
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
118 Chs


(Midas's POV)

A man was walking in the wilderness, he had a cloak on. No light could penetrate through the cloak. That man was Midas.

After leaving Licht and the others, he had been wandering for over two weeks. He was almost at one of the previous destinations he wanted to visit. From afar, he could see a small town.

A shadow materialized behind him and spoke "Master, I have scouted the town. It is not as bad as Oasis. There are rich people in the town and they treat the lower class people like trash but the lower class people look used to it so they do not look that unhappy. There are also a few upperclassmen that have weird fetishes and they are definitely the worst of the worst in that town. " Daren spoke as the shadows around him dissolved into the ground.

"Okay, it is far better than Oasis and I doubt we will see a town worse than oasis. It was literally an oasis for bad people like them" Midas nodded

"Let's go" Midas said

Daren nodded and merged into the shadows once more. Midas continued to walk till he got to the town. Entering the town was quite easy, covered in his cloak he looked like another beggar so the town guards just let him enter without checking him. The security in this town was very lax but Midas did not mind. He looked at the streets and saw several beggars on the streets. There were also dilapidated houses, children dressed in rags, some pickpockets, Midas even let a little boy steal a silver coin from his pocket.

He finally got to where the middle-class people stayed after leaving the slums. Their life looked far better, some houses looked run down but they were not all shabby. Midas walked the entire town from the slums all the way to where the upperclassmen resided. He summoned several bandits and let them go investigate, as they were souls, they could become invisible and incorporeal. They went around the town and picked the bad eggs. By nightfall, Midas had a list of people who needed to be exterminated.

Midas did not consider himself to be a good person, as a matter of fact, he had killed several hundreds of people but as he heard the souls of the deceased wailing at the injustice done to them, he decided to be justice.

He was not adept in assassinations and sneaking into houses to end them so he and Daren split up. Daren took the upperclassmen that did not have several people in their residence while Midas went for the upperclassmen that committed more heinous things.

Midas walked till he got to the first upperclassman's house. He stood in front of a 5-meter gate, staring at the big house behind the gate. The guards of the house saw Midas who was clad in a dirty black robe.

"Hey, you dirty beggar. Get out of here before you lose a few limbs" One of the guards laughed as he threatened Midas swinging his sword around.

Before the other guards could laugh, green fog started pouring out from behind them and green figures slashed their throats from the fog. The guards all dropped dead at almost the same time.

The gate was pushed open and Midas continued onwards to the house.

Inside the house, four people were seated around a table having dinner.

"Father, I will need a new batch. The last ones didn't even last five minutes under me." A brown haired young man said as he tore a lamb leg.

"That is because you are always rough with them. They are still young so all the strangling and punching you do will definitely wear them out" A white haired middle aged man with a stubble on his face said as he stared at the brown haired man

"Daniel is always so cruel. My little toys are still alive" A brown haired girl giggled as she listened on the conversation.

"You guys do not talk about these things on the table. Do you want to be punished?" A middle aged woman that had a stern face said to the people talking.

"Yes honey"

"Yes mum"

"Yes mother"

They all shivered as they heard what she said and all replied in fear.

The servants behind the people having dinner all had downcast faces because they knew what this family was talking about. They got little children from the slums and did bad things to them and every time they said they needed a new batch, it meant that the little children were most likely dead.

"No need to stop. I have enough reason to kill you all already but this is just piling on it" They all heard a deep voice, then the door opened an a man with a tanned face and black eyes, he had a scar above his right eye.

They were confused how this man got in and past their guards.

"You…How did you get in here? Guards!!!!!" The brown haired man yelled but got no reply.

The middle aged man already figured the guards were incapacitated and will not be able to answer his son.

"Sir, may I ask what you want? If it is money it can be arranged. We have that" The middle aged man said as he glimpsed at his wife. He saw that she was pale then he realized they will most likely die today if the man was unhappy.

The reason being that his wife was in the advanced blue rank that is why they all feared her but even she was afraid of the man before her which meant he was at least basic green rank.

They saw Midas staring blankly into space, but Midas was currently looking at the souls of little girls and boys of about ten years old floating around him, sulking. Midas absorbed the sulking children into his soul, he fused some of the bandit's souls and warriors from Oasis soul's to power up the children. They were close to a hundred children, showing the vile acts these family committed.

The family saw a green fog being absorbed into Midas and they were confused as to what it was. Midas finally looked up at the family and had a cruel smile.

"You shall be done in by your own misdeeds." Midas spoke and a green fog spread from his feet till it formed little children clad in armor. Some held bows, some held swords and sabers, and others wielded one-handed hammers and axes.

The family was confused about what the group of imps will do to them. The only thing that worried them was Midas but he still had not made a move.

"Oh, I am not going to make a move. Your executioners are right behind me." Midas said

"I am nothing but a lowly man. I heard the cries of vengeance. So, I heeded their cries, I will be their justice and help them exact revenge. For today and for a long time, I will be their KARMA" As Midas spoke, he had a green glimmer in his eyes and then the "imps" behind him dashed forward.

Remember that, his lowest summons were intermediate green rank and now that they had been synchronized with the children's souls, they were all intermediate green rank too.

The family did not stand a chance against them. They were tortured and ripped apart. The brown-haired man had swords, blades, polearms stuck up his rectal cavity several times. He died from excessive bleeding after passing out several times. The girl was filleted slowly by several of the children while their parents just got ripped apart.

The servants were too afraid to move so they stood there and watched the gruesome scene. They kept shivering in the corner but Midas never even took a glimpse in their direction. After what seemed like an eternity for the servants, the children's soul summons all turned to fog till they were absorbed into Midas.

He went to different houses, bars, and even streets exterminating the people that needed extermination. As he said, He was going to be their justice.

Meanwhile, Daren went into different upperclassmen's homes, killing them before they could even blink. He killed them by either slitting their throats or his blade went right through their heads or hearts, either way, they died before they even knew it.