
Primeval Anomaly

[ Hidden conditions achieved ] [Unsealing new talent features ] [ Your memories are eternal ] [ Your memories will be sent back in time by consuming your remaining power. Estimated time reversal: ~17 Years ] "'Fuck this shit!!! This talent finally responds when I'm at death's door!' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Felix trudged through the VR game "Etheria" for 7 years with his joke of an "SSS" rank 'initial talent', "Eternal Scribe" - The talent's only use for him was to remember everything, just a higher level of photographic memory. Life had its highs and lows but he fought through trying to leave his mark but what was thought to be a mere VR world, left a deep, irreversible mark on the real World instead, the two worlds converged. Chaos ensued, people were granted powers from their "Game Characters" and brought to the frontlines to defend what was left of humanity. Eric was naturally there, trying to survive but alas two years after the Convergence he succumbed and died. (The novel will have a lot of adventuring, a lot of smut, minimal guild wars and a very OP MC who is not an idiot. If you like the combo then consider giving it a try. P.S. The starting prep arc is a bit long, but bare with it. A lot of info is spread out throughout the arc. Most importantly, all the really important Characters are fleshed out in that arc.)

PinkPencil · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

Ch 16: Tri-Scar and Alexio

(This chapter is a fucker with 5700 words…hang in tight)


Felix's POV


One and a half weeks had passed. We traveled to three more countries in that duration. We had recruited quite a few influential players. They were nothing legendary like before but were still indispensable. They covered areas like forging, alchemy and some combat type players, all with at least 'S' Rank 'talent'. The hiring was as bare bones as it could get. Dad's glib tongue and my 'Compel' made short work of it all.

Besides recruiting players, we also poached some workers and researchers who made a name for themselves with exciting new technology in the future. I was excited about the tech in the last timeline so I had done some research on the creators.

My mana had also increased in that duration quite a bit. I could easily hard 'Compel' at least 7 people at the same time now. 10 if I really don't care about my life.

Anyway all of that was secondary to me. The next day was my Mom's birthday. Mom seems to have forgotten about it with all the travels but Dad and I had remembered and included it in the travel route. We were staying in the very picturesque city of "Panirr". Panirr had gothic and renaissance architectures throughout the city, it was simply beautiful.

Dad had booked a large room in a high-end restaurant and told them to decorate it according to a birthday theme. The pictures they sent of the progress were very promising. They even took care of the cake.

Dad, Melena and I had been secretly buying gifts for her throughout all the places we had traveled.

Finally the day arrived and we took Mom to the restaurant under the guise of fine-dining. Melena and I sped up to our allotted room first while Dad took Mom there as slowly as he could.

Melena and I did the final checks on all the decorations. Unfortunately, confettis weren't allowed in the restaurant, but on second thought, Mom was wearing an expensive dress today. Confetti could ruin her mood a bit.

We quickly took our positions and switched off the lights.


"Richard, I don't think this is our room, the lights ar-"


We switched the lights on and shouted the hardest we could.

"You guys…."

Mom came over to us with moist eyes and gave both of us the tightest bear hug she could muster. In her excitement she turned over and gave Dad a very adult kiss, totally not for children to see.

Melena's face and neck turned red when she saw that and she was stuck still in her position like a deer. In the end I had to turn her around myself.

'Heh, if you think this is embarrassing than you truly are a novice. When I was 7, I had walked into their room when they were having their night workout. That's the thing of horrors in my opinion…. Curse this memory of mine…. those images have surfaced to the front now, Fuck.'

The wet smooches finally ended and the waiters brought the cake inside with sparklers on it. Dad had been very careful to not add any decorations that showed her age. It seemed like it paid off as Mom looked quite satisfied with it.

Mom cut the cake and we celebrated the occasion. If it was home, then her face would have been smothered with cake by now. We gave her mercy this time as she was wearing one of her favorite dresses.

