
Pregnant for the alpha

Do you know you're pregnant?" She asked without turning to face me and I nodded by saying" yes" "Don't tell my mother about it please" I pleaded with wavering eyes. I don't want my mom to know about my pregnancy especially now that I'm in a complicated situation. "Do you know the child you're carrying has an alpha blood?" She asked again and my emerald eyes pops out of their sockets with a shattering sound of glass on the floor. "An alpha blood" I asked in disbelief. Does it mean the strange man that slept with me is an alpha? All my thoughts became messy and I got up from the bed and rush towards Irene. "Irene what should I do?" I asked shaking her shoulders as tears stream down my face. " I don't really know" she said turning to face me. "Please don't tell my mother about this" I said pleadingly holding her white hand. " Shouldn't you be worried about the child in your womb?" She asked and I drop her hand. "  Why should I be worried about the  child, I can just terminate it" I said and Irene cover my mouth with her palm. " Shhhh! Don't be too fast child, you can't terminate an alpha blood. You will only end up by putting your life in danger." She said still covering my mouth with her palm and the scent of green and dry leaves filled my nose. She knows so much about werewolves, why do I feel like she's not normal. "What do I do now?" I asked looking confused as I ran my hand through my dark hair. "Find the alpha" she said and I felt dizzy. Ariel a half breed of werewolf and human got entangle with Lucas Graco the alpha of the Alusca pack. She was set up in a hotel by Liz who's a white wolf in Escavor pack and someone who has wanted to destroy Ariel relationship with Ethan an Omega and the heir to the Escavor pack. Lix took Ariel nude pics with the strange man in the hotel bed and sent it to Ethan. Things started hitting up when Ariel finds out she was pregnant and not knowing who she was pregnant for between the two wolves because that same day s

Elizabeth isaac · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Chapter 12: hope you didn't poison the food

He took a blue blanket and spread it on the floor, then took another one and cover himself with it and I close my eyes to pretend like someone who's asleep and he whisper good night as he curl up under the bed sheets. After some minutes I climb down from the bed gently not to make any sound and tip toe to where he's lying. I stood there and admire his beauty. Incase you don't know I'm a beauty lover but the devil was once a beauty. With that I went back to the bed and sleep comfortably like a baby.

I woke up to the ray of sun shining on my face through the window and I yawned lazily on the bed. I perceive a delicious spicy aroma and I sniff my nose to trace where the aroma is coming from.

" Good morning Ariel" I heard a masculine voice from the door entrance and I turned my head to see Lucas carrying a tray filled with spicy food and my stomach.

" I guess you might be hungry, you didn't eat last night so I asked someone who specializes in cooking to prepare something mouthwatering for you to have as breakfast" he said walking towards me and place the tray on the bed.

Why is he acting all romantic? This is my first time of having breakfast in bed and I'm not use to the feeling of being treated specially or pampered.

" Hope you didn't put poison inside." I said and his eyes became cold.

" Do you really hate me that much that you think I will poison your food?" He asked remorsefully and I felt somehow guilty for saying such word to him but I shove it off immediately.

" Whatever, you just have to taste all the food you brought" I said urging him to go on and taste them.

He picked the cutleries and take each bite of each food gracefully like some royalty.

" You can start eating now while I take my bath" He said and walk into a room by the right side of the room. I think that's the bathroom. The fire from last night is still burning and I seem to like the temperature. I punch on the food like a wild dog who have been starving for so long. I serve justice to all the dishes and gulp down a glass of water. I push the tray aside and walk towards the window. I look out of the window and saw a beautiful garden outside... Everything around here seems beautiful and eye-catching. The smell of the flowers fill my nose and the morning cool breeze came in blowing my hair in the air. I close my eyes to take in the sweet smell of the flowers. I heard cheerful voices of children on the other side and stretch my head out to take a look at them. Children are so adorable and they look innocent with nothing to worry about. They have the purest hearts ever and the earth will be a better place if every one can have the same heart and good intention toward each other. But the world would never be a better place as long as everyone has their own selfish desires and test for power. All I ever wanted is a normal, peaceful like and worry less like the children. I just hope I get this life I have always wanted to have. I heard the bathroom door clicked open and I turned around to face it but what I saw left me in awe. A well defined body with six packs and hairy black chest. His hair looks damp and his icy blue eyes looks cold which make him looks more like Lucifer himself.

'Are you sure he's not Lucifer?' I asked myself and I gulp down hard on my saliva. The length of his cock show on the white towel he's using to wrap his waist and I felt wet between my legs.

' why did he have so much effect on me? I asked myself silently and I couldn't find an answer to my question...

" Do you like what you see?" He asked and I turn away trying to hide my flush cheek.

" I didn't see anything" I said looking outside the wood and I close my eyes to calm myself down. I don't think I can stay here. Something might happen between us again if I continue to live in this place. I need to find a way and leave as soon as possible.

" what are you waiting for? go inside and have a bath" Lucas said and I jolt out of my thoughts. Did he really want me to have a bath in that room? how am I even sure of my safety.

"what are you thinking?" he asked and I felt a ting on my skin.

" nothing. you will have to wait outside while I have my bath"

" are you shy? don't worry I won't peek on you"

" no wait outside" I insist and he went outside. I gently walked into the bathroom.

wow my eyes pop out of their sockets. Everything inside the bathroom looks luxurious. I thought this is a pack, I thought they're are animals, why did they live in luxuries. I got into the hot bath tub that is already filled with flowers and bubbles. That's thoughtful of him to prepare a bath for me but that won't change my mind about him. I will get out of here and report him to the cops. He will pay for what he did, I won't let him go Scot free. I pulled my clothes one after the other and I was stack naked in front of the full length mirror. I stare at my reflection in the mirror. my breasts looks big and heavy and the nipples pointing upward. My hips still remain the same, I don't think there's any changes in them.