
Portgas D. Naruto

____________________________________ Naruto is born as Ace's older brother and the son of Portgas D. Rouge and the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Follow his life in the One Piece universe. ____________________________________ Disclaimer:this fanfic is not mine it's from Qwert135, if you want to take it down, message me, Every Chapter have 2k+ - 3k+ word's, so enjoy :D

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Chapter 23

Portgas D. Naruto


A couple days had passed of Naruto following the eternal log pose that was given to him as he left Amazon Lily and he was now close enough to Enies Lobby that he could see it on the horizon. Seeing as though he was making good time on getting to Water-7 he decided to just relax as he controlled the water beneath him to carry his ice raft straight to the Government's island.

"Hmmm, I doubt that it'll be that hard to be able to sneak onto the Seatrain. Meh even if I don't want to I can just follow the rails to Water-7, all in all it should be a pretty easy trip." Naruto thought out loud with his hands behind his head as he laid down upon the raft

He continued to drift along towards the island for. few more moments before he heard a large explosion echo across the sea. Quickly standing to his feet, Naruto looked once again at Enies Lobby, now being able to see more of the island, and saw that there were Marine ships gathered all around it shooting the island. Naruto went wide eyed, "A buster call!?" He questioned to himself in pure shock of what was going on around him

"Why would the Government send a buster call to their own private island?" Naruto asked to himself out loud

A few more moments passed of Naruto drifting closer and closer to the island and he began to see some of the Marine ships break off of their formation and began to all sail somewhere else. Within a few seconds, the object that the Marines were chasing came into view. "I-is that, Luffy's ship?!" Naruto yelled out

Looking at the Marine ships, Naruto silently decided to himself that he was going to get involved and then dove into the water and began to swim towards the Navy's cruisers.


Aboard The Lead Navy Ship. . .

"Keep your fire on that ship men! Don't let it escape!" The captain of the ship exclaimed as cannon fire remained on the Strawhats vessel

"Sir! They seem to be deflecting our cannon fire, or destroying the cannon balls before they make impact!" One of the Marines voiced to his captain

The captain was about to respond, but a skinny man with purple hair beat him to it. "How does your cannon fire miss! You are the Marines, the World Government's enforcers of justice! Now kill those Pirates! And do it now!"

The Marine gave a rushed salute, "Y-yes Chief!" He spoke with a stutter before resuming to his post

The ship continued to press onward until a spiral of water shot out of the sea from behind them and landed on the deck. Naruto then materialized in a knelt position before he stood upwards, shocking each person of the deck to the core. "Sorry guys, but I can't have you hurting the Strawhats! You could say that they're under my protection!" Naruto told them with a grin as each of the low-ranking Marines began to panic

"Focus up you idiots! G-go and fight that bastard and bring me his head!" Spandam ordered, trying to act as a fearless leader as he himself was shaking with fear

More Marines began to run out onto the deck to combat the Yonko before the all voiced, "Yes Chief!"

Naruto then saw that the Marines began to surround him, he let out a little chuckle before he was attacked by two of them with swords. The two began to swing their weapons at him in an erratic way which made it easy to disarm both of them. Once the two had lost their weapons Naruto kicked both of the men as hard as he could back into the crowd of Marines, knocking them out and a few more in the crowd.

"You're mine Pirate!" Another yelled out behind the Yonko, which made Naruto turn and answer him with a punch

"Electro Palm!" Voiced Naruto as he sent the Marine flying back

More of the Government's henchmen began to approach him from the front as Naruto prepared another attack, "Water Rocket!" Naruto yelled out as his arms shot forward, much like one of Luffy's attacks and sent Marines flying let and right

The Captain of the Whirlpool Pirates then ran over to the front of the deck, and looked over to see the Strawhat's ship, Naruto then raised his hands and began to make two giant whirlpools on either side of their ship. The gap between them was enough to allow the crew to escape and the other, bigger Marine ships to get caught inside of them. Naruto then turned back towards the crew of Marines and continued to fight each one of them off.