After we ate the cake, the waiters came in with the starters and main course. The flavors were very subtle but it was still delicious. I wasn't one for picking out the intricacies of flavors in food. I eat, if it's good, I eat more.

The celebrations came to an end and we went back to our hotel. Tomorrow was our last day here. The city of Panirr was known for its craftsmanship. I had ordered a necklace to be made for someone very special to me by an artisan jewelry maker. I had to pick it up tomorrow, the day after tomorrow was our next flight.

The next day the family woke up late in the morning. We got up and roamed the sections of the city we didn't do before. Every place here was a piece of art by itself. The tour was concluded by the evening. After that we headed to the jewelry square. I went to a shop with a unique and exclusive mark of an artisan jewelry maker. I had 'Compelled' the artisan there to make the best necklace he could make according to my specifications.

I came inside and saw the artisan sitting on a chair. His eyes had heavy bags underneath them but he had a silly smile on his face. He looked over at me and smiled even more. This already gave me assurance that it was successful.

This artisan had a reputation even in my previous life. His work was popular both on Earth and on Etheria too. He was known for even destroying what others would call masterpieces just because of a single flaw. He was James Dunn.

James stood up and only let me get behind the counter. I had already told my family about his personality and assured them that nothing bad will happen to me.

"It is done, after such a long time I have created a masterpiece!"

He raved about it so loud that my family got curious about the product. He led me to a case hurriedly and urged me to follow.

"Hurry up! Open it! Behold its beauty!"

I opened it and behold I did….

"It's wonderful…"




I walked back with the case and didn't let anyone see what's inside. Dad tried to make a payment but James vehemently refused saying that this piece gave him an epiphany. I had to convince him myself until he finally relented and gave us an extremely small bill. It was to the point that the family wondered if the jewelry was fake or real. I made a note to myself to repay him in the future for what he has done for me.

I had Dad send the case back home under a luxury VVVIP shipping service. I was afraid it might get stolen during our remaining tour.

Mom pestered me a lot, asking who it was for. I finally relented and whispered in her ear. She gave a coy laugh at me but didn't even mention it after that. My Mom was the best wingman ever.


Tomorrow was our flight to Yormino. Yormino was the country that the Tri-Scar Clan had tried to usurp, six years from now. I had a feeling of dread going there, but it had to be done.

Yormino was a very small country with only three cities and some towns in between. The one we were headed for was a city in the countryside with a national park adjacent to it, Trille.

Trille was located right in the middle of a wilderness. There were often sightings of wild predators appearing in the outer sides of the city. In some rare cases some predators had also made it to the inner city, but such cases were very old and the security nowadays was adequate there.

The target here was a legendary assassin, just like Melena. His name was Alexio Flint. Right now, he lives in an orphanage in Trille. Alexio was a humble man and donated most of his earnings to the orphanage even after he became a legendary player. He had made quite a few raids on the Earthlings who were trafficking Etherians for slave labor. Those cases got quite famous and the faces of those traffickers got public. The public sentiment for him was quite positive.

But this was his downfall as well. He didn't concern himself with securing his information at that time and a lot got out in the open because of the ire he had gained from those malicious entities. Assassins were especially targeted for doxxing and information leak. Their unknown terror made people target them in real-life since they were rarely caught in the 'game'.

From the information I knew, he left the orphanage with his girlfriend a year later after coming of age. Unfortunately, his girlfriend went missing two years later, she was never to be found again. There were speculations that she left him or that she was kidnapped but they were never confirmed. Truthfully, it didn't even concern the hackers and malicious detectives as it was all side information.

Thankfully, he secured his information after the leak and changed places again and again. No one could find his info anymore.

The flight wasn't that long but we decided to take a rest in a hotel. Tomorrow, we would mostly be in the wilderness, sightseeing the fauna there.

The next day, we got on a safari bus and made our way into the wilderness. Our bus route was pretty extensive and we got to see all kinds of creatures. The best experience was when we neared a pride of lions and when we got real close to a herd of giraffes.

