fucking warning you, this shit is untested and can cripple you even more if not kill you, so let the MU know we had no part in this whatsoever. I understand. He then drank the whole valve.

Motherfucker, you don't understand you were supposed to send the MU a fucking message letting them know before drinking the dame thing.

But I do understand, Plutus said. You don't want the MU funding the alliance in this war, so know you will do everything to make sure I live and don't die.

I hope you don't regret your choice later on ambassador, for do you know what we do to those who dare to threaten the empire and the royal family no less? Now we have to make an example out of you.

Plutus panicked when he heard Adrienne's' tone of voice. But what frightened him the most was the dark presence he felt in the room after his threat.

If you dare to do anything to me, then the MU won't let your empire off so easily.

I don't give a dame about your MU. All who dare to stand in the empire's way will be crushed under its feet.

Plutus started trembling after hearing what Adrienne had said. He knew she was dead serious.

Wait! Please forgive me, I'm sorry. I know I was wrong now and it won't ever happen again; I swear. Please spare me. I can give you anything you want. If the empire wants to join the MU, it's done. All have to do is, let me live. Plutus knew even though this was his avatar and not his actual body, there are still plenty of ways for the empire to kill him, even if he isn't there personally.

Adrienne took this opportunity to make the empire more profitable. She wasn't dumb even if he did insult and threaten her. She could never kill or hurt him, for the empire could not afford to go to war with the MU at the moment. But he doesn't know that.

Anything, huh? Ok fine, give us 50% for the star cluster and protection and we will guard all your cargo that is headed for the empire. You won't ever have to hire mercenaries or private armies ever again. Also, give us a permanent 25% discount for all auctions and purchases from the MU. And make sure the empire becomes a part of the MU and we don't want to just be a member anymore. We want to sit on the council.

I don't have that kind of power to decide that.

That sounds like a you problem. All I know is if it doesn't happen, the empire can always enter into a truce with the alliance and focus all its attention on the MU.

One hour later. I hope you have a safe trip back, ambassador Plutus. You fucking dumb son of a bitch, Adrienne mumbled under her breath.

That fucking whore. She better hope I never meet her in person, Plutus said to himself. Get me off this fucking planet now.

Ghost, appeared before Adrienne. You did better than I expected you to. Rest for a little wail, for you'll be going on a mission with Ares.

Three days later.

Ares and Adrienne have left Thanatos going to meet the rebels.

And that is why we are delivering weapons and supplies to the rebels, Ares finished explaining to Adrienne.

I see that is the most logical solution. Controlling the enemy before they even know they are being controlled. It's smart. We can always blame them when something goes wrong or if we want to cover something up. And we will also know who the traitors are and who is turning traitor toward the empire. It sounds like something my father would do.

Yes, it does. But he is only doing it to bring order and stability to the realms. But between you and me, I think it's also because of his evil nature. Hahaha.

Adrienne and Ares both laugh

I think you're right.

A month goes by Ares and Adrienne have both changed their appearance so as not to be recognized by any real rebels.

On the planet Ego, David, it's so good to see you again, brother.

Hahaha, you too bother. How have you been?

Oh, we've been hanging in there. Giving the empire hell whenever we can. And might I ask who is this lovely lady.

My niece Arella I'm teaching her the family business. I'm getting old. I'm not always going to be doing this. But enough of that, let's get down to business. What do you need from my shop today?

We need some D-11 battle droids, T-68 mechs, some B-2 scout drones, a few anti-air rockets, some guns, Viper Combat Armor, and 2 Tlx Battleships.

It's going to take some time to get the Tlx Battleships, the VCA, and the Mechs. But I got everything else. Everything put together will cost you 5 million credits. You can deposit the credits into the CIA stocks.

(If you get the joke good for you, if not, just think about it and if you still don't get it, you're lame. The CIA has used the enemy to make more profits for the US, and the Empire is doing the same thing. That's why I put on CIA stocks. Now the joke's ruined if it wasn't already before.)

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