Seeing everything go wrong caused Spandam to start to yell and lash out on the deck, "You fools! Why can't you fight off just one man and why can't you catch one girl! You're all useless!" He yelled out as arms began to sprout from his body before bending him in an unnatural way, making him fall to the floor

The Yonko cringed at the audible crack that Spandam's back made when it was bent backwards but quickly got over it and looked back over the front of the ship to see that some ships had begun to make their way through the whirlpools and had begun to chase the Strawhat ship once more. Naruto was about to make sure this time that the Marine ships were sunk but he was beat to it. Just out of his view came a blue beam of light that collided with the closest Marine ship to the Going Merry, the Marine ship then began to shine for a moment before it blew up and sent burning wood and broken steel in all directions before it began to sink.

He then watched on as a barrage of cannon fire then hit another Marine vessel as it too began to catch fire and start to sink. Eventually, the source of the beam of energy and cannon fire came into view and Naruto recognized it immediately. Before him with all of its glory was the second ever ship to sail to the legendary island known as Laugh-Tale, the Great Wave.

Ever since the Whirlpool Pirates had made it to Laugh-Tale, Rose had gone and made many different modifications to the sub. She had fitted the hull out with a stronger metal, and had added countless new weapons to the ship's arsenal.

Naruto made a toothy grin as he raised his hands and waved at the ship, as he looked to see three figures come out from the entrance of the ship. Squinting his eyes, Naruto saw that standing on the ship, ready to fight, were his three heavenly kings, Lucy, Russ, and Kiji.

"OOOOOIIIIIIII GUYS!" Naruto yelled out to them with a huge smile

The three then started to make their way over from the ship to their captain, Kiji jumped into the water and was swimming over while Lucy used her Devil-Fruit and flew over, carrying Russ with her talons. The group then met up on the ship and faced off against the rest of the Marines who were still caught up with trying to catch the Strawhat Pirates.

Every soldier that was standing in the way of the four were sweating profusely and all of them holding their swords and weapons in a very shaky manner. "T-T-Those are the Three Heavenly Kings of the Whirlpool Pirates!" The Marine Captain yelled out

"Do we even stand a chance!"

"How can we even scratch them!"

"What did I sign up for!"

"It's been a while Captain, I hope you didn't call us over here because you can't handle a couple Marines?" Lucy asked as she went from a human to a half bird half human hybrid

Russ snorted, "I think the only one we should worry about is you Lucy." The marksman explained which made Lucy grow a slight tick mark

"That's enough out of you two, quit acting like children!" Kiji scolded the two as Naruto began to laugh

"Just like old times!" Naruto voiced as the four began to battle the Marines while the Strawhats escaped back to Water-7

One by one, the World Government's soldiers were shot back by the attacks of the four pirates. "Ha that's 23 for meh feathers! How many of them have you been able to take down over there? Like 5 or something?" Russ taunted as the Zoan Devil-Fruit eater launched another two into wooden rubble that littered the deck of the ship

"That's 27 and 28 for me you crappy marksman! Why don't you do a little less talking and try and keep up with me!" She explained to him as she flew off to combat more Marines

Russ practically had steam pouring from his ears and nose before Naruto started to laugh, "She's got you there Russ! But that's enough between you two, let me show you how a real Pirate takes care of business! Almighty Push!"

Just like magic all of the Marines that were charging the group were blown back by Naruto's last attack, some bumping into others and landing hard on the deck, some crashing into barrels and other debris, and some flying straight off of the ship into the water below.

Kiji patted his hands together before walking over to his friends, "Well I guess that about patches things up here. What's the plan now Captain?"

"Wait wait wait hold on, how did you guys know I was near Enies Lobby? I thought the plan was to meet at Water-7? I don't recall calling you guys on my transponder snail." Naruto asked the three as they just smiled at their Captain

"Well that was the plan but we heard about how Strawhat Luffy and his crew went to Enies Lobby to combat the World Government." Lucy began to explain

Russ then stepped forward to continue to explain, "And well since the two of ya's are brothers, well we'd hate to see the rookie get taken out by those Government bastards!"

"So we showed up just in time to help them escape from this fleet that was chasing them down. And that's where we found you, having a blast as you kicked Marine after Marine off of their ship." Kiji told him with a deep voice and a smile

The Yonko nodded, "Thanks guys, it means a lot that you'd go out of your way to look after my family like that. But back to business, we have to find the plans for Pluton and have them destroyed. That way there can't be another one of its kind crafted and used once again."