The giraffes were very chill and even ate seeds from our hands. I felt that Melena was gonna float away when a giraffe let her pet him, that's the level of joy she had.

(A/N: Giraffes do be chill tho.)

It was pretty hot out here, thankfully we were on an open bus and not walking. Not that walking was allowed anyway, who knows when a wild animal would flip its switch and start attacking.

Overall, it was a very exciting experience for the family. I had seen all kinds of creatures in the last timeline so it was quite boring for me but I acted like I was enjoying it to not spoil the atmosphere.

We finally returned to the hotel, all exhausted, but Dad and I had work to do.

It was evening right now, so we had time to make a visit to the orphanage. Dad gave some excuses and we both headed to the only orphanage in this city.

As we entered it's premises, we were hit with the joyous atmosphere here. It seemed like a great place. The kids were playing and laughing in the small playground. I couldn't find Alexio, so Dad and I just wandered there until a caretaker took notice of us and came over.

"Sir, is there anything you need? Are you perhaps here to make a donation?"

"Ah, yes. I was dumbfounded by the great atmosphere in this orphanage and looked around. I'll gladly donate to such a wonderful place."

"Really?! Please come with me, I'll lead you to the office."

The caretaker led the way to the office and we followed along. The building was quite clean, a place conducive to good health, Dad and I were both quite impressed.

But those budding sentiments shattered when I saw someone I didn't ever want to see in this kind of place. It was one of the leaders of the Tri-Scar Clan, he went by the name Salazar on the news. It wasn't confirmed that it was his real name or not.

I was livid when I saw that scum in a children's facility. I took a deep deep breath to calm myself down.

'Think rationally, don't give in to your emotions. Nothing good will come out of doing things emotionally.'

I took a deep breath again and 'Compelled'.

'You think you've forgotten something and will go back to the place you came from.'

That leader's steps halted and his eyes glazed over for a second. He turned around and retraced his steps.

The place the caretaker was leading us was also in the same direction. As we got closer to the destination, I found out that our destination was exactly the same, the Director.

"Um, it seems like the director is busy with that 'Mister'. Sir, can you please wait for a few seconds?"

"Of cour-"

"No, we'll head right in."

I didn't have time and directly used 'Compel' on her to accept all this as normal.

"As you wish."

Dad looked over to me in confusion by I didn't give him an explanation and went directly to the office.

*Click* *Creak*

"Who is it? Oh? Such a cute boy, why don't I recognize you? You're not from this orphanage are you?"

I directly ignored the director and looked over at a place where I felt a gaze on me from. Our eyes met.

Through my telepathic abilities I could feel greed and lust in him towards me. I was disgusted. Dad came in by this time and read the atmosphere in the room.

I didn't give in to my emotions and rationally 'Compelled' both of them.

'You feel very comfortable and trustful towards us. You want to talk to me and will hold a conversation with me without looking down at my age or holding back any information.'

As both, director's and Salazar's eyes glazed over, I made it to the couch and got seated in a haughty posture.

Dad was still a bit dumbfounded by this unplanned sudden change of atmosphere, but still sat down beside me. He'll know sooner or later, anyway.

As Dad was about to open his mouth, I gestured to him to stop. I started talking.

"Let's hold a conversation, shall we? Everyone here seem oh so interesting, I'm sure it will be enjoyable."

Salazar had a fucked up smile as he looked at me and sat down on the couch.

"Sure kid, you seem really….. interesting too…"

"What is your name uncle?"

"It's Salazar."

"Is it your real name?"

"Hoo, are you that interested in me? It really is Salazar, Salazar Garavito."

I could see Dad getting irked and clenching fists with the way Salazar was talking to me. I tapped his shoulders to assure him. Honestly, even I was creeped out by this ped*phi*e but I played along to entrap him even more.

"Well, you seem like an interesting man. Mind telling me what you guys were talking about. I might give you a reward if you do so."

Dad looked over at me with bloodshot eyes but I ignored it for now and 'Compelled' again.

