
The interview and other things

[Your name?]




[Why did you choose this job?]

[Because of the pay.]

[Are you against killing people?]

[Not really.]

[Have you, ever before in your life, worked in another secret organization?]


[It says here, your ability is to create portals to the place you have been to before. Am I correct?]


[You seem incredibly disinterested in this interview. It would be appreciated if you gave longer answers.]


[Moving on. Have you ever killed someone before?]


[Who and why?]

[A thief. Why? Because he was inside my house doing what a normal thief would do. Stealing.]

[How did you kill him?]

[Chopped him in half with my portal.]

[Have you had your second integration yet?]


[I see...have you had sex yet?]


[How many times?]


[Okay….that's going to to be it for today. If you have passed, you will get a call later today. If you haven't, that's too bad.]

[Ah, okay. See you tomorrow.]

Looking around just before I leave, I notice several cameras on the desk, walls, and even her glasses. Well, I couldn't care less. What were they going to do with the footage? Look at my face all day? Ah, it's better not to think about it. I just need to do the work and earn some money. Once I earn enough, I will go to another country and leave the rest of my life in peace.

Going out of the office, I see a big queue of people waiting for their turn. Some were dressed as anime character while others wore clothes that would make them look badass in a fictional universe while in the real one they would just look like retarded hippies.

Who am I to condemn them? I just got out of the interview myself. I need to just go home and blow off some steam. Maybe play a game or two.

I decided I had stared at them long enough and got out of the building. Looking at the busy roads, I couldn't help but sigh. The traffic is horrendous. If only I could use my ability without being noticed.

Giving another long sigh, I decided to walk home. It doesn't hurt to get some exercise in once in a while.

I bought a donut to eat while walking home. Some people gave me the stares for not being disciplined or patient enough to wait until I got home. Ignoring them, I head towards my apartment only to see a crowd a gathered in front of my front gate.

Walking leisurely towards them, I noticed a man giving autographs to people who asked for it. There was no mistaking it, blue suit, red cape, black hair, blue eyes, and a big smile. It was my former school friend Sam.

We had been good friends until the tenth grade when I dropped out because I didn't like going to school. Something about school always irked me. I would pretend to be sick and not go to school writing novels all day.

It was all fine until the big "incident." People started to gain superpowers all over the world. The beginning of the incident was pretty fun - people turned towards villainy rather than heroism. They did what they wanted and ran rampant in the cities.

It all went down the drain when the heroes showed up though. Working directly under the government, they took down most of the prominent villains and threw them in jail. That was a tragedy.

But, the incident turned my life upside down. I had wanted to become a novel writer and I loved writing. Creating stories, bringing characters to life, making complicated plots, those were my favorite things to do. I had gotten a contract with a website which paid me thousand dollars per month and it was a big deal for me.

My plan was to start with writing novels and move up to creating books. It was something I loved to do. There was nothing else on this planet which engrossed me more than writing.

All my ambitions went down the drain though after the incident. I had a certain knack to write about evil characters. And...people didn't appreciate it. Before people started gaining superpowers, there were a lot of people enjoying my novels. They cheered me on and supported me. I was fucking happy.

Now? All people read about is heroes. They don't read about the adventures of a hero who was nothing but a peasant but rose up to become the king. No, they liked to read autobiographies of popular heroes with superpowers. Can you believe it? A fucking store owner could have gained the ability to breathe fire and he would be swarmed by writers to make an autobiography. What are they going to write? That, he was a great man. He picked up a fucking bread and handed it to a lady because she paid? That's what they were going to write?

It was fucking disgraceful. I couldn't write stories about how a famous male hero fell in love with a commoner. I just couldn't.

I tell you, a world without superpowers is infinitely better than a world with them.

Ah, fuck it. There is no use complaining. I had a situation ahead of me. Sam walked up to me as several people behind him took photos of me and him. When I was in 7th grade, I had wanted to show off and created a portal for 3 of my friends to see.

[Hey Joseph, how have you been?]

And this retarded version of superman, Sam, was one of them.