"Then we should start by asking the Mayor of Water-7, I believe his name is Iceburg or something like that. He must have some information that we might be able to use to locate the blueprints." Kiji described with a hand on his chin

"D-Don't bother trying to look for those blueprints." Spandam told the crew as he laid in an awkward position after having some of the bones in his back broken. "That fool Cutty Flam destroyed them on Enies Lobby! He took away my chance at greatness!" The man continued as tears poured down the sides of his face

Lucy just shrugged her shoulders and made a small grin, "Well then that takes care of that problem. What now, do we go back to the New World, there are still quite a few new allied crews that want to meet the great Portgas D. Naruto." Lucy teased as Naruto rubbed the back of his head

"Maybe, but first I'd still like to visit Water-7. My guess is that the Strawhats went back there after they escaped and I still want to see what my kid brother has been up to!" The Captain of the Whirlpool Pirates declared as the three nodded to their Captain's orders

The Dressrosa native put both of his hands on the back of his head and started to walk over to the railing of the ship, "Well then let's get a move on, I don't wanna have to look at broken Marine ships any longer."


A Day Later. . .

The Whirlpool Pirates arrived in Water-7 the following day, leaving their ship on the outskirts of the city away from any unwanted attention. Each one of them was in awe of the city's looks and the atmosphere of it.

"Hmm I agree with ya feathers! It almost makes me dislike the fact that I grew up in the New World." Russ added to the conversation

Naruto laughed at Russ's comment, "Ha doesn't beat the scenery in the East Blue though!"

Kiji chuckled, "You mean the weakest of the Blue Seas! What is there to even look at there!?" The giant brute asked with a laugh much to the Yonko's dislike

"You better watch it fish-face or you might get a face full of ice if you keep laughing it up over there!" The Captain of the Whirlpool Pirates told him with a tic mark adorning his forehead

The fishman folded his hands across his chest, "Is that so!?"

"Yeah it is!" Naruto responded getting up in his face a little

"I can fold you over like a piece of paper! You wouldn't want to try me." Kiji told Naruto with a confident smile, obviously trying to get him riled up

Naruto grinded his teeth, "Give me your best shot you guppy!" Signalling the fishman to hit him in the chest

"You idiots." Lucy spoke with a sigh as she facepalmed

Naruto and Kiji glared at one another for a moment before a group of odly dressed men ran through bumping into the group before quickly running off. "Watch where you're going punk! If we weren't in such a rush then the Franky Family would have to teach ya a lesson!" Spoke one of the people in the group before they all ran off in another direction

Russ wiped the dust off of his clothes, "The Franky Family?" He questioned to the others

"I'm curious as well." Kiji replied as Lucy nodded along with them

"Me too. Let's go find out why those hooligans are in such a rush!" Naruto exclaimed to the group as they got back on their feet and followed the Franky Family's path


A Few Moments Later. . .

The Pirate crew managed to track the Franky Family to just up ahead and were now approaching their location. "Come on Russ keep up!" Lucy told the marksman as she looked back at his tired form while keeping pace with Naruto and Kiji

The older member of the crew wore a tired expression on his face as he struggled to keep up with the other younger crew members, "Listen here, unlike all of ya's I aint superhuman! So lay off!" Russ said as the crew arrived at the location of the Franky Family

Looking at the group of people that ran him over only moments ago, Naruto approached them with a little bit of anger but it was quickly diminished as he saw Luffy and his crew standing behind them. He was about to voice out to Luffy but one of the family's members grabbed ahold of his cloak. "Whattaya think ur doin' punk!? That man you're lookin' at is Strawhat Luffy! I'd be damned if I let some stupid, weak. . .little. . .ba-a-A-AH-AHH!" He began to say before he quickly ate his words, recognizing Naruto as one of the Yonko

While this was happening the rest of the Franky Family also put one and two together and deduced that the man standing in front of them was one of the Yonko and each of them began to sweat. On queue, each one of the weirdly dressed people, including the one that was gripping Naruto by the collar, fell to a deep bow on their hands and knees and pleaded for forgiveness as Luffy's brain finally clicked as he recognized who was standing before him and his crew.

"AHH! IT'S ONE OF THE YONKO!/It's Big Bro Naruto!" Luffy voiced as most of his crew yelled over him with the exception of Nico Robin

They all then turned their heads, with hanging jaws and wide eyes they spoke again, "HE'S YOUR BROTHER!?"

Luffy then started to laugh before he nodded, "You bet! Naruto's the oldest out of Ace and I and both of us could never even land a hit on him when we fought! He's the strongest out of all of us!"