'You give in to your wants and start answering everything truthfully, personal or not. Your trust and loyalty in me increases to the utmost you can give.'

Salazar paused for a moment and answered, this time with a lot more respect.

"If you can 'reward' me then I'll tell you everything. The director was giving me information about some good looking children here. It was in our deal."

I could feel the director getting a bit tense even after my 'Compel' on her so I 'Compelled' her again to relax and not be bothered by the conversation.

I had to manage my emotions as well. I could already guess what was coming.

"What deal?"

"It was to supply information for prospective prostitutes. It didn't matter if it was a male or female, if they were good looking, they got on the list. As for my organization's part, we give her funds to make the orphanage seem like a paradise for children. We will also give her control over this entire district in the next 6 to 7 years."

I held my Dad back and looked over to the director.

"Director, you really hit a golden deal here. This calls for a celebration, you have some alcohol with you right?"

"Yeah! I have an unopened bottle of Sematlian Whisky! Let's open it!"

The Director scurried her way to the locker to find her whiskey. While that was happening I turned to Salazar again.

"So how long has this deal been going? Were there any results? You mentioned an organization, which is it?"

"Hehe, we did. It's been four years since we made our deal. The results were fantastic, we have already gotten 7 'A' grade products! 22 lower grade ones! As for my organization, it's the great Tri-Scar Clan, who else can have power enough to do that."

Dad finally got to know who we were dealing with. We both were fuming inside but held back.

"Hmm, isn't it risky? The government might connect the dots to this orphanage if this goes on."

"We thought about that too, we have already planted our guys in the government to control this information and chalk it up. We usually kidnap our targets 2 to 3 years after they leave the orphanage, just to be safe."

'Alexio's girlfriend's case was probably related to Salazar and this bitch Orphanage Director. The poor guy used to donate all his money in this orphanage, not even knowing that they were the ones who fucked him over.'

The director came in with the whiskey and started opening the seal.

"We don't come from here so we have a different tradition. In our place, the winners of a deal have to drink as much as they can to celebrate. Although it's been 4 years since your deal, it's never too late to celebrate. I see both of you as winners here, so start chugging!"

"What an excellent tradition! Helen! Fill both of our glasses to the brim!"

"Will do!"

'Compel' was quite scary, they didn't even think twice to agree to it. But what I was gonna do later was something they wouldn't want to think about. If they can think at all after that, that is.

They both had full glasses of whiskey in front of them and started chugging on it. The whiskey was of quite high concentration so they put their glasses down at about halfway point. I analyzed their mental condition and felt that there was more mental guard that could be corroded.

"Come on! Where's the spirit?! Chug on more!"

I riled them up and they followed along in their tipsy state. I stopped them only after I was satisfied with their states and then 'Compelled'...

'You are my slaves, there is nothing you wouldn't do for me and my family. You are loyal to me enough to even die for me without a question.'

Their already tipsy eyes glazed over even more. It took some time for them to get their bearings.

"Both of you, destroy every one of the target files after you become sober. Do that as secretly as you can. Salazar, make some believable excuses if anyone from your clan questions you. Meet me here again tomorrow in the morning. Got that?"

"Y-yes mastuur!" X2

They replied in a drunken state.

I had made them my human pets, honestly I wanted to do much worse than that but held back. These scums still had their value. I can do whatever I want with them after they have outlived their purpose.

"Don't leave the room until you can walk by yourself."

I didn't wait for their replies and exited the room, Dad followed along. We exited the orphanage and walked through a secluded place. The whole way, Dad had been quiet.

"Dad, do you get it now? There was never a point in sealing my powers. There are scums everywhere an-"


"Felix! Do you think your life is a joke?! What would've happened if it went wrong?! That guy was from that Clan for fuck's sake! Step out of your past! You're no longer a fighter with your magic but a fragile little boy! Your family, OUR family could've also been incriminated in all this if something went wrong!"

