
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
118 Chs

Getting ready

Frances had his hands up as the guards pointed their spears at him.

"My name is Frances. I am a human and not from this continent. I heard about the Wallachian alliance and figured it would be safer here than out there."

"A human? They are so rare on this continent, and one at Basic Red rank, the same rank as us. I wonder what his blood would taste like." The guard said this as he looked at his partner.

"We can share him. Just a taste. Don't you agree? The queen never mentioned humans as people allowed to come to Wallachia, so it should be fine." The second guard nodded.

They looked at Frances like prey and started walking towards him to attack. Frances was weirded out and sighed. "So much for thinking a place like this was better."

The vampires used their rapt speed to appear before Frances to subdue him, but Frances was faster than they anticipated. He punched the fangs out of their faces. They laid on the floor, twitching and unconscious. Frances was about to blast off when he noticed he was surrounded by over 50 more guards.

"Let's dance." His body immediately iced over. Within his eyes, it looked like two suns were exploding. The guards around him felt fear as he stared at them. He looked around and said, "If you don't want to come to me, then I will come to you."

Fire exploded at his heels, and he was gone. They no longer saw him because the explosion caused sand to fly everywhere.

Cries of pain were resounding from the sand fog. The vampires tried to use their thermal vision to locate him, but everywhere was so hot after the explosion, and he was as cold as they were, if not colder. There were also vampires that had been frozen.

Some of them were sprawled on the ground, trying to heal, while others had their limbs broken. Frances felt stronger guards were coming, so he blasted off to escape.

In the air, he felt something close in and-


-they collided.

He was sent crashing down, but he was unhurt. Staring at what brought him down, he was surprised to see he was surrounded by people who had the same level as him, and they were all teenagers, the same as him. He felt something he had felt from Midas when they fought.

"It feels like I am facing him all over again, but this time I am far stronger than I was."

~Back to when Frances attacked~

Julius, Scarlet, and the others had all finally finished their leveling behind closed doors and were all seated in the dining hall, enjoying the feast before them, when they saw guards running out.

"What is going on?" Scarlet called one of the guards.

"Captain Scarlet, it's not a big deal; there is just a human who is currently facing over fifty of our own, and he's winning. We want to corner him before he escapes." He bowed

"A human? I haven't seen them before." Julius cracked his knuckle.

Ana," Scarlet called. Anastasia appeared almost immediately.

"Don't worry, Scarlet; I have sent people to take care of him. No one can run away from the vampires."

"I wanted to tell you to withdraw them. We will deal with this person ourselves."

Oh, I see." Anastasia laughed and sent a telepathic message to all the vampires heading towards Frances.

"He is all yours." Anastasia bowed and disappeared, but obviously she was lurking in the shadows to protect them just in case.

"Davina, you and Maverick wait here. We will be right back." She grew her wings of blood and fire and flapped away. Julius petted the boar and pushed himself off the floor with a sonic boom. Talia also flapped her wings and was gone.

"Maverick, they always have all the fun. We need to train properly so we will not be left behind." Maverick grunted in agreement.

Tenebrea had already reached the castle when she saw what was happening at the gates.

"Another conqueror's potential, and this time he brought himself to my doorstep."

She was about to interfere when she felt her disciples were moving to intercept, so she hid herself, Gaea, and Amphy.

Frances stood staring at the people who had brought him down from the air. There was a vampire pointing a bow with a flame arrow at him, a tall, tanned man, and a beauty that had black wings that shone like obsidian. His eyes lingered on the beauty the longest until Julius called out to him.

"Oyy, I know she is beautiful and all, but also, look at us; it's making me feel a bit ugly," Julus pretended to cry.

"I am guessing no matter what I say, you guys will still attack me." Frances was a bit worried, as he felt this was a fight he might lose.

"What do you think?" Julius smiled maliciously.

Frances sighed, and a sword was formed in each hand. "Then bring it."

Julius told the rest to wait, and he walked forward.

A screech and a boom were heard. Both Julius and Frances were seen flying in different directions. Julius skidded across the floor for a few meters. Shaking the sand off his body, he got up. Frances was already up, staring at the barbarian.

"You use sound energy. My second element is a mixture of sound and fire. I see the vampire girl has two elements, one of blood and the other of a strange type of fire. There is no need to fight. I was attacked first, and I defended myself. Let bygones be bygones; otherwise, you might lose an arm." Frances spoke convincingly.

Julius shook his head. "I am a barbarian. We crave battles. She is a vampire, and they are very proud. You beat some vampires to a frozen pulp, so we need to reciprocate."

Frances gritted his teeth. The swords were absorbed back into his body, and his signature gauntlets formed.

He accelerated his speed by causing mini-explosions behind his heels. Julius held his giant hammer and brought it down on Frances. Frances punched up the hammer, and his fists were going to connect with the torso of Julius, who used his sound energy to push the already retreating hammer further back with his body weight. Frances missed only punching air, but the hammer was already coming back. Left with no choice, a shield made of glacial ice formed on the back of France, taking most of the damage. Julius tried to make the vibration pass through the shield, rupturing Frances organs in the process, but Frances was actually causing explosions within himself, canceling out the vibrations from Julius.

With a roundhouse kick, he managed to rotate himself, letting his foot connect to Julius's abdomen. An explosion occurred once again, sending them both flying away.

Julius held his abdomen as he got up. "That actually hurt. If I were a bit weaker, I'd probably be dead."

"Same with your hammer attack." Frances stretched his back.

"Despite all of this, I think Midas is still stronger than you." He took a stance to attack again.