"Well you guys were younger back then, besides, I bet you've learned a lot since you've been out to sea Luffy!" Naruto responded, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment

Luffy grinned in response, "You bet!"

The two brothers then started to get reacquainted with one another as the Strawhats just looked on and thought about how different Luffy was from the man before them and Ace alike. "Oh and before I forget, I'd like to thank you guys! I know Luffy can be a handful and it means a lot that you guys are willing to take care of him." Naruto thanked the crew as they all nodded

"Wow, just like Ace." All the members of the crew who were present when the Flare-Flare Fruit user was aboard said

Luffy then erupted into another laugh before he spoke once again, "Hey Naruto, are those guys back there a part of your crew?" He asked

The Yonko nodded, "Yeah that's Kiji my first mate!" Naruto pointed at the fish man who flashed his shark-like teeth at the crew. "Russ my marksman!" He pointed at Russ this time who gave a tired two-finger salute to the crew. "And finally, my navigator, Lucy!" Naruto announced, but as he turned back to look at them he saw that one of the Strawhat Pirates had beat him to it.

"My my Lucy-chwan! I didn't know that a woman was capable of such beauty! Could you maybe grant this humble cook a chance with one such as you!" Sanji voiced from one knee as he held Lucy's hand

Russ just shook his head, "Get in line buddy. That there lady already has one idiot falling for her, we don't need another pervert like you followin' us around trying to do the same thing."

"About time someone else said it." Zoro mumbled in the back which lead Sanji to get angery and start throwing insults back at him

Lucy then got a little heated herself, "Are you calling Kinshiki and idiot!? You're the only pervert I see Russ! You're always trying to sneak a quick peak whenever we go to bath houses or anything like that!" She began to say as Kiji tried to break the two up as he always does as Naruto just began to laugh beside his brother while Nami got anger at the group of boys for acting like idiots.

Robin looked onto the whole scene and chuckled, 'There just like us in terms of having some interesting personalities on their ship.'

Unnoticed by everyone, Chopper then began to make his way out of the wooden house behind the Strawhats and walked to Robin's side. "What's going on Robin? What's the commotion?"

The Captain of the Whirlpool Pirates then stopped his laughing and looked onto the newcomer and gasped, "Is that a talking Racoon!?"

Chopper immediately flipped from curiosity to rage as he responded to the Yonko, "I'm a damn Reindeer human!"

"So why'd you come here bro?" Luffy asked Naruto as the older man just smiled

"I came to just visit, but seeing that Nico Robin is on your crew perhaps I want to ask a few questions." The Yonko said

Before answering, Luffy looked over to Robin and asked her, "Are you cool with that Robin?"

She nodded, "It should be fine."

"Alright! Then shoot your questions Naruto!" Luffy told him

The Yonko shook his head, "Not out here, let's go inside."

One by one, each of the Strawhats walked back into the building behind them as Naruto walked behind them and then went to close the door behind him, not before speaking once more. "Kiji, Lucy, Russ. Make sure that no one comes in." He ordered as the three nodded


Inside. . .

"So what did you want to ask Robin?" Nami asked Naruto as he took a seat in the chair behind him

He smiled, "I wanted to ask her if she knew the location of any of the hidden weapons." Naruto stated as she went wide eyed

"What, do you seek to use them to destroy your enemies!" Robin began to say as she was interrupted by the light red-haired man

"No no no, I want to destroy each of them. I read a Ponoglyph that told me all about what could become of the World if those things get into the wrong hands and I can't let this happen." Naruto told Robin while he relaxed in his chair

The crew then gasped, "You can read Ponoglyphs?! I thought Robin was the only one left who can to that!?" Nami voiced with huge eyes

"Well you could say I took a crash course and I learned how to. There's a lot of stuff inscribed on those things, I don't regret learning how to." The Yonko responded

Luffy smiled at his words, "Wow Naruto, it sounds like you've found and learned so much new and cool stuff on your journey!" He said

"If you can read Ponoglyphs then you must know the location of the Rio Ponoglyph! As a Yonko you must've encountered numerous amounts of them! I must know if it exists or not, it holds every scholars dream! The true history of the Void Century!" Robin explained as Naruto closed his eyes

The Yonko then made a grin, "I've found it, I know the history of the Void Century! But it's not the greatest thing I've discovered while in the New World, I found the ultimate treasure! The One Piece!"

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