I was stunned for a moment. I didn't know what to say. I knew that it was all risky. Even if I tell myself that I made those decisions rationally, deep inside, I knew that they were mostly driven by my emotions.

"I…I'm sorry, Son. I shouldn't have been so hard right then."

"No Dad, it was my mistake….one that could've endangered our family…. I'm sorry…. I had let my emotions take over and could've made a grave mistake…. Thanks Dad, I probably needed it."

"No, Son… you didn't do anything out of malice, but to save those kids…the slap was uncalled for."

As a 27-year-old inside, I knew I needed to release the tension in our conversation so I smiled slyly.

"I wonder what I should tell Mom when she sees the handprint on my face…"

I could see Dad visibly shiver as I said that.

"I'll forgive you today. Just don't ever feel hesitant to correct me if you feel like I've lost my way, just like today. That's the best you can do for me."


"*Sigh* Enough with the sappiness Dad, now tell me how bad the handprint is."

"It's….pretty bad…."

"Hmm, I thought so. You really went full force didn't you? I'm gonna get killed by you before those gangsters."

"Hey, you were rambling like a lunatic so much that I couldn't hold back!"

"Yeah yeah, now let's go get some ice packs, I saw a general store on the way here. I'm starving as well, there was a lot of 'compelling' to do today. You should tell Mom that we will be coming late."

"Yeah, I probably should. Let's go"

Dad and I spent some quality time together, without discussing any future planning or anything like that. Just us being father and son. We ate some street food to satiate our stomachs. We goofed around with some kids who were playing soccer in the parking lot. We went to see the antique traditional gyms there which had all kinds of weird wood and stone contraptions to workout. Dad gave it a try but only lasted for 8 reps, he needed more exercise in his life…

Finally, when the handprint seemed barely noticeable, we departed for our hotel.

Mom was curious what we were doing but we just chalked it up as goofing around.

The next day, in the morning, Dad and I approached the orphanage again. The family had made plans to visit the museums in Trille in the evening, so Dad and I were free during the whole morning.

We didn't stop around this time and directly went to the Director's office. I could see that that bitch was still having a hangover, but I didn't really care. Her head was not jammed with alcohol and was working now, that's all that matters.

Salazar could also be seen sitting on a couch.

"Who told you to sit in front of us? Get over here and kneel!"

Dad raised an eyebrow at me and I just shrugged back at him.

The two scums ran towards us and hurriedly kneeled in front of us.

I stepped on Salazar's head and spoke.

"Now that's better. Have you done what I told you to do?"

"Yes Master!" X2

I stepped down from Salazar's head and stepped on that sneaky bitch Director's head.

"Oi, director, you know a kid named Alexio Flint in your orphanage?"

"Yes Master, he is going to leave the orphanage in a year."

"Hmm, are you aware that he has a girlfriend?"

"Yes Master, her name is Mariana Jones."

"Don't you have too much free time to know a kid's relationship?"

"We had to know, Master. They were both on our list to kidnap."

"So you planned to kidnap both of them?"

"That was Salazar's issue, I only provided a list and redirected the kids to places where they could be easily kidnapped."

"Hey scum, speak up."

"Master, kidnapping both of them would be risky. We wouldn't be able to conceal the information. We planned to kidnap the one who had the highest value."

"That would be Mariana, right?"

"Yes Mast- Argh!"


I kicked that son of a bitch on his side. I was wearing some hard toe shoes today for this occasion, it must've hurt quite bad, hehe.

"What do I call you guys?"

"Scums, Master!" X2

"Yes and seeing scums just makes me angry. Anyway, both of you, start giving me your contact information."

And so they did, Dad also gave them one of his untraceable spoof accounts as a mode to contact.

"Oi Salazar, can you get all the kidnapped ones to escape?"

"Master, they have all been sold to their buyers. We can't do that as they ar- Argh!"

"Hoo, you make me quite angry, Salazar. Do you have a record of the buyers?"

Dad was watching this all from the side, I had already told him that I'll be quite brutal today, so he was ready.

"W-We have about some, most of them are quite high profile and bought through a chain of surrogates."

"Hmm, find out all the information about the ones you know of and also see how deep the chain of surrogates go, identify every surrogate you find, we might find a pattern here. Do it all with utmost secrecy, got it?"

"Yes Master!"

"Now tell me all about your Tri-Scar Clan, their numbers, the ammunition you guys have, the businesses you have, your leaders and important figures information, in what other places is the clan located in? Tell me everything."

"Yes Master!...."

The information we received was dreadful to say the least. Salazar might not look like it now but he was one of the three 'great' leaders of the clan. He had the cleanest record on paper out of the three, so he was the one who handled the affairs that needed physical supervision of the leaders. He was always hiding in plain sight. No one suspected anything of him as he showed himself as an ordinary man on the surface.

Their Clan already had more than 4000 members and had munition to arm them all. About a quarter of them were spread out throughout the world, trying to expand their business and recruit more members, disguising themselves as a random unrelated gang.

The Clan had a hierarchical system that was akin to a pyramid scheme. Under the leaders were grand elders and below them were elders and so on and so forth.

The other two leaders were mostly planning and taking care of the logistics of things.

"By the way, there was an underground operation in San Montalor, Lantir. Was it from you guys?"

"Yes Master, the bastards had shut down that one! It was in such a prime location too. There was a lot of loss there and we feel like the authorities there are onto us. We'll lay back down for now and take our revenge later."

Seeing this piece of filth thinking that he had a righteous reason for revenge made my veins pop.

"Are you calling me a bastard?"


"I was the one who fucked over your operation there, what do you have to say about it now?....."

"M-M-Maste- Argh! Oof! Huk!"

I beat the living shit out of him and had Dad do some practice on him too. The only place we left was his head. It would be too obvious for his comrades if they saw his bruised up face.

"Hey, how much do the other leaders trust you? Can you manipulate them to come out of hiding?"

"They trust me quite a bit, if they didn't then they wouldn't have entrusted me with most of the external affairs. They don't really come out of their bases that much, they are really careful, I don't know if I can convince them."

"The higher you go up your criminal gangs the more pussies you have. I've seen it quite a few times before, I'm not really surprised. How many lackeys that you can completely trust do you have?"

"Please wait Master...Master I have 32 of those, they mostly consist of elders and grand elders."

"How many of those are in this city?"

"19 Master."

"Today, bring 7 of them secretly to the location and time I'll send you. Bring hard alcohol with you as well and make them drink it. Now go and organize all the information you have about your Clan and other criminal gangs, send it all to the spoof account I gave you. Do that all as secretly as you can."

"Yes Master"

"Now bitch, its your turn…"

I turned towards Director Helen.

"Y-yes Master"

"I need you to help me set up a little play…."








Third Person's POV


The kids in the orphanage had just finished their duties. It was summer vacation right now so they didn't have any classes. They were all free to do whatever they wanted to. Obviously, the kids just played in the playground, the only fun place in the orphanage.

In one corner of the playground, two lovers could be seen hand in hand together, a very sappy atmosphere could be felt from a mile away. They both seemed to be reaching their adulthood.

The girl had her head on her boyfriend's shoulder. She was looking over at the kids in the playground. She suddenly saw a boy who she had never seen before. He was really cute. She didn't want to admit it but the kid was even cuter than her own boyfriend.

The boy seemed like an eye candy so she continued to observe him.

Some time passed and she felt more and more affection towards the kid for some reason unknown to her…It was not a romantic feeling but a motherly one.

But then she saw the kid fall quite badly and grab onto his ankle. Her newly discovered maternal instincts kicked in and she rushed over to the kid, leaving her boyfriend dumbfounded.

"Kid, are you alright? Does it hurt too much? What is your name?"

"Felix, and this much is nothing, I can handle it."

The kid trying to act tough seemed even more endearing to the girl.

"Don't act. Hey! Alexio! Come over here!"

"What happened? Is he hurt that badly?"

"I don't know, help me transport him to the caretaker."

"Hey, I said I'm fine. It'll get better with some spit."

In response the girl just pulled both of Felix's cheeks and shook his head.


The girl head seemed to be overloaded by the cuteness.


"Let's get you to the caretaker, kid."

Alexio propped Felix and carried him to the caretaker, with the girl in the lead.

The caretaker saw Felix and shrieked.

"Mariana, what happened here?! How did he get hurt?!"

"Relax Ms. Kena, he just fell down in the playground. There's no need to overreact."

"I'm not overreacting, he's the kid of a gentleman who is donating massive amounts of money to the orphanage! Quickly sit him down on this chair first!"

The lovers looked at each other and shivered. They quickly did as they were told and looked at the caretaker for more instructions.

*Click* *Creak*

They heard the director's door open and saw a man with very close resemblance to the boy coming out. The director was tailing behind him.


All three of them breathed in deeply and held their breaths.

"Hmm? Son, why are you sitting here? Didn't you go to the playground?"

"Dad! I fell down and sprained my ankle a bit"

"Hmm, let me see.."

Unlike what they had expected, the man didn't overreact but calmly kneeled down to his son and started to check his injuries.

"Does it hurt here?"

"Yeah, but it's getting better."

"Hmm, so it's nothing serious. By the way, how did you get here, son?"

"That nice aunty helped me!"

Felix pointed at Mariana and straight up called her 'aunty'. Needless to say she was dumbfounded by this.

"Haha, little girl, don't mind my son too much. He is always trying to tease someone. So, you're the one who helped my son get here?

"No, it was Ale-"

"Yeah, she was the one who did it."

As she was trying to straighten the misunderstanding, Alexio replied on her behalf. Mariana's eyes shot at him.

"I see, thank you very much, my son means alot to me. What is your name young lady?"


"Hmm, Mariana, I'd like to give you a gift for tending to my son."

"Sir you don't ha-"

"It's alright, I'm already donating a lot here, helping out a bit more doesn't hurt. Anyway, I have some contacts with a good college. If you want to study there I can sponsor a scholarship for you, along with your monthly housing budget. What do you say?"

"She'll take it!"

Alexio interjected again.

"Young man, let her speak, it's a big decision for her."

The man reprimanded Alexio lightly.

"I-I'm sorry Mister but I don't think I can accept this offer."

"Oh, why is that?"

She didn't answer but looked at Alexio.

"Ah, I see now, hehe, it's good to be young."

The couple blushed at the compliment.

"Hmm, let's see, boy I can give you the same offer…..but if I ever hear that you hurt the young lady here then I'll forcefully snatch everything I've given you, got that?"

"Yes sir!"

"Now do you accept, young lady?"

Mariana's eyes teared up as she replied.

"Yes, thank you sir."

"I'll coordinate with Director Helen here when you're both ready to leave the orphanage. You'll be moving to a completely different country, keep that in mind. I'm a company owner so I have some specific specializations that I'm always in need of. I'll send Director Helen a list of subjects, if you select those then I can even offer you guys jobs directly after your bachelor's degree is completed."

"Thank you Sir!" X2

"Just call me Uncle Richard or Mr Hudson, whatever you like. I'll bid my farewell now, Director Helen. Goodbye little kids, remember you're young so don't get too raunchy and keep things wholesome. Come on son, I'll carry you back home."

The couple had red faces as they bid their goodbyes. They were just thinking of doing 'it' recently and now someone told them to keep it wholesome….

(A/N: Phew….This will be the last long ass chapter for now, after that are just normal sized chapters. Well, on second thought, they might get long if the content requires it to be. You should know my style by now.


Leave a power stone if you like my content, it's free…and…

Thank You all for reading this chapter!!!)

Thank You all for reading this chapter!!!

PinkPencilcreators' thoughts